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By Retired breeder, 15th November 2015 20:55:40
Which divine will come after Summer ? in the HOP's
None. That's it, for a while.
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By Retired breeder, 15th November 2015 21:44:10
Does anyone have an idea about what Libra will look like? Thanks in advance!default smiley :)
Starkitty wrote:

a bull?
just a guess of course, since we still know only the next 2 ones default smiley :p

Haha, sorry. I didn't know we would obly know the next two default smiley :)
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Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone have an idea about what Libra will look like? Thanks in advance!default smiley :)

At the moment we only know of Scorpio, as well as

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Sagittarius and Capricorn.

We don't know of any other ones, and probably won't for another few weeks.
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I've looked back about 20 pages so far but haven't found my answer yet.

I know Shorah has posted last year's prices for the Xmas pass packs, but does anyone have an educated guess on when they might be available?
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DëLizá wrote:

I've looked back about 20 pages so far but haven't found my answer yet.

I know Shorah has posted last year's prices for the Xmas pass packs, but does anyone have an educated guess on when they might be available?

Last year they came out at the end of December.
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By Retired breeder, 16th November 2015 07:12:16
Sunny12810 wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

I was wondering something related to this... Do they have to be
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2 Foundation Drafts - fully BLUPed and Bolded
2 Gypsy Vanners - 4400+ skills each
2 Thoroughbreds - 4000+ skills each

Or can it be any other horse?
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Is it possible to get divines in the

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Christmas promo

without use of passes/diamonds?

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Though it is possible not to have to spend as many passes if you save up your decorations until the 25th, there's a good chance you'll still have to pay a minimum of 5 passes per divine to get the tree back immediately, though that also depends on the exact running dates of the promo.

Getting a divine tree back takes about two days, so if there's enough time and you're patient, you just might be able to pull it off. It all depends on that and your luck with getting the necessary decorations, though!
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default smiley (l)To everyone asking what other Zodiac Divines look likedefault smiley (l)

We only know what 3 of them look like - Scorpio and the next two to be released *perk and images are below*:

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Sagittarius is one of the horses of the Zodiac.

If you were born under this sign, Sagittarius will give you 1 x The 5th Element every year, on your birthday, if you log in on that day.

She can breed with Scorpio to give birth to Capricorn.
By collecting all 12 horses of the Zodiac, you will get the horse, Serpentarius

This mare cannot be sold.


Capricorn is one of the horses of the Zodiac.

If you were born under this sign, Capricorn will give you 1 x The 5th Element every year, on your birthday, if you log in on that day.

He is the son of Sagittarius and Scorpio.
By collecting all 12 horses of the Zodiac, you will get the horse, Serpentarius

This horse cannot be sold.

All other Zodiac Horses - we know nothing about and do not have images of them. Images of new horses tend to show up between a few weeks to a Month before the horse itself does in any sort of testing.

Since the last 3 signs have followed (or will follow) their Zodiac Calendar dates - This means for all other signs, we probably won't know about them until:

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Sign - Zodiac Calendar - Potential time we'll have an image

Aquarius > (January 20 - February 18) > early December
Pisces > (February 19 - March 20) > early January
Aries > (March 21 - April 19) > early February
Taurus > (April 20 - May 20) > early March
Gemini > (May 21 - June 20) > early April
Cancer > (June 21 - July 22) > early May
Leo > (July 23 - August 22) > early June
Virgo > (August 23 - September 22) > early July
Libra > (September 23 - October 22) >early August

Again - just rough guesses. In addition - if any of these other Divines are breed only ones (like Capricorn)...we'd get their image at the same time we get the Mare's image (this is why we got Capricorn and Sagittarius together.) but again - no guarantee that any other members of this set will be gotten by breeding.
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@ tia311

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They can be ANY kind of horses. Foals, Unicorns, Donkeys, Divines etc. You can use two of the same horse - or two different ones (ex. a Foal and a Draft Horse)

Those times I posted were just examples of 3 teams of horses I opted to use from the start. I've used others (there's no restrictions on what you can use for horses - except you must use 2 horses per tree)
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By Retired breeder, 16th November 2015 18:10:02
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
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So, opening Horn of Plentys won't come into play in the Christmas promo? Any decor in them or anything? I finally have a stash and am itching to use 'emdefault smiley (m)
Legacy Ann
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At this point, no there isn't anything in HOPs and probably won't be. I'd save them for the next time the pinatas come around~
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By Retired breeder, 16th November 2015 21:45:15
horses should be adoptable from safe have, some of you may not agree, but I thing that would be nice
By Retired breeder, 16th November 2015 22:13:49
Retired breeder wrote:

horses should be adoptable from safe have, some of you may not agree, but I thing that would be nice

That is a great idea. The only problem is that once a horse is sent to the safe haven most of the facts about the horse are lost. This is done to save space. If they kept all of the data then there just wouldn't be enough room, and other more important parts of the game would run out of storage.
By Retired breeder, 16th November 2015 22:21:53
One more question

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When getting trees in the Christmas promo, the higher the skill of the horse, the faster the time right?

Oh! And
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I was looking at the Special 5th Element, and I was wondering...

With the Special 5th Element , select a new coat for your horse from a choice of water, earth, air, fire or metal. This coat comes with its own bonus:

Earth: +8 in Dressage and +5 in every other skill

Air: +8 in Jumping and +5 in every other skill

Fire: +8 in Speed and +5 in every other skill

Water: +8 in Endurance and +5 in every other skill

Metal: +8 in every other skill

Only horses older than 1 year and 6 months can use the Special 5th Element .

The Special 5th Element cannot be used in combination with another special coat. If you give your horse a Golden Apple and then the Special 5th Element , they will lose their Golden Apple.

It says Endurance and 5+ in every other skill for water... Is Endurance a new skill that's going to be added? Or are they changing Stamina to Endurance... Cus I'm confused...
Why would you want to take a happy free horse from a perfect, peaceful, happy life.

You want a new horse, go to sales, plenty to choose from.
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Retired breeder wrote:

horses should be adoptable from safe have, some of you may not agree, but I thing that would be nice

But the people who put their horses there did so trusting that nobody would get that horse.
If you took away the horses from where their owners wanted them to be, that would be wrong.
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" Is Endurance a new skill that's going to be added? Or are they changing Stamina to Endurance"

Endurance is just another word for stamina. Nothing is going to be changed, the translation from French is just not that consistent default smiley :d
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By Retired breeder, 16th November 2015 22:50:21

OHHHHH! I get it now!!! Thank you so much for clearing that up!
Figure I would write this here since it is probably a question there will be asked a lot of times

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every year so far the Christmas packs has become available one minute in on the 24 December I remember staying up for them last year and that was on the dot 12:01.
If it's the case this year I don't know but I would say there is a good chance
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