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So I'm wondering if the hearts fight will start Monday since it hasn't started yet?
Smokeys Girl
  • Posted messages: 315
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Smokeys Girl wrote:

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So I'm wondering if the hearts fight will start Monday since it hasn't started yet?

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Actually, maybe Tuesday, because most updates happen on Tuesdays or Thursdays, plus that's Valentine's day, so that would make the most sense to me!
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By Retired breeder, 10th February 2017 15:47:53
Correction of the game update + more,,

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Because of my misuderstaning on the text and bad translating, people from UK version corrected the game update,, Sorry,, default smiley :$
Credit for all information and pictures provided goes to Shalassa and nickeldreams from UK server,,
"You can still extend for more than 30 days. You can only extend the stay within the last 30 days."
Basically you have to wait 30 days between extending the boarding of your horse,, However you can still extend your stay up to 100 days,,

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And there goes new 3 trophies pictures,,

(Ow's Helios' Ray, Vintage apple and Helios' Ray trophies)
**Updated masterpost** February 10
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Information I did not include in this is the Hearts UFO fight, which should hopefully be occurring next week sometime. Also, my apologies for the inconsistency in image sizes or if some are ginormous. I usually use TInypic, but all my image uploads are failing, so I switched to Imgur which I'm still getting the hang of.

New updates
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Basically, you can only make boarding extensions once your horse has less than 30 days of board left. Once that happens you can still extend up to 100 days. But if you have more than 30 days of board left, you have to wait to extend

Item updates
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New Trophies:
Vintage Apple - collect a number of horses wearing a Vintage Apple coat, (12 trophies)
Helios Ray - collect a number of horses with a Helios Ray landscape. (12 trophies)
Ow's Helios Ray - collect a number of horses with an Ow's Helios ray landscape. (6 trophies)

New search filters for Ow's Ray when you go to apply one:
Not yet owned

Event (P__Promo)
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In this edition you can request friends to give you water (up to 4 a day).
To make the divine plant grow you give him flies instead of the fertilizer we gave it last time. Looks like the special offer will be Gardner Packs again. We can't see the offer yet, but it's mentioned in one of the forum posts and we're told "- The Gardener packs give more water (25 instead of 20 and the probability of the seeds has been adjusted)" So I'll include the special offer information once we have that.

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There is also a new addition to the event
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The aim is to collect each version of each type of prize plant in existence. There are a total of 12 plants you can collect:
4 versions of the yellow plant => 1x fly
4 versions of the green plant => 2 x red seeds
2 versions of the red plant => 15 x water
2 versions of the orange plant => 4 x flies

I could be incorrect, but by "version" I beleive it means the image of the plant, as the plants look different even if they are the same color (a happy yellow plant, a grouchy looking yellow plant).
When you collect (harvest) all of them you get a Horn Of Plenty
When you harvest the number shown of each version you get the prize listed. So harvest 4 yellow plants to get 1 fly, collect 4 green plants to get 2 red seeds etc.
Legacy Ann
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Do we have any confirmation about the divine horses regarding the new app game? I've been playing it like heck lately and I'm kind of curious how they'll actually disperse the divines. I personally think via promo code might be most likely, but that's just me. default smiley (8) Can't wait for them if it turns out to be true.
  • Posted messages: 353
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Cybertron wrote:

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Do we have any confirmation about the divine horses regarding the new app game? I've been playing it like heck lately and I'm kind of curious how they'll actually disperse the divines. I personally think via promo code might be most likely, but that's just me. default smiley (8) Can't wait for them if it turns out to be true.

No, we still don't know anything about it
Legacy Ann
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I must say I am very excited about the new trophies, I like to collect stuff ^^
  • Posted messages: 37,444
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Manue wrote:

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I must say I am very excited about the new trophies, I like to collect stuff ^^

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Almost all my GA horses have a HR to go with the coat. It's always nice to have my hoarding tendencies recogniseddefault smiley :p
Plus I now have some motivation to use those VAs I have gathering dust.
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Manue wrote:

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I must say I am very excited about the new trophies, I like to collect stuff ^^

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Me too! I love VA's, and again (I think I mentioned this on the last page, but anyway) I still plan on collecting every single coat! This should be fun, but it'll take forever. XD
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Does anyone know when the Treasure Chest will return to the black market?

Thank you in advance default smiley :)
Golden Glyndwr
  • Posted messages: 17,554
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Golden Glyndwr wrote:

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Does anyone know when the Treasure Chest will return to the black market?

Thank you in advance default smiley :)

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the treasure chest only comes during special events as a prize or lottery as a grand prize. And the Christmas packs
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I don't think this needs to be put in a spoiler banner but please correct me if I am wrong default smiley :)

Will Vintage Apples/Vintage Apple Horses ever become tradeable? I have 4 Vintage Apples which I don't really want or need (I would rather a GA!)

I wish I could give them to players that do actually want them.
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weasleysimpala wrote:

I don't think this needs to be put in a spoiler banner but please correct me if I am wrong default smiley :)

Will Vintage Apples/Vintage Apple Horses ever become tradeable? I have 4 Vintage Apples which I don't really want or need (I would rather a GA!)

I wish I could give them to players that do actually want them.

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To be honest, I'm not really sure, but I'm still going to assume 'no' for right now, as howrse might have the same reason that they had before, which was that they didn't want players to get them confused with DA's as well, so for right now, I would say it would probably be a no, but we don't know what the future holds.
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wildfire7979 wrote:

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the treasure chest only comes during special events as a prize or lottery as a grand prize. And the Christmas packs

Yeah, and at level 7 and maybe 8 in Challenge of titans
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By Retired breeder, 11th February 2017 16:47:31
Speaking of Vintage Apples, did anyone notice that the Fjord coats such as "Rodblakk" are some of the coat colors you can narrow your search to, but nothing comes up?

Does that mean they are going to release them at a later date or is that something they
overlooked and forgot to remove before they added them to the game?
Retired breeder wrote:

Speaking of Vintage Apples, did anyone notice that the Fjord coats such as "Rodblakk" are some of the coat colors you can narrow your search to, but nothing comes up? Does that mean they are going to release them at a later date or is that something they overlooked and forgot to remove before they added them to the game?
Are you searching for that coat on a horse? The Rodblakk is pony only (Fjord), and while you can place coats of a different breed or color on your horse, it does need to be the same species. So if you're using a Pony to search that coat it will come up. If you're using a horse, it won't.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 11th February 2017 16:54:39
Ohhh, is that what I am doing wrong? My bad. default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 11th February 2017 16:57:24
Sorry about that, I hadn't considered it would have mattered since you can select any breed.
No worries, I've done that with the VA before too. The search filter is a bit goofy for listing all the coat options, even if it isn't available for the species you have pulled up. The breed type displays correctly, but then it goes and displays *all* the coats possibly available in total.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 11th February 2017 23:50:15
Retired breeder wrote:

Only took 2 tries; what luck! Good Luck To EVERYONE!

You've won!
You've chosen to claim your gifts on level 5...

Level 1
6,000 Equus
4 aging points
50 x Carrot

Level 2
Water of Youth

Level 3
Black Orchid

Level 4
Hestia's Gift

Level 5
A wild horse of the Sorraia breed, that will be added to your account in a few minutes!

The opposite of my luck...I managed to scrounge up two passes, spent them, and got...a whip. Hooray.
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2017 01:28:28
Hiya! I've been gone a long while, any major updates I should know about?default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2017 13:03:37
Retired breeder wrote:

Hiya! I've been gone a long while, any major updates I should know about?default smiley :)

Yes. Scroll back a few pages.
weasleysimpala wrote:

I don't think this needs to be put in a spoiler banner but please correct me if I am wrong default smiley :)

Will Vintage Apples/Vintage Apple Horses ever become tradeable? I have 4 Vintage Apples which I don't really want or need (I would rather a GA!)

I wish I could give them to players that do actually want them.

I have been giving them away on my page as I don't want them because you can't sell the horses.
starlight dreamer!
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wildfire7979 wrote:

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the treasure chest only comes during special events as a prize or lottery as a grand prize. And the Christmas packs

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Ah, okay. Because I remember it it the Black Market maybe about nine months ago default smiley xd Long I know
Golden Glyndwr
  • Posted messages: 17,554
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What does the

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little "info" page on Yggdrasil say? Sorry if it's already been posted, can't find it in the thread (but I may be bad at searching)
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