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Does anyone know the prizes for the upcoming lottery?
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By Retired breeder, 18th February 2017 11:58:12
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Spyder, that's exactly why I'm writing to all of you here. Because it wasn't an illegal accounts, totally. We know our community, we know who is illegal and who is not, and almost all of those that have been blocked were legal, never ever violated any Howrse's rule. Most of the blocked players - those who just have a large number of passes (200+) on their accounts. But there aslo is an exception, those players who practically have no passes or Equus. So I don't know what's going on, but it's clearly not a fair Howrse's job on finding and removing illegal accounts.
Retired breeder wrote:

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Spyder, that's exactly why I'm writing to all of you here. Because it wasn't an illegal accounts, totally. We know our community, we know who is illegal and who is not, and almost all of those that have been blocked were legal, never ever violated any Howrse's rule. Most of the blocked players - those who just have a large number of passes (200+) on their accounts. But there aslo is an exception, those players who practically have no passes or Equus. So I don't know what's going on, but it's clearly not a fair Howrse's job on finding and removing illegal accounts.

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this happened to me a ND my son last Christmas as well as a friend of mine and her boyfriend and several others last Christmas. .I have been sanctioned for things others do all the time and agree the system is not where it should be. My son was so disheartened that he decided not to come back. He had about thirty rcs he had been gifted that were lost
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So, people are having their accounts deleted for having TOO many passes is what I've gathered from most of this. When is there going to be a happy medium? There could be a chance that people even bought those passes with real money as well.
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I sincerely hope that there's more to this account deleting than simply having gathered some passes. It would be more logical to assume that the accounts have been marked as suspicious if they received multiple passes for strange sales from several accounts or something similar to that. I find it very strange that accounts that clearly have gained passes in legal ways, such as from pass horses, divines or by selling valuable horses should be suspected of doing illegal things, since it's actually possible to track where the passes originated from and what was sold in order to get them. If someone sells a divine for a large amount of passes there's nothing strange about it. Selling low value horses for passes however is, for example
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
HappyHorse12 wrote:

Does anyone know the prizes for the upcoming lottery?

I nearly posted them, but they looked the same from the last lottery so I didn't. If you do want to see them you can look up Total Cretin on youtube as I think she did a video of the last Lottery
Legacy Ann
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Manue wrote:

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I sincerely hope that there's more to this account deleting than simply having gathered some passes. It would be more logical to assume that the accounts have been marked as suspicious if they received multiple passes for strange sales from several accounts or something similar to that. I find it very strange that accounts that clearly have gained passes in legal ways, such as from pass horses, divines or by selling valuable horses should be suspected of doing illegal things, since it's actually possible to track where the passes originated from and what was sold in order to get them. If someone sells a divine for a large amount of passes there's nothing strange about it. Selling low value horses for passes however is, for example

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True, but it happened multiple times that people were banned for no reason at all. Happened on my server as well, but they were all non-buyers. Smeone, who put a lot of money in game , wasn't ever found, even though someone was using script on his account.
The worst part is that owlient doesn't want to give proof of your multiaccounts/anything that they found.
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By Retired breeder, 18th February 2017 16:44:09

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many players from rus server who were banned yesterday, received their passes only for the purchase in the game. So even if you in fact legally bought every pass - you are still not protected from beign blocked just for the company of other players, which the administration considered that they have too many passes on their accounts. This is the situation we now have. We are trying to fight with it because a lot of honest and loyal game players were injured.
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what do you mean exactly with "wasn't ever found"? I don't want to say that people are lying or something like that, but I think we can both agree it seems very odd that they'd randomly target some accounts, and leave others be. There has got to be something that leads them to suspect certain accounts. As in your example, if I understood it correctly, we had the script, reagrdless of who was executing it. Regarding the fact that they don't display evidence I guess that has to do with the terms we agree to when we create an account, where we actually agree to the fact that they don't have to motivate anything they do to our accounts, basically. But yes, this whole thing is very interesting, and very difficult to make sense of considering we lack a lot of infromation.
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Shishi no Seirei wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Agreed 100%.

We are not Mods or Admins or know what goes on behind the scenes so speculating only creates an atmosphere of unrest and mistrust ( and some people thrive on that).

We already had one debunked post that was made up as a joke and just don't appreciate "things" being brought over here that are unsubstantiated.

I say we just drop this whole line of discussion as it simply breeds unrest and mistrust. default smiley (o)
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This topic is not meant for discussions of other players, whether here or on other servers. It isn't helpful to speculate about other people and it just creates an unpleasant atmosphere. Anyone who has an issue with their game can always contact a moderator or use "contact us" but posting here, even when using a spoiler tag is not appropriate.

Please stick to the intended purpose of this topic - up and coming updates and information on promotions etc which affect game play.
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Spyder, I've been away, which one was debunked/a prank? Was it the divines associated with the new game?

minkthepink - and panic attacks.
Sport Horse Breeder
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Sport Horse Breeder wrote:

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Spyder, I've been away, which one was debunked/a prank? Was it the divines associated with the new game?

minkthepink - and panic attacks.

We still know nothing about the
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"divines" from the Etria app. We don't know whether they will be introduced to the game or not.

The prank we had was last month that was done by some well known French players who often post information they find during preprod. They decided to falsify an update and claimed they saw it on preprod but they confessed a few days later that it was a prank they designed. It's not connected to any of the information that has been posted lately.
Legacy Ann
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Can someone please tell me
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What servers the pass horse change has been put on I want to test it out to see what it'll be like before it gets put on here so I can be sort of prepared for it thanks
horseluvr2 wrote:

Can someone please tell me
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What servers the pass horse change has been put on I want to test it out to see what it'll be like before it gets put on here so I can be sort of prepared for it thanks

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The CZ, IT, and BG servers have had it since November, and it was recently introduced on the RU server as well.

The CZ server has an ongoing events topic about if you want to keep up to date with the news concerning it. The Russian server's topic was locked and it doesn't look like they have any other topics to discuss it in. I'm not sure about the other two servers.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,191
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Thank you @LegacyAnn that was really helpful
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Do we know how many golden fleeces it'll take to get Lug?
  • Posted messages: 353
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Cybertron wrote:

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Do we know how many golden fleeces it'll take to get Lug?

It really just depends on your personal luck
・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・
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Thank you so much, Legacy Ann! default smiley (l)
Sport Horse Breeder
  • Posted messages: 1,623
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Cybertron wrote:

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Do we know how many golden fleeces it'll take to get Lug?

Got Scorpio on my first when he was in the Golden Fleece, tried 4 times for I Love You without any result, so it's all about luck. (I don't think this has to go in a spoiler banner because they've already passed? Correct me if I'm wrong please)
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 19th February 2017 17:52:47
What is more profitable? A golden fleece or titan's challenge?
Retired breeder wrote:

What is more profitable? A golden fleece or titan's challenge?

It depends on what you win - they are both 2 passes, and both can give multiple BM items and a divine - which you choose is up to you
Raf's Mum
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