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By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 16:11:32
Just bringing back the pictures of the remaining Rainbow divines:
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Secret Rainbow:
By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 16:13:56
How many passes will we need for the M____ R_____ and u_______ promos?
Retired breeder wrote:

Anybody know if there are any HOP promos coming up that we can win divines from?

None that I know of.

warmbloodgirl53 wrote:

Does anyone know how to get my draft covered? There aren't any males that can cover her :\

Because Drafts can only breed three times in their lives - the majority of players keep the coverings for themselves (it's much the same with Donkeys). The best way to get coverings for Drafts/Donkeys is generally keep both your own Mares and Stallion, otherwise, you just need to keep checking the coverings page and hope you are quick enough to snag one should one show up
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By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 16:37:48
Does anyone know how the U______ & M____ R____ promotion works ?
By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 16:38:20
And how many passes is needed to complete them ?
Retired breeder wrote:

How many passes will we need for the M____ R_____ and u_______ promos?

It's hard top say as both of these are dependent on many different factors:

U_ Promo
Click to display
Underwater excavations is dependent on:

How often can you dig
How many bones you are finding vs. Relics and other items

For example - on Preprod, even after using the equivalent of 40 passes, and not missing any digs (I had enough Relics to trade for the next tool as soon as able) - I was STILL short 30 - 40 something bones.

Here's another rough example of differing amounts of Passes based on 1-day sample results with each tool based on MY experience *you may find more or less bones, relics, traps, prizes, etc*

Snorkel and Mask (10 digs)

8 Relics
2 Bones
0 Prizes
0 Traps

Oxygen Tank (15 digs)

10 Relics
4 Bones
0 Prizes
1 Trap

Diving Suit (20 digs)

10 Relics
6 Bones
2 Prizes
2 Traps

Propeller (25 digs)

13 Relics
8 Bones
2 Prizes
2 Traps

Robot (30 digs)

19 Relics
10 Bones
1 Prizes
0 Traps

Now, let's focus on the Bones gotten. We'll assume with our other digs, we got enough Relics to barter for the better tools for the various amounts of digs per day for these dates *dates are preprod dates NOT live dates*:

Days 1 and 2 (13th and 14th): 10 digs per day
Days 3, 4, and 5 (15th, 16th and 17th): 15 digs per day
Days 6, 7, 8, and 9 (18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st): 20 digs per day
Days 10, 11, 12, and 13 (22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th): 25 digs
Days 14, 15, and 16 (26th, 27th, and 28th): 30 digs

Day 1 - 2: 4 Bones
Days 3 - 5: 12 Bones
Days 6 - 9: 24 Bones
Days 10 - 13: 32 Bones
Days 14 - 16: 30 Bones
Final total: 102 Bones

*Remember that Mines would need to be used before the promotion ends, so the day 14 - 16 count is not 100% accurate as the 16th is not a full day*

Still 60 Bones short of Devoted Indigo - time for Mine usage to make up

Looking at my history with Mine usage in a single day (3 mines for 1 pass):

2 Bones
1 Prize
0 Relics
0 Traps

If I continued to have this luck with single mines...I'm looking at 30 passes to make up my missing 60 Bones (2 bones each time ; 2 x 30 = 60).

If we calculate this with my results based off a run with Double Mines (6 mines for 1 pass):

3 Bones
2 Prizes
1 Relic
0 Traps

This comes out to only needing 20 passes (3 bones each time ; 3 x 20 = 60)

Final potential pass cost based on these numbers: 20 to 30 passes

Again though, this is just based off a very small sample of numbers and the assumption that one will get these amounts every dig.

In short - for the Underwater Excavations - expect it to require anywhere between 10 to 50+ passes.

S_ R_ Promotion

Click to display
Like the Magic Ride - how many passes will be dependent on:

How many rolls you can make per hour
How many times you can roll per day
Are the rolls amounts you need

Take this screen shot of a Summer Ride board;

In order to move to the next board - you need to collect all the Keys. So from the current spot of the player (the gold horse token) - they are 8 spots away from one key, 15 spots away from the other Key.

Extra rolls are sold in packs of 2, and also give you a gift to open. So if this player opts to use Passes at this point in time to try and get the Keys...Their best luck would be if they rolled:

Any combination of 8 to reach the first key (1 pass)
From the first key's spot - it's another 8 spaces to the next key...If they are lucky enough to roll a combination of 8 again by purchasing another roll pack - they're now up to 2 passes.

Now they have to make their way to the door - and they have multiple options: Try to navigate directly to it, go to the teleporter to be transported to it (but then they still need to roll enough to pass through the door)

In the past - I believe the Magic ride has taken people anywhere between 10 to 30 passes depending on how many regular rolls they can make, and their luck with rolling in general (as some of the later boards require you to roll exact numbers or a combination to equal a certain number (ex. If the Divine board for this event is anything like the Winter Magic Ride one - you need to roll a 3 in any combination to move out of the starting area))
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Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know how the U______ & M____ R____ promotion works ?

U_ Promotion

Click to display
If you were here for the Cursed Sands of 2013 - it's the same thing. If not, here's the info from the Preprod topic and some screen shots.

Excavate the sea bead to find gifts that were lost at sea. Beware of the traps!

*How do I excavate?

• Choose the area you want to excavate
• Discover what is hidden there
• Be patient between excavations
• Exchange your tools and the relics you’ve found for more powerful tools

Basically - you'll have a screen showing various patches of dirt. You dig in these patches to find Items (regular & black market items), Relics (which you trade for better tools over time), or Bones (which are needed to complete the skeleton to win the Divine horse - Devoted Indigo. There is also a chance you'll find a Trap - which will delay you from digging for 6 hours unless you complete an objective.

Here are some screen shots of the Underwater Excavations:

Finding some equus

Finding a bone - sorry, it's in French default smiley :(

Finding a relic

The Prize list for the promotion.

As for the Magic Ride or
Click to display
Summer Ride as the upcoming one will be called. It's the same as the Magic Ride event from the last few Winters.

If you were not here for that - it works like this:

The Magic Ride is a board game type event. You log in each day and can roll a die to make moves (rolls happen at certain times like pinata clicks, and you can get more rolls per hour, closes times, etc. as the event rolls on by doing objectives).

The main objective is to collect all the keys on a board and move to the next one with the final goal being to reach the 'Divine' or last board and win the Divine horse located there.

Along the way - you'll find Gifts to collect of different sizes - but you can't open your gifts until later in the promotion (when this is held around Christmas, usually you can't start opening them until the 25th (Christmas). It is unknown at this time if there will be a time restriction on when gifts can start being opened with the Summer Ride.
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By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 16:49:29
As for the U______
Can you show us the places in which to find the different prizes?(Or will the prize from the digs be different for everyone?)
Retired breeder wrote:

As for the U______
Can you show us the places in which to find the different prizes?(Or will the prize from the digs be different for everyone?)

It's random what you'll find;

Click to display
You and I could be digging in the exact same spot - but find entirely different things.

Say we're both digging in the Middle spot - we each have 10 digs to work with for the day. I might dig up:

Bone, Relic, Relic, Prize of 1x Black Orchid, Bone, Relic, Relic, Relic, Trap, Bone

You might dig up;

Bone, Relic, Prize of 1,000e, Bone, Relic, Relic, Relic, Relic, Relic, Prize of 20x Flax
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Also - with the U_

Click to display
Better prizes are not always found later into the Event, nor are they found the further you dig down *not that this matters, as you can only dig in a spot 3 times before it 'resets' and you can start digging it again*

What prize you find seems to be random - but of course, there are varying probabilities of finding them (ex. you are more likely to find 20x Flax than you are to find 1x Croesus Fortune, but you are more likely to find a Croesus Fortune than you are a Haflinger foal *these are just random prizes I chose for the example, these are NOT actual statistics*)

Also, the use of Mines may or may not result in better prizes - nor will the use of mines guarantee you find a prize.
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By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 17:03:38
Thanks for the help!! default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 17:25:44
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
ShorahNagi wrote:

I've heard reports of a few people finding a Solar Divine on Level 8 of the Titan's Challenge (not on this serer though) - so it seems they might still be available to win via this method. However, beyond them possibly being on Level 8 of the Titan's Challenge - nothing is known just when or even if we'll see a return of Solar/Wind Divines.

ok thank you. Fingers crossed they come out another way!
Maybe similar to the clover lottery we had a while ago where we could 'buy' a divine of our choice with the clovers?
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By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 18:12:02
Retired breeder wrote:

Just bringing back the pictures of the remaining Rainbow divines:
Click to display



Secret Rainbow:

The Violet looks Amazing
I really hope howrse introduces more breeds of horses. Does any one have info on draft breeds?
By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 18:25:47
Will the new draft horse only be able to breed 3 times like the percheron?
Retired breeder wrote:

Will the new draft horse only be able to breed 3 times like the percheron?

Probably, I think all drafts will breed the samedefault smiley (y)
j7t85jf84 hfgb3
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By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 18:47:07
Retired breeder wrote:

Just bringing back the pictures of the remaining Rainbow divines:
Click to display



Secret Rainbow:

I am so disappointed with violet and secret rainbow. I really wish they would have put some more work into them. They seem, I don't know, very hap-hazardly done. Like someone just drew them up really quickly
By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 18:52:12
Secret Rainbiw is the most beautiful horse ♥..
They are beautiful ♥
By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 19:35:12
I don't like them either ... I am so diapointed
About the S__R__ promo... What divine do you get in that? Or does anyone know?
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By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 20:26:02
gabbigirl1 wrote:

About the S__R__ promo... What divine do you get in that? Or does anyone know?

I think we get the last rainbow divine
..... purple default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 20:26:27
or also known as violate
Retired breeder wrote:

I think we get the last rainbow divine
..... purple default smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

or also known as violate

Thank you so much! default smiley (7)
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By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 20:34:04
No problem default smiley :d
M_R_ promo always had 3 Divines...is it the same now? default smiley *-)
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