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Elks wrote:

Does anybody know if there is another Wild coming out? If so has anyone heard of a release date?

Nobody knows when divines are released in the sales, or in luck items.
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divines or wilds i should say
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By Retired breeder, 8th June 2016 03:39:03
I apologize in advance for the horrendous handwritingdefault smiley xd

Im hoping the zodiac horses go like this:

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I put a ? by cancer since the gemini and taurus page both dont say anything about breeding, it will probably be updated when cancer is announced.
It looks like Leo /should/ breed with virgo for libra, but then why is there a picture of Leo as a foal? Or are all zodiac horses foals when you get themdefault smiley (lol)
Retired breeder wrote:

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I put a ? by cancer since the gemini and taurus page both dont say anything about breeding, it will probably be updated when cancer is announced.
It looks like Leo /should/ breed with virgo for libra, but then why is there a picture of Leo as a foal? Or are all zodiac horses foals when you get themdefault smiley (lol)

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The zodiacs only have a foal form if they are bred from another pair of zodiacs. I believe it was mentioned that Gemini can't breed due to the fact there are 2 Geminis and Cancer is not born from a breeding pair. So that leaves Cancer to breed with Taurus for Leo. If Virgo is female and Libra is Virgo's foal, then Virgo would likely breed with Leo for Libra.
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Retired breeder wrote:

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I put a ? by cancer since the gemini and taurus page both dont say anything about breeding

Also Taurus and Gemini are both males...
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@starry, I completely get where you're coming from. No hard feelings. There definitely is a lot of bad blood there, so I understand.

I originally had generically "Slavic languages" when posting, but decided to change it since Russian is my only one. I didn't mean to insinuate that the horse is Russian / the languages are the same, simply that for that word the translation is the same. Kon' is also horse (male) in Russian, and thinking about it last night, this diminutive actually has a translation (usually it's soo hard to find an approximation) - horsie! I find the name adorable and really want to get one for the novelty.

@Megan3, another problem that I see with that system is...

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I know that a few pages ago someone had posted art for Cancer and Leo, and one image was of Leo as a baby. So you'll probably have to breed for him.
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By Retired breeder, 8th June 2016 09:14:58
I love them!
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Cancer turned out better than I hoped, and Leo looks very nice as well!
By Retired breeder, 8th June 2016 10:50:48
DinaStar wrote:

Do you like the new divines ?

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Leo looks really cute default smiley (7)
By Retired breeder, 8th June 2016 12:45:52
I can't wait to find out what promo they'll be in. default smiley :) Hope it will NOT be a luck based promo.
Retired breeder wrote:

I can't wait to find out what promo they'll be in. default smiley :) Hope it will NOT be a luck based promo.

Same. I do not want a repeat of the cards... I love the Card promo, don't get me wrong, but I blew through 40+ passes on it and didn't get the grey fell or Taurus so I was pretty miffed about it.
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Actually I wouldn't mind if it was another GC and lottery with the special offer of Fleeces or HOPs to get the divine like Aquarius' release. default smiley (8)
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I wouldn't think it would be a cards promo since we just had it last month---month before? They run together nowdefault smiley (lol)

Since they're bringing back the P__G__ promo, maybe they'll bring back another oldie.
Legacy Ann
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I would like that promo where we got Venus default smiley :d but most people didn't like it anyway, so...eh.
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By Retired breeder, 8th June 2016 13:21:06
I think after P__ G__ the time is about right for a new GC and lottery, since the last one was in January/February, and before that we had one in July/August.
Legacy Ann wrote:

I wouldn't think it would be a cards promo since we just had it last month---month before? They run together nowdefault smiley (lol)

Since they're bringing back the P__G__ promo, maybe they'll bring back another oldie.

I k ow that it won't be the cards, I meant I didn't want a repeat of throwing passes into a luck promo with no results in terms of a divine. default smiley :)

Retired breeder wrote:

I think after P__ G__ the time is about right for a new GC and lottery, since the last one was in January/February, and before that we had one in July/August.

Please let the GC happen, please let the GC happen, please let the GC happen. *Prays to Howrse gods.*
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Legacy Ann wrote:

I wouldn't think it would be a cards promo since we just had it last month---month before? They run together nowdefault smiley (lol)

Since they're bringing back the P__G__ promo, maybe they'll bring back another oldie.

I hope they do the recipe/fruit salad promo again. I like it because you can pick which prizes to work for.
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By Retired breeder, 8th June 2016 16:03:39
can someone quote for me the last promo?
By Retired breeder, 8th June 2016 16:06:57
Does anyone know the last time the kitchen promo happened, and how many times it has happened to far?
By Retired breeder, 8th June 2016 19:35:39
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 8th June 2016 19:35:59
Sorry- should that be in a spoiler?default smiley :-x
Retired breeder wrote:

Sorry- should that be in a spoiler?default smiley :-x

Yes it should be. And
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Cancer is already known to be Leo's mother. Her breeding with Taurus (instead of Gemini) is the likely outcome. Cancer is not born from a pairing. If she was then she would have a foal form. Also Taurus and Gemini are both male, they can't breed with each other anyways.
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By Retired breeder, 8th June 2016 23:40:29
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I'm actually kind of glad Cancer gives birth to Leo. Cancer is my sign so I was going to actually try to get that one, and Leo is my best friend's sign! I'm excited I'll get both!
By Retired breeder, 8th June 2016 23:41:14
*facepalm* Sorry, guys! I've been doing URL links all day and mis-typed default smiley :$
Retired breeder wrote:

*facepalm* Sorry, guys! I've been doing URL links all day and mis-typed default smiley :$

Fixed it for you. default smiley (y)
Bohemian Anna
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Retired breeder wrote:

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I'm actually kind of glad Cancer gives birth to Leo. Cancer is my sign so I was going to actually try to get that one, and Leo is my best friend's sign! I'm excited I'll get both!

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I'm really happy too. I'm a Cancer but I have an infatuation with lions, so I've always wished I could call myself a Leo (though personality wise, I'm still much more of a Cancer haha. Plus Cancer *is* the mother of Zodiacs, so this makes a lot of sense. It would be good if they could make Libra and Virgo both unbreedable females, to do justice to them both, but I guess they'll probably end up being males. On the other hand, one might be female and one might be male to breed to give Serpentarius (let the wars begin!)
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