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By Retired breeder, 8th November 2015 12:14:23
Oops stupid auto correct, I meant me, not Mr
Retired breeder wrote:

Maybe howrse doesn't like kindles...

Howrse was made for real computers (or laptops), not mobile devices like smart-phones and such.
  • Posted messages: 53,660
  • Karma: 10 points
question about new divine

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do we have a picture of Aries?
Princess Celestia
  • Posted messages: 124,385
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Princess Celestia wrote:

question about new divine

So far we only have the three/four pictures of the three next signs. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 53,660
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Does anyone know when
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Will be out? Probably next October or something, right? Just wondering cause it's my sign :3
  • Posted messages: 1,137
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paintlover20 wrote:

Probably next October or something, right?

At the moment, the guess is that those divines will spread out over the year, yes.
  • Posted messages: 53,660
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Princess Celestia wrote:

question about new divine

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do we have a picture of Aries?

paintlover20 wrote:

Does anyone know when
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Will be out? Probably next October or something, right? Just wondering cause it's my sign :3

Nope - we only have pictures of;

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Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn. And only the info on Scorpio is fully known (still waiting for more info on Sagittarius and Capricorn).

As for all other Divines - most images become 'available' anywhere between a few weeks to a month before the Divine itself becomes available for testing. As for when they will come out - my guess is Howrse is following the Zodiac Calendar because;

~ Scorpio's time is from Oct. 23rd to November 21st. His promo is most likely going to start on the 12th (so that most of it will fall within his time)

~ Sagittarius and Capricorn both cover parts of December (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21 and Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 respectively). We got both of their images about a month or so before the Zodiac Calendar will switch to Sagittarius' time.

So this means that the earliest we can expect to see the other signs not listed above is probably a month or so before the following dates:

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
  • Posted messages: 52,418
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SilverPuppy wrote:

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I hope capricorn is not supposed to be bred. I was saving up for both capricorn and pisces because I'm a pisces and my sis is a capricorn.

I don't see why this would be an issue? You don't have to own the sire to breed a divine. You'd just come out with three divines instead of two.
  • Posted messages: 1,179
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After some thought - I realized there is One potential good thing for me when it comes to the Z_ Divines;

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If Capricorn is indeed a breed only Divine...I can rig it so that he is born on my birthday (as I would love to have my sign be born on my birthday).

Though on the same token - do I really want to wait the 2 months or so for it if that's the case?

Tough call - though I won't decide this one way or another until I get more information...
  • Posted messages: 52,418
  • Karma: 10 points
Shorah, what does the Buculphalus figurine look like?

Thank you default smiley ^)
  • Posted messages: 7,471
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gabbigirl1 wrote:

, what does the Buculphalus figurine look like?

Spoiler due to several images:
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  • Posted messages: 53,660
  • Karma: 10 points
Retired breeder wrote:

Hey, I was talking to one of my friends about her foal, which is albino, and I was wondering: Is Howrse ever going to add this rarity?

There's no such thing as an albino horse, albinism doesn't exist in horses. The closest thing to albino we have in horses is cremello, which we already have.

(sorry, I know this was posted a few days ago, I'm just getting caught up on this thread and had to comment on thatdefault smiley :) )
  • Posted messages: 884
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ShorahNagi wrote:

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If Capricorn is indeed a breed only Divine...I can rig it so that he is born on my birthday (as I would love to have my sign be born on my birthday).

Though on the same token - do I really want to wait the 2 months or so for it if that's the case?

Tough call - though I won't decide this one way or another until I get more information...

Don't give me ideas! Lol, I'd either have it on mine or my late grandmother's b-day since ours were only two days apart.
  • Posted messages: 13,426
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They have figurines for stuff? default smiley :s
Ash Duke01
  • Posted messages: 10,790
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Ash Duke01 wrote:

They have figurines for stuff? default smiley :s

The figurines are the reason why not everyone can buy the legendary packs.
the shipping company shipping the figurines do not ship everywhere (the USA is one of the not supported countries)
  • Posted messages: 53,660
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Ash Duke01
  • Posted messages: 10,790
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By Retired breeder, 8th November 2015 22:01:54
I was just wondering if someone could answer a question for me...

I asked a while ago about other player's opinions on whether I should go for a Rainbow (in reserved sales) or Z_ divine.

Well, I want to get Shiny Yellow (after finding out that diamonds could not be traded in for actual passes, just BMIs) and my brother wants Lovely Blue on his account.

I don't care how many divines I get from it (I know if we breed the two, my brother will get the foal).

But my question is, how much do you guys estimate the rainbow divines will cost in reserved sales. (i.e. I guess I am looking for a list; each rainbow divine with its corresponding approximate cost).

Thanks to all! default smiley ^)
Can someone translate this?

De la lance de seth ?Celle qui est au Marché noir ?
Je recopie :
La lance de Seth procure une source d'énergie infinie pour votre cheval. Il pourras alors participer a des compétitions sans utiliser d'énergie. De plus, vous pourrez saillir votre cheval avec un divin, et le poulain héritera de quelques fonctionnalités divines, il ne sera cependant pas un cheval divin.
La lance de Seth peut être placée sur tous les divins sauf sur Osiris.Si elle est placée sur Isis, elle pourra alors se reproduire avec Osiris pour donner naissance a Horus.
Si deux Divins ont un poulain hors Isis et Osiris, ils donneront naissance à Crésus ou à Balios.

Ouf...c'est long de tout recopierdefault smiley default smiley :'( et la lance de seth coûte 6 passdefault smiley default smiley :)
Mais pourquoi vous ne le dites pas dans la récap ?default smiley default smiley (o)

I think it says something about breeding Osiris and Isis.
  • Posted messages: 3,266
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Stormborn wrote:

Can someone translate this?

De la lance de seth ?Celle qui est au Marché noir ?
Je recopie :
La lance de Seth procure une source d'énergie infinie pour votre cheval. Il pourras alors participer a des compétitions sans utiliser d'énergie. De plus, vous pourrez saillir votre cheval avec un divin, et le poulain héritera de quelques fonctionnalités divines, il ne sera cependant pas un cheval divin.
La lance de Seth peut être placée sur tous les divins sauf sur Osiris.Si elle est placée sur Isis, elle pourra alors se reproduire avec Osiris pour donner naissance a Horus.
Si deux Divins ont un poulain hors Isis et Osiris, ils donneront naissance à Crésus ou à Balios.

Ouf...c'est long de tout recopierdefault smiley default smiley :'( et la lance de seth coûte 6 passdefault smiley default smiley :)
Mais pourquoi vous ne le dites pas dans la récap ?default smiley default smiley (o)

I think it says something about breeding Osiris and Isis.

Try Google it might help default smiley :s
Ash Duke01
  • Posted messages: 10,790
  • Karma: 10 points
Stormborn wrote:

Can someone translate this?

De la lance de seth ?Celle qui est au Marché noir ?
Je recopie :
La lance de Seth procure une source d'énergie infinie pour votre cheval. Il pourras alors participer a des compétitions sans utiliser d'énergie. De plus, vous pourrez saillir votre cheval avec un divin, et le poulain héritera de quelques fonctionnalités divines, il ne sera cependant pas un cheval divin.
La lance de Seth peut être placée sur tous les divins sauf sur Osiris.Si elle est placée sur Isis, elle pourra alors se reproduire avec Osiris pour donner naissance a Horus.
Si deux Divins ont un poulain hors Isis et Osiris, ils donneront naissance à Crésus ou à Balios.

Ouf...c'est long de tout recopierdefault smiley default smiley :'( et la lance de seth coûte 6 passdefault smiley default smiley :)
Mais pourquoi vous ne le dites pas dans la récap ?default smiley default smiley (o)

I think it says something about breeding Osiris and Isis.

Really shoddy google translate, in spoilers because I'm getting the feeling it's to do with an upcoming BMI?
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Lance seth ? This is the black market ?
I copy :
Seth lance provides an infinite source of energy for your horse. It will then be able to participate in competitions without using energy . In addition, you can jut your horse with a divine, and the foal will inherit some divine features, it will not, however, a divine horse.
The lance Seth can be placed on all divine Osiris.Si unless it is placed on Isis , she can then breed with Osiris to give birth to Horus.
If two Divine have a foal out of Osiris and Isis , they will give birth to Croesus or Balios .

Phew ... it's along any recopierdefault smiley smiley default : "( and lance seth costs 6 passdefault default smiley smiley default smiley :)
But why you do not say it in the recap"
  • Posted messages: 884
  • Karma: 10 points
Stormborn wrote:

Can someone translate this?

Here is part of it. Since I think it may relate to something in the future I am putting it in a spoiler

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The lance of Seth gets a source of infinite energy for your horse. It will be able to then take part has competitions without using energy. Moreover, you will be able to cover your horse with divine, and the foal will inherit some divine functionalities, it will however not be a divine horse.
The lance of Seth can be placed on all the divine ones except on Osiris.Si it is placed on Isis, it will be able to then reproduce with Osiris to give birth has Horus.
If two Divine has a foal except Isis and Osiris, they will give rise to Crésus or Balios.
  • Posted messages: 5,913
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Wow, that will be popular.
  • Posted messages: 4,786
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Gotta get me one of those. Or a dozen.
  • Posted messages: 3,266
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Well, apparently people from the French server are saying that it's a fake... so I wouldn't get that happy about that new BMI...
  • Posted messages: 681
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Oh gosh, I'm really excited to see Aries considering it's a ram... default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 578
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