[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Retired breeder wrote:

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Any word on if HoPs will be of use in the mazes?

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TCs are used in the mazes, not HoPs
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By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 01:08:21
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can someone link me to the post where someone did the calculations to figure out how you had to get a certain zodiac divine? (ex: From a promo, from another zodiac divine giving birth, etc) I'm trying to figure out how to get Libra...
(PS: I'm not sure if this is supposed to be in a spoiler, but, better safe then sorry.default smiley (lol))
Retired breeder wrote:

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can someone link me to the post where someone did the calculations to figure out how you had to get a certain zodiac divine? (ex: From a promo, from another zodiac divine giving birth, etc) I'm trying to figure out how to get Libra...
(PS: I'm not sure if this is supposed to be in a spoiler, but, better safe then sorry.default smiley (lol))

I mean- We don't even know what promo Libra is going to be in, and we probably won't know for another month or so... The calculations will depend on the promo.
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i'm going to guess libra's design will entail the legendary scales, that might sit along his/her back in a tilted motion to show the unbalance of the scales, maybe hooked onto a saddle or perhaps not, maybe have scaled wings or even make the ears the scales; so many possible choices.

i'm intrigued to see how they will approach this design. default smiley ^)default smiley ^)default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 10:49:35
The next promo is.....
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the potions!

I still have to confirm, though.
By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 11:03:12
Retired breeder wrote:

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the potions!
i really want to try THAT promo let's hope it that pomo
Retired breeder wrote:

The next promo is.....
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the potions!

I still have to confirm, though.

I was hoping this would come back around soon! Whilst I was around for the first time it ran years ago, I never really tried with it so I'd love to have another shot at it. default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 12:52:58
I have a few more things to translate......
By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 13:22:36
So, I did some translating with Google and some common sense. A lot might be wrong. I put question marks where I'm not sure but I might have forgotten to put it in certain places. So, read with caution! And feel free to correct it as well. I also cut some unnecessary information that got translated wrong. There's still more translating to do which I failed to translate.
No information posted below can/cannot be accurate.

The next promo.....

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Potions are finally back!default smiley <:o)

On the theme of magic!

► Principle: The principle is simple: to collect ingredients for potions, each potion gives a special gift

► How to make a potion? We will proceed step by step to understand:

1. On "guess" the ingredients of the recipe for it, simply click on the potion which is to be prepared, we have a list of ingredients, one is chosen and then tested, if we put an ingredient in thousand, is sidelined just up the number of test is unlimited, but you can not unlock 6 potions per day. (???????)

2. Now you have to collect the ingredients! Here is the list of possible ways:

• On your first connection of the day
• With goals of the day
• In flash sales
• By buying with your pass
• With the Alchemist Pack

And for lovers of dehorning, the 4th goal is always to dehorn unicorn, horseshoes and feathers of Pegasus are deleted. (???)

3. Prepare the recipe! Just look for the desired potion, click on preparing and voila!

4. Patience! Each potion category requires some time to be ready, they are:

• 2 days for Virgin
• 1 day for items on the black market
• 12 hours for employees
• 6 hours for items in the shop
• 4:00 for certain ingredients
• 2 hours for Equus

NB: you can also use boosters to reduce it to 2 hours preparation time, they are cumulative (ie you can put several on a single potion)

5 . When the potion is ready, you win the gift!

► Ingredients:

There are 16 different ingredients that have rarities: Snake Venom, mosquito larvae, fungus spores, mandagore sap, 4 leaf clover, snail slime claw hippogriff, stardust, griffin's eye, moonstone, dragon scale, tear phoenix, unicorn, purple potion, blue potion, red potion.

These three ingredients can be prepared in potions (???)

► Permanent offers:

• Boosters

• Ingredients

► Promote(???)

► Gifts There are 6 categories of gifts: Divine, ingredient, black market, employees, Equus, store.

► Some useful information:

- The ingredients needed change when the competition will be online .
- You can prepare the potion of Virgin and make no further. (???)
- The number of double potion ingredients if you want to do again. (???)

► Divine to win:


By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 13:33:42
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Yes, I would love to see the original French text (may be easier to understand default smiley xd)
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By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 13:35:29
default smiley :o Did that have to be in a spoiler?

Ok, reposting.
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Awww....looks like Virgin (vergin? the french is really messing with my spelling default smiley xd) anyways, looks like Virgin has an extra bonus, other than just the 5th element. i sort of wish all the zodiac divines were like that...

And could you post screenshots of the actual instructions, so then we can have another translation done? The one you posted was sort of confusing in places. default smiley default smiley :) Thanks!

hope this works...never used a spoiler before.
By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 13:35:59
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Oh my gosh! It has been so long since we have had that promo! default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 13:39:57
When is the next promo?
Couldn't quote but

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Pearl Onyx:
"- You can prepare the potion of Virgin and make no further. (???)
- The number of double potion ingredients if you want to do again. (???)"

I think these mean:
-once you make Virgin's potion you cannot make it again (i.e. you can only get one divine)
- once you make a potion, the number of ingredients double. So if you want to make ti a second time it will cost twice as much

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By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 13:40:56
Retired breeder wrote:

default smiley :o Did that have to be in a spoiler?

Ok, reposting.
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Awww....looks like Virgin (vergin? the french is really messing with my spelling default smiley xd) anyways, looks like Virgin has an extra bonus, other than just the 5th element. i sort of wish all the zodiac divines were like that...

And could you post screenshots of the actual instructions, so then we can have another translation done? The one you posted was sort of confusing in places. default smiley default smiley :) Thanks!

hope this works...never used a spoiler before.

Here you go!
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Les potions sont enfin de retour ! default smiley <:o) Sur le thème de la magie , ambiance HP garantie

► Principe :

Le principe est simple : il faut récolter des ingrédients pour faire des potions magiques , chaque potion donne un cadeau particulier

► Comment faire une potion ?

On va procéder par étape pour bien comprendre :

1. On "devine" les ingrédients de la recette , pour cela , il faut simplement cliquer sur la potion que l'on veut préparer , on a une liste d'ingrédients , on en choisit , puis on teste , si on mets un ingrédient dans le mille , il est mis à l'écart juste en haut , le nombre d'essai est illimité , mais on ne peut débloquer que 6 potions par jour

2. Maintenant , il faut récolter les ingrédients ! Voici la liste des moyens possibles :
lors de votre première connexion de la journée (5 par jour)
• Grâce aux objectifs du jour
• Dans les ventes flash
• En en achetant avec vos pass
• Avec le Pack de l'alchimiste

Et pour les amateurs de décornage , le 4° objectif est toujours de décorner une licorne , les fers à cheval et les plumes de Pégase sont supprimés.

3. Préparons la recette ! Il suffit de chercher la potion souhaitée , on clique sur préparer et le tour est joué !

4. Patience ! Chaque catégorie de potion nécessite un certain temps pour être prête , il s'agit de :
• 2 jours pour Vierge
• 1 jour pour les objets du marché noir
• 12 heures pour les employés
• 6 heures pour les objets de la boutique
• 4 heures pour certains ingrédients
• 2 heures pour les Equus
N.B : vous pouvez également utiliser des boosters , il réduisent de 2 heures le temps de préparation , ils sont cumulables (c.à.d qu'on peut en mettre plusieurs sur une seule potion)

5. Dès que la potion sera prête , vous gagnez le cadeau !

► Ingrédients :

Il existe 16 ingrédients de différentes raretés qui sont :
Venin de Serpent , larve de moustique , spores de champignon , sève de mandagore ,trèfle à 4 feuilles , bave d'escargot , griffe d'hippogriffe , poussière d'étoile , œil de griffon , pierre de lune , écaille de dragon , larme de phénix , corne de licorne , potion violette , potion bleue , potion rouge

Ces 3 derniers ingrédients peuvent aussi être préparés dans des potions default smiley ;)

► Offres permanentes :

Boosters :

Ingrédients :

► Promo :

► Cadeaux

Il y a 6 catégories de cadeaux : Divin , Ingrédients , Marché noir , Employés , Equus , Boutique :

► Quelques informations utiles :

- Les ingrédients nécessaires changeront lorsque ce concours sera en ligne.
- Vous pouvez préparer la potion de Vierge et n'en faire aucune autre.
- Le nombre d'ingrédients d'une potion double si on veut la faire une seconde fois.

► Divin à gagner

Vierge :
By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 13:42:54
tropicanaoj1 wrote:

Couldn't quote but

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Pearl Onyx:
"- You can prepare the potion of Virgin and make no further. (???)
- The number of double potion ingredients if you want to do again. (???)"

I think these mean:
-once you make Virgin's potion you cannot make it again (i.e. you can only get one divine)
- once you make a potion, the number of ingredients double. So if you want to make ti a second time it will cost twice as much

Thanks!default smiley ^)
By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 13:49:17
Does anybody know about when the next promo is going to take place? And how do you use a Spoiler?
By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 13:54:18
Google translate of V_'s extra perk:
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Virgin offers a gift every Wednesday (after the daily update) has provided you be connected at least once in 3 days previous and have an equestrian center: a 3-day contract for the employees of your equestrian center
So by the looks of it,
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Virgo offers a contract for an employee every Wednesday, and Libra is not going to be her foal (unless this changes sometime in the future). So this means there will most likely be another promo for Libra in the near future. Here is the translated text for the below image:

"Virgo is one of the horses of the Zodiac.

Virgo offers a gift every Wednesday (after the daily update) provided you have connected at least once in 3 the past days and have an equestrian centre: a 3-day contract for one of your employees at your centre.

If you were born under this sign, Virgo will give you 1 x The 5th Element every year, on your birthday, if you log in on that day.

What's more, the 22nd September, when the daily update takes place, a Virgo horse is offered to a player native of this sign.

By collecting all 12 horses of the Zodiac, you will get the horse, Serpentarius
This horse cannot be sold."
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By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 13:56:22
As is always the case our guess is as good as yours. But they generally start on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anybody know about when the next promo is going to take place? And how do you use a Spoiler?

Click on the eye symbol at the top of the text box, or type [spoiler*]with your text here[/spoiler*]. You have to remove the stars for it to work though.

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Since the lottery is due to end on the 25th, it is likely that the maze promo will start on the 28th July (Thursday), but this isn't certain. And since we don't know how long it will last, we can't accurately predict when the potions promo will come about.
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By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 13:59:59
Retired breeder wrote:

And how do you use a Spoiler?

You click the little eye icon on the top.
By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 14:04:19
Thank you!

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If it's what I'm thinking of, I love the maze! I never get to the end though. I've never been in the potion promo, much less heard of it. I'm excited!default smiley <:o)
By Retired breeder, 22nd July 2016 14:04:39
tropicanaoj1 wrote:

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I think these mean:
-once you make Virgin's potion you cannot make it again (i.e. you can only get one divine)

I hope that's what it means, because I took it as

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Once you make Virgin's potion, you can't make ANY more potionsdefault smiley xd
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