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By Retired breeder, 14th November 2016 22:15:07
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I wish Howrse would just leave the game alone for a while and stop trying to change things. I might have to leave due to the stress that all these changes will cause. You may ask "how does a game stress you out?", let me explain.

I rely on those passes to keep my vip going, as I no longer buy passes, which means I more or less need to spend a lot of time on here just to "maybe" get those points. This "maybe" part is what stresses me out as there is no way I can completely be sure I have got my points, which means I will need to push myself to get all these points. I suffer headaches and so can't stay at a computer long as otherwise it triggers one. With pass horses it was a simple case of buy a 30 year old horse and Heaven it, now? Spend ages running around and trying to get these points.

I feel that this change will only benefit those that don't bother with pass horses in the first place. So in short those that go to the trouble of doing something are once again being made to suffer. It should be the opposite in my opinion.

Will there ever be an award for loyalty? Or will Howrse continue to reward those that just wait for free things? I see loads of changes made for newer players, but, it would be nice if older players could have something nice once in a while.
Pega wrote:

Regarding the P-horse change I found the following actions on UK server translation centre counting towards the 10 points.
I don't think we can talk about "normal" game play here, there's pretty much advanced or hyper active game play needed and huge amount of luck to gather those elusive points a day. Everybody can guess for themselves how many passes they would earn with this massive scale of random actions to perform.
Call it a loyal player put off new system.

There is nothing official or proven that your list is the one that applies or that any list applies.

I do the same thing day in and day out even in the same order. What your list does represent is what many different players may do inside 1 day. Now 99% of the time I get 10 points and believe me I rarely do even 10% of what that list comprises of. Occasionally I will get 9 or even 8 points.

I put forward my idea of what I think the 10 points compromises of and it fits what I have experienced. I believe there is a core group of actions 99% of us do daily that will get you a certain number of points. I believe there is a random list of "extra" actions that are randomized daily so that you could hit enough of them to get 10 points for a number of days until the random actions change and you may miss one or two resulting you getting 8 or 9 points.

My theory fits on all of my accounts on 4 different servers so I am not going to go around saying "the sky is falling" when I see no such thing.
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By Retired breeder, 14th November 2016 22:35:20
Is there any new breed of horse coming out soon?
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This is very interesting. I am looking at this list, even I do not do most of this stuff-though I have been on this game for over 5 years. I find it a little ridiculous. I am (was) a VIP player who had almost 1 year of subscription and the only way that was possible was through pass horse system. I worked VERY hard on here to finally reach #670-something in General Ranks, be eligible for VIP, and getting the divines I have right now.I have grown up on the P-H system and looking at the economy of howrse over the years. It has boomed. Primarily, from having the option of getting free passes.

Reduction of this ability will result in a fallout for howrse, not only from player's buying and selling of horses but of everything. This is no different than real life (example United States), all the jobs (passes) are now overseas (in this case, gone forever), how are people going to spend when there is no way to get income?

There is no way you can plan out your weekly expense or income. At least with the P-H system, you have a few days to make it up if you cannot kill a pass horse due to real life commitment.
I believe the basics of what howrse was originally built on is what should be counted as ways to gain points. (below)

Pega wrote:

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play with a foal

birth of a foal


give a horse a carrot

give a horse a mash


board a horse at an equestrian centre

choose a horse's specialty

train a horse

stroke a horse

enter a competition

win a competition


use an ageing point

enter the Grand Prix


buy a product from the store

sell a horse in auctions

purchase a horse in direct sales
Königin Katze
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@Eponas Loyalty

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I understand how this is upsetting to you. I think it is mostly good, because then you dont have to spend a ton of aging points and work hard to get them. Also sending horses to heaven is not completely useless, you cam get a divine and make if grow. I know it is upsetting to you, but for others it is not all bad.
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By Retired breeder, 14th November 2016 23:11:14
cheanut wrote:

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I understand how this is upsetting to you. I think it is mostly good, because then you dont have to spend a ton of aging points and work hard to get them. Also sending horses to heaven is not completely useless, you cam get a divine and make if grow. I know it is upsetting to you, but for others it is not all bad.

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A useless divine that in reality gives you nothing. Yes, I'd much rather have that over an extra 20 passes per month. And actually it will be more work to get those points then to save up and get a pass horse.

I am personally fed up of everything just being handed out and would like some things to still require work.
Honestly though, with our current system
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you have a better chance of getting a divine, one that has an actual gift giving perk, than you will under the new system. You currently have more passes available to you and you can get them throughout the month, not just 1 every 3 days *minimum* which allows for better personal distribution. The recent Jade re-release is a good example of that even though I opened a ridiculous amount and didn't get him. I sent extra horses to Heaven to get about 25 extra passes to open more Fleeces. You won't be doing that once they take pass horses away. If we were under the new system this past weekend I wouldn't have bothered trying for him at all because I knew I wouldn't be able to get him with the resources I had on hand.

For a long time I've argued that players can get divines without buying passes with real money, because of the current free pass methods. Not to sure I'll be arguing that once the new system comes in since we're getting shorted quite a bit.

I reached 30 days on my CZ account the other day so I can get an idea of how hard it is to get pass points, so we'll see if I change my mind, but I really doubt I will.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 15th November 2016 00:15:28
I have no idea if anything of this has to be in spoiler..

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To add to this about pass horses. Getting your horses to pass age is not even that hard. Even new players can breed out few horses (or buy when they reach enough seniority to directs) and take basic care of them like groom, feed and bed. You can add lessons just for some gain in equus to replace boarding cost or if you have free boxes in your own EC you can board horses there. This process takes about few months (less when you use APs if you really need to age them faster or you have older horses) And before you tell you dont have time for this you really think you will have time to do these actions each day to maybe get a pass every 3 days? I find it difficult to get 10 points a day especially now when school started. Only good thing I see is new divine. Now players who never owned one can say they have divine but that divine will probably be there collecting dust in most of our farms. Process of taking 10 horses will last 2-5 minutes and if you do that every day you will easily have your own pass horses who you can send to heaven or sell. After sometime that little farm will get bigger. Dont forget you can cover your mares you take care of so you dont have to buy horses. Im not for that that any of us spends 6 hours in row staring at screen just to get some points on another game on internet, me first. I want to get my hobbies, school and riding lessons done as well but at the same time when I get home I want to enjoy my time spent on internet. Im willing to give a chance to new pass system but if it is like our others colleagues from others servers says then I dont see really birght future of this game.

*Sorry for any mistakes in sentences. Im writing from my phone and autocorrect kept correcting words to my language default smiley (lol)

About promo.
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Does anyone know when cars pack are coming out? default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 15th November 2016 00:16:07
Cards not cars default smiley (d)
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I'm so frustrated with the new pass system. Everything is going to go down in value because no one will have passes to spare. Tempted to just top playing, 5 years on this game and all their changes haven't been as bad as this one. I really don't understand how I'm supposed to carry on playing how I do now after the changes, all my effort into my team is going to go down the drain because I won't be a let to keep it up.

This is just all so frustrating, Ubisoft really need to pull this idea, doubt they will. But they pulled that RC bmi a while back because of our uproar. I'm definitely not playing nearly half as much as I do now if they go through with this, I was even going to buy a Christmas pack this year for my 18th. Not getting my money anymore Ubisoft!
starlight dreamer!
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starlight dreamer!
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Retired breeder wrote:

About promo.
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Does anyone know when cars pack are coming out? default smiley :)
Special offers/packs always come on the 2nd and last weekend of a promo so look for the packs on Friday.
Legacy Ann
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I have been thinking a lot about the new
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pass change. I think it will not be as bad as everyone thinks, and that some people are over-reacting. All you have to do to get a pass is do regular things on the game. I do regular things on the game every day, and already get 10 points. You can get a pass every 3 days. You dont have to use any aging points, so I think it is more efficient. I think the changes will benefit me, but I understand if others don't agree.
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By Retired breeder, 15th November 2016 00:41:25
@Legacy thank you! Im never sure about these things default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 15th November 2016 00:44:22
cheanut wrote:

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pass change. I think it will not be as bad as everyone thinks, and that some people are over-reacting. All you have to do to get a pass is do regular things on the game. I do regular things on the game every day, and already get 10 points. You can get a pass every 3 days. You dont have to use any aging points, so I think it is more efficient. I think the changes will benefit me, but I understand if others don't agree.

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I don't think people are over reacting, considering many have posted that they did almost everything possible and couldn't get ten points, so I doubt it will be ten passes a month. :/ This change will massively hurt my game and many others, especially those that have built their game around pass horses. It also isn't "regular things", but rather sounds like having to spend a ton, just to get these points if the list that was posted is accurate.
You don't have to use aging points on your pass horses.
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I keep 6 groups of at least 10 horses with 5 different age ranges in each group. Do basic care daily and let them age over night and in 6 months you have a pass horse. If you have your groups set up like I do you have a rolling system so you're not actually waiting 6 months.

And for those wanting that
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new divine you'll have to send older horses to heaven anyway. Though it's only 25 yr old horses, not 30. So basically you're still doing the pass horse work, you're just not getting passes for the effort you put into it. I've also been following along the Pass Update topic on the CZ server where players are actively playing with this new system and they make our concerns seem tame in comparison. A week after its introduction to their live server and the players are still upset with it because many are reporting they are no longer getting 10 points like they did with the original Loyal Player Pass(the 30 day one). I also don't look forwards to having to remember to check the pass gauge where I'm at every day to see when I have to play that mini game. Which is nigh impossible on mobile by the way.

Anyway, I promise to bite my tongue about it now. At least until the next piece of bad news about it comes alongdefault smiley (lol)
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 15th November 2016 01:04:07
Pega wrote:

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Regarding the P-horse change I found the following actions on UK server translation centre counting towards the 10 points.
I don't think we can talk about "normal" game play here, there's pretty much advanced or hyper active game play needed and huge amount of luck to gather those elusive points a day. Everybody can guess for themselves how many passes they would earn with this massive scale of random actions to perform.
Call it a loyal player put off new system.

While some will not agree with you and state so blatantly in a quoted post here. I *DO* agree with you as do MANY others and this is making it harder for those that are truly loyal (and even those that are not) to maintain their games here.
By Retired breeder, 15th November 2016 08:15:10
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things are seriously getting annoying lately, bad quality promos and changes no one accepts, are messing the whole game.I can't tell from your own view but from my own HOWRSE is starting to ROT.No offence to anyone but things lately have gone really bad in circumstances that only VIP's can ignore,the reason why(the game is not fun)anymore at least.Just cause many of you will take this in a bad WAY I always loved horse but not anymore.Things that were about to improve got COMPLETELY ruined.Getting passes easily(level 4)now getting passes easily(level 11).The thing that bothers me the most is that we don't get to see the quests for the points, I mean this is so unfair in levels that nothing can reach.In a little while people will be getting like 1 pass in 400 days.If they're lucky.Low your prices I am preety sure that the only way to get passes will be to buy them no one is going to pay 100.00 dollars/british pounds/euros for 100 passes these tricks are not pleasant.AN IDEA:why don't you ask the players for what kind of change they would like to have like a voting or something
@ Spyder:

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I did not say "all" of this applies, nor did I say it is "proven". I said I took it from UK server translation centre. Usually sentences that are on game already do pop up there once you put the right terms into the search bar. So these actions are in written form on the game "somewhere". Means there is some valid point in assuming they apply to the change, especially as I went and put the exact needed words into the search function over there.
This does not imply that "all" of the found actions apply every day for every player. Pretty sure it does not. But let it be one action for player X one day and player X lost a whole pass due to action they can't do. Or missed to do.
I'd say it's fairly easy already to miss out with the monthly bar. I play on 2 servers and keep missing points on both, although I am very active on this server. Breaking the missed points down to a 3 day schedule I'm not seeing me ever getting 10 passes out of this. Additional the 11th (monthly) pass will be missing anyway.
The sky isn't falling because a game messes things up, no. But the incent to play the game is falling. This is neither the sky, nor life threatening or whatever you want to say, it is just a game dying on us, a game that we used to love. I play with a mix of passes, earned and additional bought. If the earned ones won't be the number I am used to and need I am not replacing them with bought ones. Means the game play shrinks. I reckon those more active players left on here play with a mix of passes as well, at least those I know do. Taking one side of the mix away or cutting it down to impossible won't further the other side of buying passes. This is NOT a loyal player award, a loyal player award would be to reward for normal, and I mean "normal" daily game play actions that don't include spending, jumping around, guessing if you done the right things ....
I have been working more than 20 years in service related jobs. If I had told my customers: " Oh sure, you can get our voucher, but you first have to stand on your head, sing karaoke, run around the block, eat a plate of food you don't like .... and maybe then you can have it, maybe !" Those customers would have tipped finger on forehead and left the location.
To me the free passes are those vouchers on here, you have to do something for them, like playing the game, raising pass horses or make money to buy some. Sure thing and perfectly alright as customer you know what to do the get the reward. It's the same like going to the shop that hands out those vouchers for coming back and buying little things regulary. Players ARE customers at least from the psychological side of the matter. And they react the exact same way.
So Howrse would be better off when they change the system, to not call it loyal player whatever, just leave this term out. Call it "We don't want you to earn 11 free passes a month due to your work and loyalty but we want you to mess about with tasks you will never get to know if they are needed or not".

The point is:
With this system we got now every player can earn the reward when putting some effort into their game, each and every player can do this. The new system won't give this. A player earns a pass IF they fall lucky for 3 days to get the right tasks and be lucky to actually do them.
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first of all i may or may not have an account on all three servers that are testing the pass change or just one or two or maybe all three. not telling

so a fact is that you will NOT be getting 10 points a day. i have been testing this out. i do the same thing every day and not getting 10 points each day. i have tried doing extra things and nope still not 10 points every day.

to those saying you are able to get at least 9 points a day. this is very misleading.

so the simple fact is

you go from being able to get 30 passes a month plus bmi items that cost 1 pass to get MAYBE being able to get 10 passes a month (that is what everyone is stating it will be) and NO bmis

plus you are losing that 1 free pass a month that used to be when you got 300 points and before that get a pass after 30 days for a certain percentage of your equus.

maybe now everyone will understand why so many are upset.

wicked witch
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wicked witch wrote:

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first of all i may or may not have an account on all three servers that are testing the pass change or just one or two or maybe all three. not telling

so a fact is that you will NOT be getting 10 points a day. i have been testing this out. i do the same thing every day and not getting 10 points each day. i have tried doing extra things and nope still not 10 points every day.

to those saying you are able to get at least 9 points a day. this is very misleading.

so the simple fact is

you go from being able to get 30 passes a month plus bmi items that cost 1 pass to get MAYBE being able to get 10 passes a month (that is what everyone is stating it will be) and NO bmis

plus you are losing that 1 free pass a month that used to be when you got 300 points and before that get a pass after 30 days for a certain percentage of your equus.

maybe now everyone will understand why so many are upset.

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Sooo.. We go from 31 free passes every month plus like 30 1 pass BMIs to.. maybe 10, depending on variables we do not know plus a useless divine. Eh.. thanks Howrse I guess?

"jokes" aside. Getting passhorses is NOT hard at all. You do not have to spend ageing points or buy them in the sales. All you need is 50 horses that you take care every day, which takes 5 minutes maximum. 10 of them 0-5 years old, 10 5-10 years old, 10 10-15 years old, 10 15-20 years old and 10 20-25 years old. After one month = 10 pass horses as it takes 1 month for a horse to age 5 years. This is if you want those 10 guaranteed passes. This is way easier than trying to reach the unknown goals set up by howrse to get the loyalty passes. It probably takes way more than 5 minutes every day to achieve those goals.

Plus, I'm guessing Howrse is relying on us forgetting to get that pass since I'm guessing you have to press a button and play a minigame every time. Since most won't be able to get those 10 points/day, it's going to be somewhat irregular when we can get the pass. And since the meter most likely can't fill past the limit to get the pass, we'll probably lose out on a fair bit of points simply because we cannot get 10/day.

I'm gonna guess that I as a very active player on the Swedish server (AP-farming 1000 horses every day, 2 top Grand Prix teams, 2nd in overall ranking, 200+ divines, you get the idea) will get maybe 8 passes every month. Well plus that useless divine which will be no big deal considering I usually get 150-200 pass horses every month.
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By Retired breeder, 15th November 2016 12:36:31

Stats for this GA, please default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 15th November 2016 12:37:50

Stats for this GA, please? default smiley (l)

(Sorry about the DP, thought I posted a picture!)
cheanut wrote:

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pass change. I think it will not be as bad as everyone thinks, and that some people are over-reacting. All you have to do to get a pass is do regular things on the game. I do regular things on the game every day, and already get 10 points. You can get a pass every 3 days. You dont have to use any aging points, so I think it is more efficient. I think the changes will benefit me, but I understand if others don't agree.

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Many newer players and players who don't play often enough, think is only good for them as they can't afford to buy pass horses or have the time or an active AP farm to 'make' their own pass horses.

Reality is, it isn't good for anyone. The newer or players who don't play often will have to spend more time on the game and change the way they play to get these points/passes. I can't see players who are just starting their game or players who are now and then players adjusting their game play. And us players who play often, know the game very well and have funds/knowledge to get enough pass horses, also get shot in the foot. Long term, the passes in circulation will have an affect on the game, in a bad way. Players won't have the passes to buy horses in sales, pass horses will go down in price, to name a few.

Whilst I am not hugely bothered, I can see why a lot of players are frustrated.
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And I'm sorry if my above post offends anyone, it is just what I have seen from my perspective.
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