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If he does end up there, it'll probably be for 20 passes or more.
I've used 3 TCs so far and nothing...not trying again default smiley xd
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Retired breeder wrote:

How much of a chance do you think there is that Ruby will go in the reserved sales? And for how much? I really want to get him, but want to spend as little as possible. Thanks
Based on past divine release patterns I don't think they'll put him in the sales anytime soon. Usually once we see a divine in a promo offer we don't see them for awhile. But since this is more of a re-re-re release then anything could happen.
Legacy Ann
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For those wanting to know the possible chances of getting Ruby. I got to level 7 on my 12th TC (no passes spent). It really helps to save up luck items/diamonds and only use them when you really want the prize.
  • Posted messages: 49
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Which is the better divine to try for: Ruby or Sapphire?
  • Posted messages: 252
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num1horselvr wrote:

Which is the better divine to try for: Ruby or Sapphire?

The best way to decide is to look at their respective perks: Ruby basically gives you five diamonds every 12 days (every birthday + a WoY). Sapphire invites you onto another player's page every day and gives you 1000E if his age in months is odd, and one diamond if it is even. Essentially, one diamond every other day (age + WoY). It's really up to you.
However, if someone has more accurate info (I don't own either of them, my info's from their description pages), please correct me!
  • Posted messages: 2,089
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num1horselvr wrote:

Which is the better divine to try for: Ruby or Sapphire?

That's an opinion poll so technically not allowed. You'll have to compare perks and choose for yourself.
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By Retired breeder, 16th July 2016 01:26:47
I don't know if this is the right forum or not, but I was curious, does anyone remember when Howrse said the new mobile update would be coming out..?
Retired breeder wrote:

I don't know if this is the right forum or not, but I was curious, does anyone remember when Howrse said the new mobile update would be coming out..?
We haven't heard an estimated date yet. There have been several PMs sent over the past few months about needing testers for it and one or two mini surveys like the one in this forum about choosing one look over another, but that's about it.
Legacy Ann
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What all do I need to know for the M___ promo?
  • Posted messages: 8,389
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Kate wrote:

What all do I need to know for the M___ promo?

have patiencedefault smiley (lol)
Princess Celestia
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Kate wrote:

What all do I need to know for the M___ promo?

Check out SpeedySonic2's forum. She has all of the information there in one place~
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Ah!! Thank you Starry! I had a bit of a brain toot and posted in the first place I saw was talking about it!! Now I know for future reference!!default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 252
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Kate wrote:

What all do I need to know for the M___ promo?

Wait and see ! default smiley ^)
  • Posted messages: 617
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DinaStar wrote:

Wait and see ! default smiley ^)

Please can you stop posting this in response to other player's questions unless you can really help them? It doesn't help anybody, and there is information out there already that they can know about instead of waiting for it. default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 1,057
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I'm really exacerbated with this titan challenge thing. I lost the whole passes reserve that I've built up for months and a few I bought yesterday. Of course I didn't get the horse. Most of these challenges give only money, sometimes an item.

And I don't know how to play it. Should I go full in all the time? Not look what other Items show up on lower levels? Or should I fold when good items show up? When It gave me a nyx pack once I folded, because seriously I wanted at least a tiny return on investment.

I don't think i will use this item ever again tbh. If i win it in promotions I'll probably just trade it for more useful stuff. default smiley :@

I've been a player for only a year and getting any good divine horses has been very hard. The new ones they introduce have much weaker perks then the old ones so it's very hard for new players to catch up to the seasoned ones :-(
  • Posted messages: 28
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By Retired breeder, 16th July 2016 13:07:02
I have had good luck with the TC in the past gettting both mist and cascade for under 15 passes each, so I thought I would go for Ruby I spent all my passes (18) and on my last try got her. Sorry for everyone who didn't get her.
muriq wrote:

And I don't know how to play it.

You didn't have luck, that's all.
  • Posted messages: 617
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By Retired breeder, 16th July 2016 14:19:39
Click to display
is the drum horse a new breed that is coming? or a divine? if it's the new breed, I'm so very excited, I've been wanting to breed them here

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Also could someone tell where to find the next few days of objectives?? Please and thank you
Retired breeder wrote:

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is the drum horse a new breed that is coming? or a divine? if it's the new breed, I'm so very excited, I've been wanting to breed them here

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Also could someone tell where to find the next few days of objectives?? Please and thank you

You can check out previous pages for everything to do with the next promo, including information for the
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Drum Horse and divine. But yes, the Drum Horse is a new draft breed coming to the game.

There aren't any predicted obectives for the GC, however. They are random for every player each day and can pretty much be anything related to taking care of horses, entering/losing/winning comps, congratulating/being congratulated, sales, dehorning/removing wings etc.
  • Posted messages: 1,057
  • Karma: 10 points
Retired breeder wrote:

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is the drum horse a new breed that is coming? or a divine? if it's the new breed, I'm so very excited, I've been wanting to breed them here
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Also could someone tell where to find the next few days of objectives?? Please and thank you
For your first question:
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it is a new draft breed. Well, it's more of a type, as I don't know I'd call it a breed per se, but that's another discussiondefault smiley (lol) Anyway, I forgot to bookmark the page with the information for it, but there's not much to tell really. It has the same graphic as the Shire, but different colors like tobiano variations and I think the skill set is the same as the Shire as well.
For the next objectives there's no list as not every player has the same objectives so you could get any objective including ones you've already had
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 16th July 2016 15:51:58
Ok, thank you both for the answers!! default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 16th July 2016 18:15:14
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What's after the Maze promo?

If nobody knows, just say so. But please, please, please don't say "Wait and see!" That's been happening for a while now whenever I ask a question.
Retired breeder wrote:

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What's after the Maze promo?

Don't pay attention to the 'Wait and see', it's useless and probably just for attention.

We haven't tested anything beyond that promo right now, but since testing for that ends on the 20th for us, we'll probably get information within the next week or so~
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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By Retired breeder, 17th July 2016 04:43:56
I have saved up 500 APs to

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breed the drum horses. default smiley (6)

Eek, I can't wait! default smiley *-)
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Does anyone know if any Divines will be in the HoPs any time soon? I have one that expires in so many days from one of the promos and I'm hoping to try and get a Divine with it. XD
Wolf of the North
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