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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 18:15:01
Here are all of the Paint Horse color variations on the new breed artwork

Click to display
ponyhorsegirl - Howrse did actually change the Quarter Horse/Stock Horse images after the feedback they received about the neck being too long and thin, so it's entirely possible that they will change the Mustangs accordingly. I can't guarantee this will happen, but it HAS happened once already, so another time doesn't suspend disbelief.

After all, most people who are unhappy about the Mustang coat (which is almost everyone who has seen it) is upset over the neck's thickness only. This makes an improvement a very simple task for the Howrse team, and doesn't seem too out of the way or complex (as changing the Vanners or Friesians would be)
The Royal Mirage
  • Posted messages: 9,393
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Did someone say the Knab breed was being changed?! I'm started to collect that breed just because of it's looks, I hope it doesn't change!
Golden Glyndwr
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The Royal Mirage wrote:

ponyhorsegirl - Howrse did actually change the Quarter Horse/Stock Horse images after the feedback they received about the neck being too long and thin, so it's entirely possible that they will change the Mustangs accordingly. I can't guarantee this will happen, but it HAS happened once already, so another time doesn't suspend disbelief.

After all, most people who are unhappy about the Mustang coat (which is almost everyone who has seen it) is upset over the neck's thickness only. This makes an improvement a very simple task for the Howrse team, and doesn't seem too out of the way or complex (as changing the Vanners or Friesians would be)

Good point. I forgot about that. Hopefully they will alter the Mustang image then. default smiley (y)
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Pony fan - the Knabs actually look really good, from most peoples' opinions *there be spoilers ahead*

Retired breeder wrote:

I rounded up all the color variations on the new Knabs, here they are for those who are interesteddefault smiley (l)

Click to display
The Royal Mirage
  • Posted messages: 9,393
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The Royal Mirage wrote:

ponyhorsegirl - Howrse did actually change the Quarter Horse/Stock Horse images after the feedback they received about the neck being too long and thin, so it's entirely possible that they will change the Mustangs accordingly. I can't guarantee this will happen, but it HAS happened once already, so another time doesn't suspend disbelief.

After all, most people who are unhappy about the Mustang coat (which is almost everyone who has seen it) is upset over the neck's thickness only. This makes an improvement a very simple task for the Howrse team, and doesn't seem too out of the way or complex (as changing the Vanners or Friesians would be)

I agree. They should change the Mustang's neck. I am fine with the GV and the Friesian. They would look better with more fluffy manes, tails, and feathers.
AVH Lover
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Anyone got all the new coats/colour variations for the Gypsy Vanner? If they don't look nice, I'm selling all mine...
  • Posted messages: 2,287
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Retired breeder wrote:

Here are all of the Paint Horse color variations on the new breed artwork

Click to display

I like (what I am assuming are) the Tobiano and Tovero coat colours, but the Overo one doesn't really look right. To me, anyway. I think it's just the fact that the whole face is white. I know that it is a marking that can and does occur in real life, but... There's something odd about it...
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horsegal00 wrote:

Anyone got all the new coats/colour variations for the Gypsy Vanner? If they don't look nice, I'm selling all mine...

They are on Page 206, in a post with both Shetlands and Gypsy Vanners.
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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 18:40:39
are donkeys looks being changed like all the horses and ponys looks are anybody know if changing the donkeys looks to
Retired breeder wrote:

are donkeys looks being changed like all the horses and ponys looks are anybody know if changing the donkeys looks to

It is generally thought that the donkeys are not being changed. default smiley (y)
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Neferka wrote, "Sorry to burst bubbles, but that's not a new official version of the mustang. It's an edit I made in GIMP to demonstrate that the mustangs would look ok if the neck was thinner."

I suspected that the slimmed down Mustang was not official when I noticed the image's url, but the bubble certainly has been burst, all the same. My hope was so high that I was willing to believe it might be an official graphic that you had downloaded and then later hosted in a private Photobucket account so that you could share it here.

Now I hope that the admins read how much we preferred your version and that there is still time to alter theirs.

I won't hold my breath, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.

(Also, how do you modify quotes? I have seen many players do so, but I have yet to figure it out. It would be very useful for quoting smaller passages or "quotes that include quotes". Could someone who knows please reveal the secret? default smiley *-) )
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TheSilverUnicorn wrote:

(Also, how do you modify quotes? I have seen many players do so, but I have yet to figure it out. It would be very useful for quoting smaller passages or "quotes that include quotes". Could someone who knows please reveal the secret? default smiley *-) )

Do you mean only including part of a post, like I just did with your post? If so, you just highlight the part that you want to quote and then you press the quote button. default smiley :d
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I don't think the Shetland legs are small enough, from the shetlands at my yard, they are quite stubby haha.

Not 100% sure I like the Gypsy's yet default smiley :s
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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 18:54:36
Just bringing this back near the front of the discussiondefault smiley (y)
It shows all of the color variations for the Shetland Ponies and Gypsy Vanners

Retired breeder wrote:

here are Shetlands and gypsysClick to display Shetlands
Click to display
By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 18:59:46
I won't get into the feathering problem on the Vanners, but even If I over look it, another thing that strikes me as odd is their manes, they look like they need more detail and to me almost look like a blob of color on their necks. I mean this as constructive criticism. Does anyone else get what I mean?
Retired breeder wrote:

are donkeys looks being changed like all the horses and ponys looks are anybody know if changing the donkeys looks to

The donkeys have never been changed. They are the same now as they were during V1. It would be wonderful if they finally changed them. In my opinion, they are screaming for an update louder than anything on Howrse. Of course, there is no way for us to really know what Owlient plans to do with them, but they are so focused on horses, ponies, tack, ECs, and other things around the site right now that I think it's a very safe bet to say that donkeys will be overlooked this time, just like they were last time, and the time before that.

Such a shame! Long ears (my term of affection for donkeys) are offered very little respect or appreciation in the real world. It seems that is playing out here, too.
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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 19:02:47
Naw, theyre changing the vanners. Ah this is also pretty but the old ones had this kind of smirk,
By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 19:02:58
Retired breeder wrote:

Here are all of the Paint Horse color variations on the new breed artwork

Click to display

Oh, I really like those default smiley :d Paints are my favorite breed in real life. I may have to start breeding them again on the game.
ponyhorsegirl wrote:

Do you mean only including part of a post, like I just did with your post? If so, you just highlight the part that you want to quote and then you press the quote button.

Yes, that's it exactly! Thank you so much, ponyhorsegirl! default smiley :-))
  • Posted messages: 3,929
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Another thought on donkeys. If they are not updated, then they will not be able to wear visible tack.
  • Posted messages: 3,929
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I'm pretty happy with the new QH/Paint...etc. Those poor horses have been suffering from shortened noses for far too long. default smiley ;)

Donkeys could also use a new image....I'm all for that.

I do hope the admins, etc. listen on some of the coats. Most of them I am okay with...but the few that are awful (Mustangs especially)....wouldn't take too much to fix.
  • Posted messages: 5,027
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I love the Friesians how it is right now. I've seen the new version passing by, but I think it would not look like a Friesian when it will be changed into the new version. Of it would be changed I will stop breeding them within a second!

Click to display
I mean... Really...

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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 19:27:29
I think the new friesians look absolutely ridiculous! They were somewhat okay before but now they look even worse. I mean, for goodness sakes, their necks look super fakey, and their manes and tails are SHORT!!! Friesians in real life have long, beautiful, wavy mane and tails! This is just mocking them! default smiley :@
By Retired breeder, 1st April 2014 19:42:52
Rounded up another breeds colors! Here is the Akhal-Teke's full range of colors on the new breed artwork!
Click to display

Any suggestions for me on what new breed artwork you would like to see colors of next? I'll gather them nextdefault smiley (y)
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