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@Legacy Ann. I was looking at the

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chart posted by Kušni, on the previous page.
I noticed that a drum horse was one it.

So no teams this year then? (aka send off 2 horses to fetch items?)
And no option to bring back items faster depending on what horse you use?

Do we just click a tree and wait?
What about getting decoration items? *is confused*

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@Lobolond444 regarding....

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Yes with the change we can only get 10, and that is provided you manage to get enough points to do one of the mini games every 3 days....and of course that we're not in a month where there are just not enough days to get 10.
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When does the next promo start?
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it's possible that the Drum horse is a tutorial tree or something. I haven't seen any posts about it on Equideow except for that chart.
A player on Equideow asked if we would have teams or if we would just pick a tree. The answer was that we will just pick a tree this year and then wait for it. Or, you can pay to get
the tree faster: default smiley :)
First forest(closest) = 1pass or 10 diamonds
Second forest= 2 pass or 18 diamonds
3rd forest = 3 pass /32 diamonds. **i''m not sure why this one takes 32 and not 30 diamonds**
The divine forest costs 5 passes to get it right away.

The "decoration item" is the horse statuette at the bottom of that chart. It's like the purple, blue potions from the potions promo. You have to make a potion (decorate a tree) to get an ingredient (this statue decoration) to make your main prize(decorate the divine tree).
Legacy Ann
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Asfridur wrote:

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Yes with the change we can only get 10, and that is provided you manage to get enough points to do one of the mini games every 3 days....and of course that we're not in a month where there are just not enough days to get 10.

Thank you. That is bad news.
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Indeed it si Lobolond444.

@Legacy Ann

This is very strange and quaint O_o
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So basically pick a tree and wait for it to be delivered. Strange change default smiley (lol)

Err so if I understand this right we need - let's say I use 18 diamonds to unlock the second forest.
How do I get the decorations I need to decorate the trees?

Buying them will be an option obviously.
Getting some from logging on and maybe from winning comps etc.
But is there no option to get more items? Other than maybe picking some random tree, in a forest that is unlocked, and we will then get random items?

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@Kušni regarding Greyfell

Retired breeder wrote:

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There's not much info, just the message. I don't understand it myself a lot, (I do not own Greyfell, so I don't know, how it works) but I tried to translate it a bit,,

"Pandora box now allows you, to ressurect only horses that have not been sent to heaven. To enable you to continue to benefit from Greyfell horses, their gifts are now available at the time of theit death, not when you sent them to heaven.

If you have any Greyfell horses in heaven, they were sent to your breeding farm! And you can always give them Pandora's box if you wish. "

So basically they ....
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do not die .... or?
I suppose we get an option to use the pandora then when their about to die... maybe.

So many confusing post here today. Or maybe it's just me soffering from old age syndrome default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 9th November 2016 21:10:14

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They do die, like normal.
But to get the gift from them, you don't have to send them to heaven,, Just the fact they die, will earn you your gift,,

Also what've I searched through people opinions about this on CZ, when they had Greyfell dead, but not sent to heaven yet (yesterday) and the update came (today), they didn't get their gifts,, As the horse was already dead so it doesn't counted,,
So they were upset about this a bit on forums,,
By Retired breeder, 9th November 2016 21:17:12
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Okay, not sure if I need a spoiler here for this or not so I just put one anyways.

I'm just a little confused on the new heaven and safe haven changes with not sending a horse to heaven for passes and sending so many horses to the safe haven for a trophy or whatever it is. I'm just confused as to what they are and then they will be implemented into the game.

Oh, plus does anyone know about the new pass system (?) with the 3 days of doing something or other? As you can see I'm confused on a lot of new things coming to the game XD Thanks in advance default smiley :)
Does anyone have the master post for the T_ D_ promo?
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Retired breeder wrote:

REPOST! (Feel free to repost any time, that's why it's here.)

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The changes will be applied on 8.11.2016 (November) > Only on few servers CZ, IT

1) You can earn one pass per 3 days, through loyalty pass player.
How? The daily limit for points achieved (10) will be replaced with maximum of 30.

2) Do not let your old horses die for passes. Keep them, as there will be new Divine horse, which will be achievable only, by sending old horses to heaven.
--If you send to heaven 10 horses, older than 25 years, you'll get new Divine.
(More infor from Ow next week.)

3) New rakings

"Number of horses sent to the heaven this month"
- This ranking will count EVERY HORSE sent to heaven, no matter it's age since 1. of every month.

"Number of old horses sent to heaven this month"
- This ranking will count only horses OLDER than 25 years, sent to heaven since 1. of every month.

"Number of horses sold to Safe Haven this month"
-This ranking will count EVERY horse, no matter it's age, sold to Safe Haven since 1. of every month.

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we already announced, that there'll be system update for pass horses. The change will be in 8th November.

Today we want to introduce you new Divine horse, his name is Yggdrasil.

Yggdrasil is new Divine horse. You can get him, through sending 10 horses, those are more than 25 years old to the heaven. Only one action, you can do with him is giving him tree-rings to make him older. (Dendrochronology, find on google, if you still don't know what's that.) For each tree-ring, he'll get older by 1 year.
For each horse sent to heaven, that will be older than 25 years, you'll gain one tree-ring.
While progressively aging him, his appearance will change. Once you'll change his appearance, you'll gain access to photo album, where you can see all of his apearences already opened. (Gained)

You'll have chance, for each first visit (one daily) ,to get a seed, for which you'll be able to get 10 tree-rings, for horse sent to heaven, that will be more than 25 years old.

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Based on you feedback we decided to cancel the limited items.
Items from promos will no longer be limited, as well, as items from your inventory. (Not sure here, heh.) Also items given by Divines (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini...) will no longer be limited.
Together with this, there'll be new changes in Item Exchange system:

- Hermes' Wings, Bewitched Pumpkin, Seal of the Apocalypse aren't tradeable anymore
- Magic Hat, Double-Sided Medallion, Ow's Helios' Ray aren't tradeable but without a time limit
- Bonus items (whip, spurs etc) not tradeable but giftable
- Golden Fleece is tradeable

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Celtic cards
Thanks to some card you can win a prize and the other cards can help you finish the puzzle.
Get also the Wild cards! These card will allow you, to choose any card with the same rarity.

You'll get the golden horseshoes, if you'll collect certain number of different cards:
> 3 different cards
> 12 different card
> 33 different card
> 63 different cards
Collect at least 2 golden horseshoes to take part in the prize draw, which will take place at the end of the event, to try and win the divine horse Morrigan.

How to get cards?
First log in in the day. (2 cards per day)
While training your horse. (1 card per day)
Winning with a horse in a competition. (1 card per day)
Flash sales.
Change of the duplicated cards for equus. (1 card per day)
Buying cards. (for passes)

Bronze Joker
This card will alow you to get any bronze card of your choice.
Choose the card, you want to get.

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Celtic horses are Divine horses. Each of them represents one of the Celtic gods. They have the power of divinationm, that allows you to discover 3 ogham* letters each day. Some letters are part of a prediction and some not. Find 5 letters which are part of prediction to win a gift. Then discover a new prediction!

Each of the Celtic horse is immortal, unsellable and unclassifiable.
They cannot:
Being customized
Participate in Grand Prix
Be aged manually
They do not affect the prestige of a EC, where they are boarded
They can participate in a competitions for a normal horses once a day. However they can participate in competition for Divines, Wild horses and Legendary horses as many times, as their energy allows.

*Ogham is an Early Medieval alphabet used to write the early Irish language.

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Morrigan is part of the Celtic Horses. Find 5 Ogham letters of his prediction by using every day his power of divination. Once completed you can win:
- 1 Medusa's Blood
-10 000 Equus
-1 Bell Boots.

You cannot sell this divine

This can be the answer for your questions. I think it contains everything what you want to know. (In the first part. And the second part is about the upcoming promo.)
Abou the date:
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We don't know the exact date, but one thing is sure: it won't happen this year.
  • Posted messages: 58
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Retired breeder wrote:


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They do die, like normal.
But to get the gift from them, you don't have to send them to heaven,, Just the fact they die, will earn you your gift,,

Also what've I searched through people opinions about this on CZ, when they had Greyfell dead, but not sent to heaven yet (yesterday) and the update came (today), they didn't get their gifts,, As the horse was already dead so it doesn't counted,,
So they were upset about this a bit on forums,,

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And what happens if you accidentaly send him to heaven instead of reviving him?
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I found this. I don't know whether it contains everything we know about it or not, but there are quite a few information there.

Legacy Ann wrote:

Some new info for the T__D__ promo
Divine whereabouts.
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I'm calling it the T__D__(Tree decorating promo for short)
It takes 48 hours to get a tree from the Divine forest

Prizes available
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Tree from the first forest takes 6 hours
The horse statue thing you see in the bottom of this prize list is said to be a decoration for another tree. So you have to decorate a tree to get a decoration. Don't know what tree(s) that decoration is for yet

This forest will take 12 hours to fetch

This one takes 24 hours to fetch a tree

Changes from previous version
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these are the changes compared to last year

Tree decorations

This section begins a week after the calendar. The principle remains the same, but there were many adjustments since last year.

The purpose of the event is to choose fir forests in specific, to bring them back, wait and then decorate them to win gifts associated with these trees.

What has changed since the last time?

- There is a tutorial

- The stage where you must select the horses that will search the tree is gone, to simplify **from what someone said, you just select a forest then a tree, simple as that. No choosing horses to fetch it this year**

- The firs selection page has been adjusted to a more easy to understand interface (you can see directly what gift is related to the tree, for example)

- Community fir: All versions have completely decorated fir their community trigger a UFO operation until the end of the contest.

- There is always a chance of getting a partially decorated tree => we added a pop-up to make it less discreet **haven't seen a picture of this, so I'm not quite sure what is meant by the added pop-up**

- At the end of each trip (excluding those divine fir), there is a chance that the horses participating in the trip are a divine tree on their way. The change is that the player then gets the divine tree in addition to the one he had wanted to start => Again, we adjusted things to make it less discreet

- The decoration of probabilities have been adjusted to be more balanced compared to last year

- At certain times of the competition, it will be possible to buy packs of the black market decorations (instead of decorations in cornucopias) which will contain 10 decorations for 1 pass. The decorations are random, but the probability was very adjusted since last year

- At the end of the contest, a draw is made among the players who got at least two gold chains during the competition to offer the divine horse Cernunnos to some of them.

Special offer
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It's posted in the above spoiler that
"- At certain times of the competition, it will be possible to buy packs of the black market decorations (instead of decorations in cornucopias) which will contain 10 decorations for 1 pass. The decorations are random, but the probability was very adjusted since last year"

So HoPs will be worthless for this unfortunately unless the players on Preprod can get Howrse to change their minds. There went my idea of getting Balios in this promo unless he's pretty cheap to get. But it does say "probability has been adjusted so... Sorry for the rant

Missing info
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-I didn't see when the divine forest is open. Last year we either had to decorate X trees to open it or wait until Christmas Eve or Day.
-I didn't find anything about what decorations are needed for each tree, or even the divine trees
-I didn't see any pass estimates
-I don't know what trees will use that horse statue decoration from the prizes spoiler
-no further details on Advent Calendar or when Snowball fight starts
So we'll have to wait for more info. As we get more I'll try and add it to a masterpost

And this can help too:

Retired breeder wrote:

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The E. Statue'll be used for Divines,,

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By Retired breeder, 9th November 2016 22:06:19

Searching for this info is hard at this time,,
I'll try tomorrow, to find out,,

Also I got answer on T_D_ promo,,
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About how do we get decorations,,
I'm busy right now, so maybe someone will be kind enough and translate it to you guys properly,,

Just quickly,,
It obtains getting decorations from; A. Calendar, buying by passes, winning comps, logging in, rides with horses,,

"Comment obtenir des décorations
cadeauDans certaines cases du calendrier de l'Avent.
baladeplainesLors des balades de vos chevaux.
2 guirlandes + 1 boule lors de la première balade de la journée
1 boule + 2 suspensions lors de la deuxième balade de la journée
coupeLors de victoires de vos chevaux en compétition.
2 guirlandes + 1 boule lors de la première victoire de la journée
1 boule + 2 suspensions lors de la deuxième victoire de la journée
passEn en achetant avec vos pass.
equipePeut-être une autre manière d'en gagner en décorant le sapin communautaire"
By Retired breeder, 9th November 2016 22:29:07
Anyone know what the next promo is?
Retired breeder wrote:

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About how do we get decorations,,
I'm busy right now, so maybe someone will be kind enough and translate it to you guys properly,,

Just quickly,,
It obtains getting decorations from; A. Calendar, buying by passes, winning comps, logging in, rides with horses,,

"Comment obtenir des décorations
cadeauDans certaines cases du calendrier de l'Avent.
baladeplainesLors des balades de vos chevaux.
2 guirlandes + 1 boule lors de la première balade de la journée
1 boule + 2 suspensions lors de la deuxième balade de la journée
coupeLors de victoires de vos chevaux en compétition.
2 guirlandes + 1 boule lors de la première victoire de la journée
1 boule + 2 suspensions lors de la deuxième victoire de la journée
passEn en achetant avec vos pass.
equipePeut-être une autre manière d'en gagner en décorant le sapin communautaire"


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How to obtain decorations:
*Gift in some Advent calendar boxes
*When taking horses for rides: 2 garlands and 1 ball for the first ride of the day; 1 ball and 2 suspensions (?) for the second ride of the day
*When winning competitions: 2 garlands and 1 ball for the first ride of the day; 1 ball and 2 suspensions (?) for the second ride of the day
*Can buy with passes
*Maybe another way to gain them for/while (?) decorating the community tree
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By Retired breeder, 9th November 2016 22:54:54
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone know what the next promo is?

Answered about four posts above you own. Please take a moment to check under spoilers as it prevents the topic getting cluttered with the exact same information.
Retired breeder wrote:


Searching for this info is hard at this time,,
I'll try tomorrow, to find out,,

Also I got answer on T_D_ promo,,
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About how do we get decorations,,
I'm busy right now, so maybe someone will be kind enough and translate it to you guys properly,,

Just quickly,,
It obtains getting decorations from; A. Calendar, buying by passes, winning comps, logging in, rides with horses,,

"Comment obtenir des décorations
cadeauDans certaines cases du calendrier de l'Avent.
baladeplainesLors des balades de vos chevaux.
2 guirlandes + 1 boule lors de la première balade de la journée
1 boule + 2 suspensions lors de la deuxième balade de la journée
coupeLors de victoires de vos chevaux en compétition.
2 guirlandes + 1 boule lors de la première victoire de la journée
1 boule + 2 suspensions lors de la deuxième victoire de la journée
passEn en achetant avec vos pass.
equipePeut-être une autre manière d'en gagner en décorant le sapin communautaire"

Maybe this translation will do:
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How to get decorations:
-as a gift: in the Advent Calendar in some cases
-rides with horses: going on rides with your horses
*2 garlands + 1 bauable for the first ride of the day
*1 bauble + 2 hanging ornaments for the second ride of the day
-winning competitions:
*2 garlands + 1 bauble for your first victory of the day
*1 bauble + 2 hanging ornaments for the second victory of the day
-passes: purchasing with passes
-community: maybe the decorating of the community tree is another option

If I know well, this last one means that the first server who decorate their tree can get decoration UFO-s until the end of the event.

I don't see the "logging in option" in this text, but it doesn' mean that we can't get decorations like that.
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when does the new divine ydarssil or something like that come into effect?
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I'm sorry, I didn't see that somebody translated it already.
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citygirl21 wrote:

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when does the new divine ydarssil or something like that come into effect?
We don't know. Bumping this up from Admin about it though
Retired breeder wrote:

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We are testing the removal of passes from horses sent to heaven on some versions (CZ, IT and BG) where it will be introduced on 8th November. We are only testing it on these 3 versions first so that we can adjust it if needed. We also want to analyze the results before implementing it everywhere else. It will arrive on your version as well, but we don’t have any date yet. However, we can tell you that it won't be implemented before the end of the year. We will keep you posted and give you all the details when the time comes. You will be informed in advance anyway, it won't be implemented without prior announcements. Don’t hesitate to tell us what you think about it in this survey: Survey
Legacy Ann
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PurpleMaC wrote:

When does the next promo start?

The next promo starts...

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tomorrow and it is the Celtic Cards
Königin Katze
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Does anyone speculate the divine mare Isis will be available anytime soon? I've always wanted one default smiley (8)
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By Retired breeder, 10th November 2016 05:41:32
Haha, there's always someone kind enough to translate,, default smiley :-))

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The name of decorations. you didn't know how to translate, can be found here on this picture,,

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