[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Thank you so much ShoraNaji!
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By Retired breeder, 20th November 2016 15:59:12
Does anyone know what will be after
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xmas trees?

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After this current promo, it is the Tree Decorating, Advent Calendar, Snowball fight UFO catching
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After this current promo, it is the Tree Decorating, Advent Calendar, Snowball fight UFO catching
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Oops sorry for the double post!
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By Retired breeder, 20th November 2016 16:11:09
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so you don't know what will be after this three events? default smiley :d

No, we do not know that yet.
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By Retired breeder, 20th November 2016 18:42:20
so ive been hearing that soon howrse is going to make it so that players on the international server wont be able to use pass horses anymore...is this true? and if so why?
In regards to the P__change, information regarding this needs to be posted in a spoiler as it's not common knowledge.
Retired breeder wrote:

so ive been hearing that soon howrse is going to make it so that players on the international server wont be able to use
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Admin posted awhile back that the pass change will come to Howrse, but not before the end of this year. We will also be warned of this in advance. We haven't been given legitimate reasons by Admin for the change
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 20th November 2016 18:50:03
I thought this was the spoiler topic??!! Can someone please just tell me where to go to find info on this? default smiley :s
Retired breeder wrote:

I thought this was the spoiler topic??!! Can someone please just tell me where to go to find info on this? default smiley :s
It is the spoiler topic, but we still need to put information not currently on the game in a spoiler banner so that players doing keyword searches don't accidentally stumble on information they don't want spoiled for them. I answered your questions, but was there something else about it you'd like to know?
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 20th November 2016 18:56:10
i just wanted to know where i could find a disscussion or something on this....
Retired breeder wrote:

i just wanted to know where i could find a disscussion or something on this....
It's mostly been discussed here throughout many, many pages as there is no official topic on it. The most recent discussion occurred throughout pages 1954-1958 or so. Here is the main information about it though
Retired breeder wrote:

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**PASS HORSES CHANGE, NEW RANKINGS, INTRODUCING NEW DIVINE** The changes will be applied on 8.11.2016 (November) > Only on few servers CZ, IT 1) You can earn one pass per 3 days, through loyalty pass player. How? The daily limit for points achieved (10) will be replaced with maximum of 30. 2) Do not let your old horses die for passes. Keep them, as there will be new Divine horse, which will be achievable only, by sending old horses to heaven. --If you send to heaven 10 horses, older than 25 years, you'll get new Divine. (More infor from Ow next week.) 3) New rakings "Number of horses sent to the heaven this month" - This ranking will count EVERY HORSE sent to heaven, no matter it's age since 1. of every month. "Number of old horses sent to heaven this month" - This ranking will count only horses OLDER than 25 years, sent to heaven since 1. of every month. "Number of horses sold to Safe Haven this month" -This ranking will count EVERY horse, no matter it's age, sold to Safe Haven since 1. of every month.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 20th November 2016 19:03:49
Im so sorry if somebody already asked this question, but will there be another special offer for the card promo?
I mean, does the ''4 card = 1 pass'' offer come back?
Hi there. I remember the Howrse Team mentioning something about taking the pass horses away and that you couldn't kill them off to get passes anymore. Did they take this away yet? Or will they at all?

Thank you so much!
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gabbigirl1 wrote:

Hi there. I remember the Howrse Team mentioning something about taking

I answered these questions on this very page. Have a read through and you should find the answers you need
Legacy Ann
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In terms of the christmas event, is it random which item you receive amongst those offered by a certain tree, including the divine tree? Thanks! Eg. Can you chose specifically to receive a Balios for example
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good_morningg wrote:

is it random which item you receive amongst those offered

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This year it is not random. When you choose which forest you want a tree from you can scroll through the trees and there will be a little picture that tells you which item that tree will bring back. So you know exactly what you're bringing back.

There is an image example in the "Picking your prize" spoiler in the masterpost on the previous page.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 20th November 2016 23:48:42
I feel like the new pass system is more confusing. The only thing I am happy about is that it might keep people from "saving" horses from the safe haven.
For the next promo
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Are you able to by ornaments with passes? If so how much does this cost?
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By Retired breeder, 21st November 2016 01:14:02
I am really excited for all the upcoming promos!! To be clear, what is the next one and will it be coming out the next thursday after the 28th or later?
Retired breeder wrote:

I feel like the new pass system is more confusing. The only thing I am happy about is that it might keep people from "saving" horses from the safe haven.

Pass horses have nothing to do with Safe Haven. A horse sent to Safe Haven is alive and earns you 400e or 2000e (for a uni fail). Pass horses have to die aged 30+ and be sent to heaven to earn you a pass.
The new
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rankings that are being introduced might dissuade some 'SH rescuers', but I doubt it. The people who decide to 'rescue' horses destined for SH tend to do it because they think SH is bad, and so are unlikely to change their mind about it because of a monthly ranking.
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NicleCAA wrote:

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Are you able to by ornaments with passes? If so how much does this cost?

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For decoration types prices are as follows (note that you can't buy a specific decoration. If you needed a Candy Cane you couldn't just purchase a candy cane)>

1 pass = 6 strings of tinsel
3 passes = 18 strings of tinsel
5 passes = 35 strings of tinsel
10 passes = 75 strings of tinsel
20 passes = 170 strings of tinsel
50 passes = 450 strings of tinsel

1 pass = 4 baubles
3 passes = 12 baubles
5 passes = 23 baubles
10 passes = 50 baubles
20 passes = 100 baubles
50 passes = 300 baubles

Hanging Ornaments:
1 pass = 4 hanging ornaments
3 passes = 12 hanging ornaments
5 passes = 23 hanging ornaments
10 passes = 50 hanging ornaments
20 passes = 100 hanging ornaments
50 passes = 300 hanging ornaments

And the special offer:
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It costs 1 pass and you get:
2 tinsels
3 baubles
5 hanging ornaments

You can find more info on the pack offers here
Legacy Ann
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Retired breeder wrote:

I am really excited for all the upcoming promos!! To be clear, what is the next one and will it be coming out the next thursday after the 28th or later?

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I am assuming the Thursday after the 28th. Most promos start the Thursday after the promo is done with. However, we do not know the for sure, but that's more than likely when it will start.
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Retired breeder wrote:

I am really excited for all the upcoming promos!! To be clear, what is the next one and will it be coming out the next thursday after the 28th or later?

Also, the answer to your other question:
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next after the current promo: Tree Decorating, Advent Calendar, Snowball fight UFO catching
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