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By Retired breeder, 11th November 2016 18:38:53
does anyone know what will be in the diomond cards?
By Retired breeder, 11th November 2016 18:45:08
Retired breeder wrote:

does anyone know what will be in the diomond cards?

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All I know is the rarest card is the Stone Henge. The Diamond card prize is a Greyfell
By Retired breeder, 11th November 2016 18:46:07
Hi !

I was wondering : Given that the celtic horses' collection has just begun, does that mean there is no egyptian divines left ?

Thanks !
By Retired breeder, 11th November 2016 18:48:51
I dont think so since Ra is the last egyptian
Inkblack117 wrote:

Ok this may be an unpopular opinion but,
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I am very excited that the tree decorating promo is coming back! I know a lot of people did not like it last year, but I was able to get 3 divines from the promo without spending passes so I am looking forward to it this time around default smiley (y) Does anyone know if or what changes have been made to it?

Yes there have been a few changes to it....
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What has changed since the last time?

There is a tutorial

The step where you have to select which horses go to get the tree is removed, for simplification.

The tree selection page has been adjusted for an interface that’s easier to understand (you can see directly which gift is linked to which tree for example)

All versions that have fully decorated the community tree will itrigger tree decoration UFOs (not just the winning version).

There is always a chance to get a partially decorated tree. We added a pop-up to make it less discrete.

At the end of each trip (except those of the divine trees), there is a chance that the horses participating in the journey will find a divine tree on their way. We've changed this so that the divine tree is in addition to the tree you return with.

The probabilities for decorations have been adjusted to be more balanced compared to last year

During certain periods of the competition, there will be decoration packs (instead of decorations in the Horns of plenty) that will contain 10 decoration items for 1 pass. There is randomness, but the probability has been adjusted a lot since last year

At the end of the contest, a random draw is made among the players who have obtained at least 2 golden horseshoes during the contest to offer the divine horse Cernunnos to
  • Posted messages: 13,227
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Retired breeder wrote:

I know this doesn't really belong here, but I had no idea which other thread to try (no random discussion thread?)
Has anyone here actually gotten Jade from the GFs this time around? I've spent 10 passes on it so far, and nada - not that I mind, considering I got 3 P.Stones, a Hera Pack, and a HoP instead, but I'm concerned about the likelihood of getting him at all.

I opened 13 GF's and finally got one, so 26 passes spent.
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***Updated T__D__ Masterpost:***
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Yes, Winter was switched out for the Wild horse, and you need to fully decorate 5 trees in order to unlock the divine forest.

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A Drum horse is gotten by completing the tree you decorate in the tutorial. It appears we can also send for more Drum horse trees and get more as well. Not sure if that will apply to the live server, but we'll see. Otherwise, I think everything else is the same from the first prize images that were posted

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Changes from previous version

Promo instructions

Picking your prize:
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Yes, you don't need to choose a team of horses this time. You just click the forest you want that has the tree prize you want, then click an arrow to scroll through the trees in that forest. The board to the right tells you what decorations are required and a nifty check mark appears if you have the decorations needed for that tree! So no guessing or anything.

Speeding up the expedition
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These are the prices you can pay if you want to get your tree right away. The price decreases as time goes on, so if you want to wait several hours for the price to drop a bit, then you can. For the divine forest I waited about 2 hours, then checked again and the price decreased by 1 pass and 1 diamonds.
1st forest(closest): 2 passes or 10 diamonds
2nd forest: 3 passes or 21 diamonds
3rd forest: 4 passes or 31 diamonds
Divine forest: 6 passes or 51 diamonds.

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Info for the Advent Calendar.

S__F__ prizes
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here are the prizes for the snowball fight

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While I can see that the offers for the packs are available, I can't check the prices or further details of the pack beyond a mythological divine and x passes available, so for those that were wondering about the price in different currency I can't supply that unfortunately, unless I'm overlooking it.
Legacy Ann
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Random spoiler cuteness
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Aww, doesn't my Jupiter's winter themed backdrop look so cool. Look at the little bunny! This is the first time in awhile Howrse has changed the background to go with an event theme I think.

Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 11th November 2016 21:05:52
Where did you get all that information? Is it already on another server or something?
Retired breeder wrote:

Where did you get all that information? Is it already on another server or something?
The INT test server opened a few hours agodefault smiley (y) I compiled the important parts into a masterpost after I played around on it.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 11th November 2016 21:11:48
So us "normal" players can't see it yet then? And INT stands for International, right? Sorry, I don't seem to know anything today. default smiley :p
By Retired breeder, 11th November 2016 21:15:10
Legacy Ann wrote:

Random spoiler cuteness
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Aww, doesn't my Jupiter's winter themed backdrop look so cool. Look at the little bunny! This is the first time in awhile Howrse has changed the background to go with an event theme I think.

default smiley (7)
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I was happy to see that my horses got background to go with an event. In my opinion snowy background looks greatdefault smiley :d

It took me about 130 passes to realize we cant get Equestrian statue with spending passes. I noticed it when I read description of Hanging ornamentsdefault smiley xd I felt so dumb..
Retired breeder wrote:

So us "normal" players can't see it yet then? And INT stands for International, right? Sorry, I don't seem to know anything today. default smiley :p
There are a limited number of slots available for VIPs to test out upcoming features on a test site. Like a clone version of this one and what we do there has no affect on here. Admin also sends out invites a number of non-VIPs as well, but we don't know how they are selected. Yes, "INT" stands for "International" We're all normal by the waydefault smiley :p
Legacy Ann
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I apologies advance- there are a lot of photos!
Some info on upcoming events & divines:

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Next promos will be Advent Calendar and Tree Decorating promos. There will also be a Snowball Fight.

A____ C_______

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You can open one window each day (the number that matches the date). If you miss any you can pay equus to open them but the price doubles each time.

T___ D________

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There have been a few changes to the Tree Decorating promo this year, most importantly that you can remove decorations from trees as long as that tree has not been fully decorated yet.
You have to return and decorate 5 trees to open the Divine forest.
You can pay passes or diamonds to get your trees back immediately.

Nearby Copse is 2 passes or 12 diamonds
Faraway Forest is 3 passes or 21 diamonds
Enchanted Grove is 4 passes or 31 diamonds

Here are the gifts available from each tree:

S______ F___

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There will be a Snowball Fight for one week with some pretty good prizes this time

New Divines

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Cerrunos is the divine possible to obtain from the Divine Wood along with Snowy Balios, Mist, Nangchen wild and Sagittarius.

Cernunnos is one of the Celtic horses.

Find all 5 Oghamic letters from their prediction by using their powers of divination every day.
Once you have completed the prediction, you will either get:
1 x Water of Youth
1 x Spurs
1 x Ploutos' Parchment
This horse cannot be sold.

Another divine is shown on the Celtic Divine page:- Epona

Epona is one of the Celtic horses.

Find all 5 Oghamic letters from their prediction by using their powers of divination every day.
Once you have completed the prediction, you will either get:
1 x Horn of Plenty
1 x Water trough
1 x Philotes' Stroke
This mare cannot be sold.
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By Retired breeder, 11th November 2016 21:33:38
Thank you very much. Now I understand. default smiley :p
what is the
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equestrian statuette for? is it a decoration or a new bm item?
Princess Celestia
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Princess Celestia wrote:

what is the
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equestrian statuette for? is it a decoration or a new bm item?

Your first guess is correct
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It's a decoration. You have to decorate the equestrian statuette tree in order to get it and use it on other trees. Like how we had to use ingredients to make red and purple potions in the Potions promo and then use the red and purple potions to make other stuff
Legacy Ann
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Retired breeder wrote:

Hi !

I was wondering : Given that the celtic horses' collection has just begun, does that mean there is no egyptian divines left ?

Thanks !

In a way - yes.

Apophis was the last member of the set to be released (along with Ra - who you can only get after having the other 10 Egyptian Divines). As such, there will be no new Egyptian Divines added to the set. However, that does not mean there will not be other ways to get these horses in the future (ex. sort of like how thought the Gemstone Divine set has been complete for years - they are still offered in luck items like the Horn of Plenty for special promotions),
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Also, in regards to upcoming Holiday Promos;

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Someone asked over on Preprod about what the Holiday Pass Packs contain. While I can't say for sure - based on the banners I've seen, I suspect they'll contain much the same as the ones from last year.

If you are curious - last year's pack contents were:

*A + next to an item confirms it is in the pack this year based on banner description

Itsy-Bitsy/Teeny Pack

20 passes+
100 x Aging Points
500, 000 Equus
Falabella Divine+ (Your choice of color)

Lucky Day Pack

2 months VIP account
10 x Titan's Challenge+
1 x Treasure Chest+ (containing the Divine Epona it seems based on banner image)
10 passes

Olympus Pack

80 passes+
1,000,000 equus
200 x Aging point
Greyfell+ (seems a greyfell may be offered as it shows in the banner image)
A mythological divine of your choice+

The Ultimate Pack *which contains the contents of all three of the above packs* is also returning
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By Retired breeder, 12th November 2016 03:24:07
What're the prices, in American dollars for the Packs? (saw no need for spoilers since its been going on for a long time....)
Retired breeder wrote:

What're the prices, in American dollars for the Packs? (saw no need for spoilers since its been going on for a long time....)

I can't seem to find a price list *yet* - nor can I find the list of Last Year's prices (I have a list of the year before last's prices - but the price went up between 2014 to 2015)

To give you a rough idea though - these are the prices from 2014 in US Dollars

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Teeny Pack = $35
Lucky Day Pack = $60
Olympus Pack = $100
Ultimate Pack = $125

Again, these prices are from 2014!! The price of the packs went up last year (want to say each one increased by $10 USD or so but I could be wrong!) Please do NOT assume that the prices will be the same this year or that my guestimate about last year's price increase is correct! Take these numbers with a grain of salt and use them as nothing more but an Idea of how much they may cost!
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By Retired breeder, 12th November 2016 09:23:50
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Some informations about new pass system which we already have on CZ version.. Before this new system I haven't any problem to get daily 10 points and I didn't do anything special. But now I just can't get more than 9 points a day even if I do much more actions and spent much more time playing howrse. And it's not only my case lot of players on our version are complaining about it and we're really angry.. It's clear that the conditions for earn point has changed. It's impossible to get pass every three days (as they promised), possible is to get pass every four days. So instead of 31 passes in the past we're able to get only 7 passes a month now.
By Retired breeder, 12th November 2016 13:06:32
Retired breeder wrote:

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Some informations about new pass system which we already have on CZ version.. Before this new system I haven't any problem to get daily 10 points and I didn't do anything special. But now I just can't get more than 9 points a day even if I do much more actions and spent much more time playing howrse. And it's not only my case lot of players on our version are complaining about it and we're really angry.. It's clear that the conditions for earn point has changed. It's impossible to get pass every three days (as they promised), possible is to get pass every four days. So instead of 31 passes in the past we're able to get only 7 passes a month now.

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In IT version it's the same
Anyone knows how many Celtic divines will be there + will we get anything for completed set?
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Retired breeder wrote:

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Some informations about new pass system which we already have on CZ version.. Before this new system I haven't any problem to get daily 10 points and I didn't do anything special. But now I just can't get more than 9 points a day even if I do much more actions and spent much more time playing howrse. And it's not only my case lot of players on our version are complaining about it and we're really angry.. It's clear that the conditions for earn point has changed. It's impossible to get pass every three days (as they promised), possible is to get pass every four days. So instead of 31 passes in the past we're able to get only 7 passes a month now.

This makes me very worried... default smiley :s
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