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Come ON everybody!!! We've only got another 90 minutes left berfore the GC ends and we're still 120,000 horseshoes short!!!!
  • Posted messages: 694
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By Retired breeder, 24th February 2016 12:03:12
Beth2 wrote:

Come ON everybody!!! We've only got another 90 minutes left berfore the GC ends and we're still 120,000 horseshoes short!!!!

It just isn't possible to get that amount in such a short amount of time. default smiley :(
Retired breeder wrote:

It just isn't possible to get that amount in such a short amount of time. default smiley :(

If lots of people came on, then we could possibly do it. Most of North America is just waking up. Unfortunately, I don't think we will, but it *would* have been possible if lots of people came on.
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By Retired breeder, 24th February 2016 12:36:32
120k is about the amount we were getting each day so I sadly doubt we will get it even if they were online.
By Retired breeder, 24th February 2016 12:36:33
Does anyone know what is the next breed will be added?
Retired breeder wrote:

120k is about the amount we were getting each day so I sadly doubt we will get it even if they were online.

Well, we'll never know XD

Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know what is the next breed will be added?

Pretty sure this was asked yesterday, and no we still don't know. There probably won't be any new breeds in a while!

Only thing I could think of that would be coming are Selle unicorns, but I think usually they release new unicorn breeds when there are two of them. So it might be a while~
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We still have a chance. I am entertaining myself by refreshing the page every 2 seconds and we are increasing in 10's and 20's. Keep it up!
  • Posted messages: 780
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If only the community challenges weren't removing unicorn horns!
  • Posted messages: 694
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By Retired breeder, 24th February 2016 13:40:03
Regarding the gifts we got during the GC, when do we get those??
Retired breeder wrote:

Regarding the gifts we got during the GC, when do we get those??

It can take up to a few hours. Please be patient~
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By Retired breeder, 24th February 2016 14:04:30
What was needed to get the Titans Challenge, was showing up clearly, but not in stock today?
Retired breeder wrote:

What was needed to get the Titans Challenge, was showing up clearly, but not in stock today?

Again, the gifts from the GC might take a while to appear. I haven't gotten mine yet either. It's no big deal, just wait.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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Ah geeze - for anyone who wants it - I've found some stuff on the next Promo and Divine

*All information Translated;

Click to display

The treasure hunt
The competition for hidden objects is back with several changes.

You must find objects scattered on an image to earn points, and therefore presents.
The ultimate goal is to find Anubis, the Egyptian divine horse.


There are 9 different scenes. The first is available at the beginning of the contest.
You unlock the following scenes by winning stars. To earn stars, you need to accumulate enough points.


The hourglasses let you play.
You receive:
• When you first sign of the day (4 day)
• when grooming your horse (limited to 2 per day)
• Win at your horses in competition (limited to 2 per day)
• buying in with your pass
You have 2 parts to launch the contest.
You can buy with hourglasses pass throughout the contest. There are also <Mega Timers?> (explained below) that are sold during different times of the contest.

Attend a party *search party?*

There are a total of 6 to 14 items to find during a party, according to the chosen scene.
4 items both are present in the list. When one of 4 items is found, it disappears from the list and a new object appears instead.
You earn points every time you find a good object. There are penalty points if you click on the wrong item. You can earn bonus points if you find the second object in 5 seconds.
There is no time limit to finish a game. But there is a rapid classification for those who love competition and glory.

Earn rewards

For each scene, there are 4 stars to unlock. Each unlocked star is a gift. You must play enough (and thus earn points) to unlock a star.
The stars will unlock new scenes, and earn gold chains *possibly Golden Horseshoses?*.

<Mega Timers>
A >Mega timer> provides 10 times more points in a game with a classic hourglass.
* The penalty for bad click remains the same
* The time bonus is multiplied by 10
They are sold for 4 times to pass the competition, but you can also transform the classic hourglass in mega timers in your workshop. It is impossible to launch a new manufacturing 6 hours before the contest ends.


Anubis is one of the Egyptian horses.

He will offer you one treasure when he wakes up each day.

By scratching the treasure chest, you have a chance to win:

1 x Hestia's Gift
skill points you can assign as desired to any of Anubis skills

This horse cannot be sold.

For anyone who may not recall - this sounds like the Treasure Hunt that gave us Amira. Click on the various items to gain points - once you gain enough points, you can move to the next scene to get more items.
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By Retired breeder, 24th February 2016 16:05:05
Oh now I MUST have him default smiley (7)
By Retired breeder, 24th February 2016 16:12:34
I love the new lottery ticket ufo's!default smiley (7)
I am not happy that he's in that particular promo, though I kind of saw it coming with the theme... But with that perk I'm willing to suffer through it for him XD
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By Retired breeder, 24th February 2016 16:21:32
Same starry default smiley (lol)
Regarding that promo
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Just curious...did we have penalties the last treasure hunt if we clicked on the wrong item? I remember mindlessly clicking around at first until i figured out what the items weredefault smiley (lol)
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,189
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Legacy Ann wrote:

Regarding that promo
Click to display
Just curious...did we have penalties the last treasure hunt if we clicked on the wrong item? I remember mindlessly clicking around at first until i figured out what the items weredefault smiley (lol)

Not that I recall. This is the text from the original one:

Click to display
**Again, this is from an OLD Promotion and just being shown for memory purposes - which is why it mentions a Legendary Horse. The Legendary Horses are NOT returning any time soon in the foreseeable future**


You receive hourglasses that let you play:
►when you first log of the day (4 day)
► during grooming your horses (limited to 2 per day)
► victories during your horses in competition (limited to 2 per day)
► the black market against the pass when there is an operation

You begin with two games available, represented by hourglasses.
A timer turns while you look for objects.
There are a total of 11 items to find during a game. When you find an item:
► you earn 95 points
► a 10-second counter appears
If you find another object during those 10 seconds, you earn 15 bonus points.
There is no time limit to find the objects.

You earn points by playing a part. When you reach certain levels, you earn gifts (list available on the contest page)

There are 5 scenes where you can find objects. At the end of each scene a clue must be found to proceed to the next scene.

There are 5 different scenes.
Each scene you complete gives you Amira equipment. So if you have completed the 5 scenes, you will get 5 equipment items that will allow you to transform one of your horses in Amira.

My guess is they changed it because;

Click to display
It seems we'll have less items to find per scene at the cost of having to play through more scenes to reach the top prize of Anubis.

Ex. IN the original - you had to find 10 items out of however many there were. This was a set constant.

It seems in this one - it seems how many items there are to find vs. how many are on the screen will change as you progress (ex. 6 items in teh first scene - you need to find 4)

Again though - just speculation based off the Translation I posted
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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Does anyone know how
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Pisces can be obtained and possibly what time frame. Any other info on her would be appreciated too.
I already now what she looks like. default smiley ;)
Time Flys For Fun
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Who can Aquarius be bred too?
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Time Flys For Fun wrote:

Does anyone know how
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Pisces can be obtained and possibly what time frame. Any other info on her would be appreciated too.
I already now what she looks like. default smiley ;)
saltwater. wrote:

Who can Aquarius be bred too?

Both of these can be answered by checking out This Post

@Time Flys For Fun - for the second part of your question about a time frame.

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Pisces is in the next promotion - given that this one ends on the 29th - and most promotions start on Thursdays...This means we could see Pisces promotion as early as March 3rd.

Likewise, there could be a delay and we won't see it for another few weeks.
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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I don't think you'll be able to breed the zodiac horses. Most likely there will be promo's to earn all of them instead of breeding some of them.
  • Posted messages: 8,034
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Time Flys For Fun wrote:

Click to display
Pisces can be obtained and possibly what time frame. Any other info on her would be appreciated too.

Click to display
bumping up this champ promo masterpost for you
Legacy Ann
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