[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Retired breeder wrote:

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What is the promo after the P____ G______ promo?

We just recently started testing the P___ G____ promo on International PreProd, so at the moment we don't know.

However, whatever promo it is, it will probably contain a Zodiac Divine since the trend seems to be Zodiac, Egyptian, Zodiac, Egyptian, etc.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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By Retired breeder, 29th May 2016 23:42:08
Thanks starry97.default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 30th May 2016 07:23:03
Hi guys,

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At the current rate, is it likely we will crack the community Pinata and win the VA?

By Retired breeder, 30th May 2016 07:25:53
Retired breeder wrote:

Hi guys,

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At the current rate, is it likely we will crack the community Pinata and win the VA?

maybe i don't know
By Retired breeder, 30th May 2016 08:30:30
Retired breeder wrote:

Hi guys,

Click to display
At the current rate, is it likely we will crack the community Pinata and win the VA?


We will certainly open it,in my opinion.
It's on till the 13th, and in three (Or four?) days we've gotten over 1/3 of the clicks, so we're likely to open it at this rate in the next six or eight days default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 30th May 2016 15:47:47
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Got my HoP count up to 21. Last time I finished with 20 and had a coupel of days to spare. But not sure if it will require the same amount or not. But I will see.
Tiiiiiiny update on the O__ H___ R__, though I'm still asking after further information.

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MeOw posted this message in regards to Ow's Helios Ray:

The item will be available in the Black Market when an event is launched where a background is available. To start, the Ow's Greenhouse background will be available when the Plant event is launched on the live version.

Sequential backgrounds will be added regularly.

So now I asked whether it will be available for purchase for passes, and also whether past events' backgrounds will be added as well, and the rates of those additions. Hopefully I hear back from them again soon!
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Starry-Eyed wrote:

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MeOw posted this message in regards to Ow's Helios Ray:

The item will be available in the Black Market when an event is launched where a background is available. To start, the Ow's Greenhouse background will be available when the Plant event is launched on the live version.

Sequential backgrounds will be added regularly.

So now I asked whether it will be available for purchase for passes, and also whether past events' backgrounds will be added as well, and the rates of those additions. Hopefully I hear back from them again soon!

Will there be a chance for us all to get none, as like an objective or something??
  • Posted messages: 2,067
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sherwood02 wrote:

Will there be a chance for us all to get none, as like an objective or something??

Bumping up a link to a masterpost for the P___G___ promo. Darn thing won't let me quote it. You will find your answer in heredefault smiley (y)
Legacy Ann
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Has anyone seen Leo yet?
  • Posted messages: 7,464
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By Retired breeder, 31st May 2016 04:14:32
Does anyone have any idea when we will find out what the promo after the P_ G_ promo is?

By Retired breeder, 31st May 2016 04:49:19
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone have any idea when we will find out what the promo after the P_ G_ promo is?


Probably in 2 to 3 weeks. We only just recently started testing. default smiley ;)
lottalove1 wrote:

Has anyone seen Leo yet?

Nope, not yet.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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Legacy Ann wrote:

Bumping up a link to a masterpost for the P___G___ promo. Darn thing won't let me quote it. You will find your answer in heredefault smiley (y)

Awesome!! Thanks!!
  • Posted messages: 2,067
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By Retired breeder, 31st May 2016 16:08:09
Pinata plan till Pinata 10!
I forgot to mention that this is the plan using HOPs but i think it's same till Pinata 9 or something. I couldn't translate a lot today and yesterday because I was busy but hopefully I will get some time yesterday.
Remember that the points found in HOPs aren't same for everyone and the estimated points are given inside the square brackets. You might have to do something different depending on your points though. ( if that spoiler doesn't work, I have no idea why)
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Piñata Guide

Day 1- May 26- 7:00 GMT

Piñata 1 (10 points)
Do obj. 1- 5 bonus clicks
Do obj. 2- Friend clicks give 2 points each
Use 5 standard clicks (5/10 points)
Use 5 bonus clicks (10/10 points)
Open Piñata 1

Piñata 2 (20 points)
Do obj. 1- 2 friends can help per day
Do obj.2 – 15 points (15/20 points)
Ask 2 friends for help (19/20 points)

Day 2- May 27- 7:00 GMT

Use 1 standard click (20/20 points)
Open Piñata 2

Piñata 3 (30 points)
Do obj.1- Points needed divided by 2 (0/15 points)
Do obj.2- Be able to click every 12 hours
Ask 2 friends for help (4/15 points)
Use 4 standard clicks (8/15 points)

19:00 GMT
Use 5 standard clicks (13/15 points)

Day 3- May 28- 7:00 GMT

Ask 1 friend for help (15/15 points)
Open Piñata 3

Piñata 4 (50 points)
Do obj.1- Next 5 clicks earn 6 points
Do obj.2- 4 friends can help per day
Ask 3 friends for help (6/50 points)
Use 5 standard clicks (36/50 points)

19:00 GMT

Use 5 standard clicks (41/50 points)

Day 4- May 29- 7:00 GMT

Use 5 standard clicks (46/50 points)

19:00 GMT

Use 4 standard clicks (50/50 points)
Open Piñata 4

Piñata 5 (75 points)
Do obj.1- 45 bonus points (45/75 points)
Do obj.2- friend clicks earn 3 points each
Use 1 standard click (46/75 points)
Ask 4 friends for help (58/75 points)

Day 5- May 30-7:00 GMT

Ask 4 friends for help (70/75 points)
Use 5 standard clicks (75/75 points)
Open Piñata 5

Piñata 6 (100 points)
Do obj.1- 12 bonus clicks
Do obj.2- clicks earn 3 points each
Use 12 bonus clicks (36/100 points)

19:00 GMT

Use 5 standard clicks (51/100)

Day 6- May 31- 7:00 GMT

Ask 4 friends for help (63/100 points)
Use 5 standard clicks (78/100 points)

19:00 GMT

Use 5 standard clicks (93/100 points)

Day 7- June 1- 7:00 GMT

Use 3 standard clicks (102/100 points)
Open Piñata 6

Piñata 7 (150 points)
Do obj.1- 65 bonus points (65/150 points)
Do obj.2- Be able to click every 8 hours
Ask 4 friends for help (77/150 points)
Use 2 standard clicks (83/150 points)

15:00 GMT

Use 5 standard clicks (98/150 points)

23:00 GMT

Use 5 standard clicks (113/150 points)

Day 8- June 2- 7:00 GMT

Use 5 standard clicks (128/150 points)

15:00 GMT

Use 5 standard clicks (143/150 points)

23:00 GMT

Use 3 standard clicks (152/150)
Open Piñata 7

Piñata 8 (200 points)
Do obj.1- Next 4 friend clicks are worth 7 points
Do obj.2- Number of points needed divided by 2 (0/100 points)
Ask 4 friends for help (28/100 points)
Use 2 standard clicks (34/100 points)

Day 9- June 3- 7:00 GMT

Ask 4 friends for help (46/100 points)
Use 5 standard clicks (61/100 points)

15:00 GMT

Use 5 friend clicks (76/100 points)

23:00 GMT

Use 5 standard clicks (91/100 points)

Day 10- June 4- 7:00 GMT

Ask 3 friends for help (100/100 points)
Open Piñata 8

Piñata 9 (250 points)
Do obj.1- 12 bonus clicks
Do obj.2- Clicks earn 7 points each
Use 12 bonus clicks (84/250 points)
Use 1 standard click (91/250 points)
Open about 4 HOPs [*159 points*] (250/250 points)
Open Piñata 9

Piñata 10 (300 points)
Do obj.1- Next 5 clicks earn 30 points
Do obj.2- Friend clicks earn 5 points each
Use 4 standard clicks (120/300 points)

15:00 GMT

Ask 1 friend for help (125/300 points)
Use 1 standard click (155/300 points)
Use 4 standard clicks (183/300 points)

23:00 GMT

Use 5 standard clicks (218/300 points)

Day 11- June 5- 7:00 GMT

Ask 4 friends for help (238/300 points)
Use 5 standard clicks (273/300 points

Retired breeder wrote:

[*159 points*]

The Spoiler doesn't work because of the square brackets around the points. default smiley ;)
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By Retired breeder, 31st May 2016 16:26:10
Okay thanks! I totally forgot that!default smiley (lol)
So can a mod(I believe you have the power to) please change the square to {*159 points*} and change that in my description too?
Retired breeder wrote:

Pinata plan till Pinata 10!

Don't forget to mention where you found your Pinata guide... Thank you default smiley :s
  • Posted messages: 617
  • Karma: 10 points
DinaStar wrote:

Don't forget to mention where you found your Pinata guide... Thank you

I found common sense to work best.default smiley :)

Am on Pinata 7 with 68/150 points.default smiley (y) On my Australian account at 95/150 points.

All you have to do is two things.

99.9% of the time do all objectives before asking for friends clicks or your own and check the next pinata ( especially if you are about to get there very very soon.

Can't go wrong doing those two things.default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 5,915
  • Karma: 10 points
Spyder wrote:

Am on Pinata 7 with 68/150 points.default smiley (y) On my Australian account at 95/150 points.

very good... but you've spent passes...

we try not to
  • Posted messages: 617
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 31st May 2016 19:21:29
I really wish howrse would take care of trolls, and people who are just being plain rude. In a perfect world only I guess.

Why did I start this promo before I had my morning fix of coffee? I messed up on the 1st piñata, lol that's a new one for me.
Retired breeder wrote:

I really wish howrse would take care of trolls, and people who are just being plain rude
if they are reported they are dealt with - we can't be everywhere. If you see something that breaks the rules, use the report button.
  • Posted messages: 37,452
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minkthepink wrote:

if they are reported they are dealt with - we can't be everywhere. If you see something that breaks the rules, use the report button.

Indeed - the old saying applies;

If you see something - Say something!

Use the 'report an abuse' button if you feel a post needs to be reviewed. Don't be afraid of it (If you are wrong, provided the concern was legit enough - no harm will come to you because of it).
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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Anyhow - can we get back on track with this forum people? The point of the Spoiler Zone is to share new things, as well as tips and tricks to help each other achieve whatever goals we set for ourselves.

Though do keep in mind - everyone here works hard to gain information, write up guides, take screen shots, and generally have a good time. If you borrow something from someone else (ex. take an image I posted from my Photobucket) - It is good to give a little credit to them...but as we are all Human, we can make mistakes and forget where we get things from, or offer credit to the wrong people (ex. I get a screen shot from Spyder who found it in a post from DinaStar who got it in the first place and accidentally credit Spyder for the shot because I saw it in their post first).

If push comes to shove - just say "This isn't mine - but it might help" or something to that extent, or just post it saying "Screen shot of new promo" (or whatever it is).

Now on that note - I have missed a lot of Preprod *Nothing like a new kitten, and a long Holiday weekend that made the store I work at super busy to eat up most of my Howrse time* so could some kind folk or two tell me;

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When it comes to Amun - as I know several people opted to just blaze though Preprod on the first day to get him - if any of you lovely folks here have done this...has he given you a Golden Fleece yet? Or *as I suspect* like the other Egyptian Divines - he is going to be very stingy with his gift?

Also, has anyone else bought the 'Gardener's Pack' to see what seeds they are getting or figured out just how often one is getting rarer seeds vs. common seeds? I purchased 10 packs in a quick jump over there and got the following;

9 Yellow
8 Green
2 Red
1 Orange
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  • Karma: 10 points
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