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Something I read upthread..

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What's this about a Divine that everyone is getting?
The Smol
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By Retired breeder, 15th November 2016 16:12:45
Hi, I'm an Italian version player (nearly 2000 days there) and I played quite competitive in our server. I just want to write here my opinion and our experience on new P. features
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I was one of the people that had few pass horses, every month I could get 10 passes for the VIP subscription and I could get other from the other oldest or sell them and still get passes.
I was obviously scared about the change, like many others, elders and newbies. But there were also newbies that were happy about this change, hoping to get more passes than ever with a little effort (the less horses you have, the less work you have to do).

After the "test period" started, not only the eldest were against the new system, but also many newbies found it very difficult.
The actions needed to get the daily 10 points aren't known and it seems that changes every day. We are trying and sharing opinions and experiences to find out a good method, but we didn't understand quite nothing so far.

A bounch of ideas came out, like: you have to write on forums, spend passes, take care of horses (not many after all), take care of E.C., partecipate the events. But, as I said, it seems to change every day, so we are quite desperate.

The divine horse (Yggdrasil) is..... unuseful. In any way. You kill those 10 old horses and you have it. End of the story. Oh right! You have also a beautiful rank of the oldest Yggdrasil! Very nice.
(yes, I'm sarcastic)

Conclusion of this looooong post:
We tested it once, we are still "testing" it and we don't like it.
Many of us shared great ideas, compromises between player will and Owlient-Ubisoft will.
It could be good if: points would be easier to get (they took from us 21 extra passes per month, after all); when you have like 25/30 points and you get more than 5, you still recive the remaining points after claiming the pass; we keep the new feature but we want an add-on, like another system to get at least other 10 passes, maybe like the old pass horse system, just to help out the loyal players.
I also want you to know that we are a very small community, there are many children (and even if they can't, they play without parents supervision), there are many players that play some times, there are few pass-buyers, so we have issues and incomprehensions bigger than other versions. Our polls never get the quorum, let's think about this.

Sorry for my bad English, I'm Italian and I'm not good at this default smiley :s
By Retired breeder, 15th November 2016 16:34:25
Retired breeder wrote:

Sorry for my bad English, I'm Italian and I'm not good at this default smiley :s

Your English is very good. default smiley :)default smiley (y)
The Smol wrote:

Something I read upthread..

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What's this about a Divine that everyone is getting?

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Yggdrasil. You get him by sending 10 horses aged 25+ to heaven, so he is very easy to get for all players (though it may take a bit of time for people who do not already have 10 old mortal horses). Once you have him you can send more old (25+ years) horses to heaven to earn tree rings. Tree rings are used to age him, and as he ages he visibly grows (his picture changes) and you can access an album of his appearance at each stage. There is also a ranking for who has the oldest Yggdrasil. Other than that, he is useless. Not just 'no perks' useless, but you can't do anything with him, not even basic grooming and feeding. So it is less getting a divine and more getting a pretty picture.
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By Retired breeder, 15th November 2016 18:34:38
Does anyone know what page I could find a list of all the Celtic cards ( and what they contain). Mainly I would like to know what the diamond card (not used to complete the puzzles) is. Hope this makes sense default smiley :s
@hmheather - here you go.
I forgot who provided it - but all kudos to that person of course

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By Retired breeder, 15th November 2016 18:57:32
ok, thank you!
By Retired breeder, 15th November 2016 20:14:05
Antheia wrote:

And I'm sorry if my above post offends anyone, it is just what I have seen from my perspective.

I am afraid thats true Lizzie new players find it amazing players that arent active find it amazing players that understand the struggles don't like it (me)
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 15th November 2016 20:35:42
So wait...as of right now can we get the Celtic horse (forgot his name, but it starts with an M) from sending 10 horses over the age of 25 to heaven? Or is that on a different server?
By Retired breeder, 15th November 2016 20:55:46
Retired breeder wrote:

So wait...as of right now can we get the Celtic horse (forgot his name, but it starts with an M) from sending 10 horses over the age of 25 to heaven? Or is that on a different server?

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The divine you can get from sending horses to heaven is Ygrdassil or whatever his name is.
He's not here yet though, or at least im not very informed on this topic,
Retired breeder wrote:

So wait...as of right now can we get the Celtic horse (forgot his name, but it starts with an M) from sending 10 horses over the age of 25 to heaven? Or is that on a different server?

No. Morrigan is only obtainable by completing the cards promo. The divine mentioned above is
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Yggdrasil. He will not be released until sometime next year (although he has already been introduced to the IT, CZ and...one other server which I cannot remember at the moment XD). He will be introduced at the same time as pass horses are removed from the game, as he will be the new 'use' given to horses that die aged 25+.
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I think the third is Bulgarian.
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By Retired breeder, 15th November 2016 23:02:32
Okay thanks! default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 16th November 2016 00:09:39
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 16th November 2016 00:13:13
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 16th November 2016 00:18:05
Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

I suggest going back and reading over the last few pages. Also talk about upcoming feaures has to have a spoiler banner.
By Retired breeder, 16th November 2016 01:22:00
Hello, everyone. I am a bit confused about it, so could someone summarize the rumor about

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pass horses being removed

for me? Is it actually going to happen? If so, when? And why? I have tried reading over the past few pages, but I'm still kinda confused default smiley xd Thanks!
Retired breeder wrote:

Hello, everyone. I am a bit confused about it, so could someone summarize the rumor about

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pass horses being removed

for me? Is it actually going to happen? If so, when? And why? I have tried reading over the past few pages, but I'm still kinda confused default smiley xd Thanks!

It is going to happen, and is already live on the IT, CZ and BG servers. On page 1941, MeOw confirmed that it will be coming to the International server. We don't know when exactly, just that it won't be this year. As for why, there is a lot of speculation but no official reason given (that I have seen).
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By Retired breeder, 16th November 2016 08:38:14
Anyone have a plan if how to get the divine default smiley :) x
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone have a plan if how to get the divine default smiley :) x

Which divine? If you mean
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Yggdrasil, then it is less of a plan and more an inevitability that anyone with an AP farm of mortal horses will get him.
If you don't have an AP farm and still want him, then buy 10 cheap mortal horses (without WoY) now and care for all of them every day (if you just groom, mission, feed, bed it will take less than 5 minutes a day to do all of them). We still have well over a month left before the new year, so if you start with ten 15 year old horses now, they should be around 25 years old by the time Yggdrasil is introduced even if you don't use AP (provided you care for them every day; 10 years = 60 ageings). Once the divine is introduced to the game, kill off the horses once they reach 25+ (or let them die naturally, if you prefer, though they will be in their 30s before their health drops low enough for that) and send them to Heaven.
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By Retired breeder, 16th November 2016 09:50:11
no hehehe celtic one sorry i wasnt cleardefault smiley :) but i dont think there is a plan as its based on luck but is there an order for buying cards like 10 this weekend etc
By Retired breeder, 16th November 2016 11:21:12
hannah1, this thread is for spoilers on upcoming promos and game changes, not for promos currently in progress. There is a thread for the current promo where you can go and ask.
Okay so I've seen about the Xmas promo & the holiday packs but I was wondering if anyone knows if there will be any divines going into the reserved sales soon? I know Howrse put the water divines in the reserves sales just after the Xmas promo last year, will something similar happen this year?
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