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Nagi : That's what I ended up doing. I used up about 20 and I'm keeping the rest in hopes that there will be another wave! I was so behind in the pinatas, that I'm only at number 13. So I'm hoping I can get as far as possible without having to use HOPs until later.
  • Posted messages: 442
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ShorahNagi wrote:

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It seems the Maze has received a Small graphical update - the Map is still the same, but Icons have changed colors.

This has been done as some players were having trouble differentiating their Location Dot with a Treat space...I also feel this change might have been done to help the color-blind, but as I am not color blind, I have no idea if this change has made things better or worse for those who might be color-blind.

Here's a side by side of the old and new:

The old color set was:

Red - Treat
Green - Present
Black - Spyglass
Red - Location dot

The new color set is:

Green - Treat
Magenta - Present
Black - Spyglass (not visible)
Red - Location dot

*Also, in the New color set - there was a treat above the red Location Dot, but when I took this image - I had already collected it.

So, you were unsure if it helps colour blind or not, I'm partly colourblind in this but I can tell you swapping something from red to green does not help as red/green colour blindness is the most common form :P (More commonly you'll find things using yellow/magenta/blue to help get around this, even though there's actually yellow/blue colourblindness as well, just not as common as RG )

However, the items have different shapes, so it doesn't matter so much :P
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Thank you for that information. I knew that magenta was one of the more colorblind friendly colors (for lack of a better word in my book) - but was not sure on yellow or blue (as I know there is violet-blindness) - which is partially where my comment about the swap helping came into play (as to my eyes and on my monitor (which sometimes messes up with shades of red and pink), the present icon went Magenta.

Also, in regards to a second-wave of HOPs;

None of my fellow Mods recall a second wave happening on Preprod - BUT that does not mean that a second wave will not happen.

For example; with the Cards on Preprod; we had th Card Packs come out around the middle of the Event during testing, and then got only the Joker Packs towards the end of testing.

On here when it went live - we got the Card Packs during the middle of the Event, and then we got another round of the regular Card Packs towards the end (something that was not tested on Preprod) and THEN the Joker Cards at the very end of the event.

So while testing usually does give a good idea on what to expect with the live version...there can be some surprises/changes.
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ShorahNagi wrote:

Also, in regards to a second-wave of HOPs;

None of my fellow Mods recall a second wave happening on Preprod - BUT that does not mean that a second wave will not happen.

For example; with the Cards on Preprod; we had th Card Packs come out around the middle of the Event during testing, and then got only the Joker Packs towards the end of testing.

On here when it went live - we got the Card Packs during the middle of the Event, and then we got another round of the regular Card Packs towards the end (something that was not tested on Preprod) and THEN the Joker Cards at the very end of the event.

So while testing usually does give a good idea on what to expect with the live version...there can be some surprises/changes.

So in other words, should we be worried and just use up all the HOPs now? 'Cause the event ends next Sunday. Will there be enough time to get another wave? All this uncertainty is making me anxious! haha! default smiley :p
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By Retired breeder, 3rd May 2015 18:15:22
I've been on Howrse on and off (with different accounts that are now deleted due to inactivity), and I feel as though every promotion like this (and the card packs) always has something at the end---maybe not double points though ----they could just bring back the single points. Yes, 4 days is long, but I feel like there are still 6 days until the end of the promo, so maybe they would introduce something on the last 2 days? default smiley (8) Just my guess, though.
By Retired breeder, 3rd May 2015 18:17:20
Retired breeder wrote:

I've been on Howrse on and off (with different accounts that are now deleted due to inactivity), and I feel as though every promotion like this (and the card packs) always has something at the end---maybe not double points though ----they could just bring back the single points. Yes, 4 days is long, but I feel like there are still 6 days until the end of the promo, so maybe they would introduce something on the last 2 days? default smiley (8) Just my guess, though.

Let's hope so! Otherwise I will be very disapointed.
Does anyone have pictures of Devoted Indiego, Brave Purple and Secret Rainbow? Have their pictures been released yet?
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By Retired breeder, 3rd May 2015 20:19:41
gabbigirl1 wrote:

Does anyone have pictures of Devoted Indiego, Brave Purple and Secret Rainbow? Have their pictures been released yet?

As far as I know, their pictures have yet to be released.
Regarding a second issue of HOPs with points.

On prepod we only had one issue. But that is normal there, as we are there to test things in a very limited time, much shorter than the live version. So we will actually finish whatever we are testing within that first issue. Therefore there is no reason to even have a second issue.

So prepod is not the best place to judge by.

If I remember correctly on the last Pinata we were using points from HOPs during the last few days. That however does not mean they will repeat their actions.

What I have done is go as far as I can ( finished on this server and on number 20 on the other servers I am on) without interfering with the overall health of my accounts and will coast in under my own steam. If they do offer a second round I will just use a couple to finish a day or two earlier.

Either way I will get the divine as I have boosted myself far enough along. to where I am going to get the most points from my own clicks and my friends clicks. default smiley :)
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I will need as much help as possible for the next promo, I am absolutely determined to get all the rainbow divines and I don't think Shiny Yellow will be making its way into my breeding farm with the piniata promo so it's do or die for the next ones until yellow comes out with hops or titans challenge or hopefully (fingers crossed and horseshoes/charms aplenty) in the reserved sales for all players.
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Please could someone tell me on which page the map of the shortest route to complete the maze is
  • Posted messages: 613
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By Retired breeder, 4th May 2015 00:02:40
Stuff about shortest route, the route that is longer but has more gifts, and an untouched maze along with some info.
ShorahNagi wrote:

Click to display
Here are two routes through the Maze, as well as a fully revealed untouched map.

The 'Red Line Map' is said to be the Shortest route in terms of spaces you must move.

The 'White Dot Map' is said to be a Faster route, but is a bit longer due to picking up extra treats for extra moves.

The Untouched Map just shows where everything is...however, when it comes to the gift spaces, please note - the following was stated on Preprod:

Nope the map is the same for everyone here on preproduction and the gifts as well.
The map won't change when it goes live but the gifts will change position a little. default smiley :)
It would be too much of an advantage if there wasn't a little change on the live version.

This has been inferred to mean two different things;

A. As has been discovered already - while everyone has the same gifts, they will not be found at the same spots (ex. I find a Helios' Ray at space S2, you find a Fertility wand, he finds a Golden Apple, etc.)

B. The location of Gift Spaces themselves will be moved (so instead of finding a gift at S2 as we do now, there may or may not be a gift there)

It could also be a combination of the two...

While not 100% confirmed - Treats and Spyglass spaces will not be altered.
gabbigirl1 wrote:

Does anyone have pictures of Devoted Indiego, Brave Purple and Secret Rainbow? Have their pictures been released yet?

Nothing has been found of these Divines yet (we don't even have a confirmation of what the names for the last two (Indigo and Violet/Purple (whichever they choose - I'm leaning more towards Violet due to the Rainbow Spectrum being Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet...though I wouldn't mind another non-color name if we got something like Sweet Plum for one of the purple colors)
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So the route is shorter to go the red line way but you progress faster to go the white dot way?
  • Posted messages: 4,141
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By Retired breeder, 4th May 2015 02:14:48
LegendarySword wrote:

So the route is shorter to go the red line way but you progress faster to go the white dot way?

Determining routes:

Click to display
the red one takes the least amount of squares to Lovely Blue. However the white one will take you to Lovely Blue in the least amount of your own moves. The white dotted path has more treats that let you move along faster without using your own energy. So though red is short in terms of squares taken, the white dotted one is "shorter"/"faster" because it cost you less of your own energy to make it to the end.
Click to display

Right now yes it takes you fastr around because you know what gift lays where and where you can pick the treat from.But when it goes live gifts will be moved around with means if there was a treat before on lets say square 4D you may find something else there when it goes live-with means you may loose 2 moves due to no treat here.

Decisions decisions...
Shishi no Seirei
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By Retired breeder, 4th May 2015 02:23:44
Click to display
I think I'll probably go with the red way and see where it takes me from there default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 4th May 2015 02:24:06
SHOOT. I did.. The wrong.. Ugh *facepalm multiple times*
funcats22000, XD I take it you wanted to post this in spoiler topic default smiley xd
Shishi no Seirei
  • Posted messages: 5,297
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the joke is on me..fail default smiley (lol)
Sorry guys default smiley xd I tough this was creation space forumXD
Shishi no Seirei
  • Posted messages: 5,297
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By Retired breeder, 4th May 2015 02:31:23
XD GOod one creed.
By Retired breeder, 4th May 2015 02:31:45
We both had fails today! default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 4th May 2015 02:42:18
Any of you New Zealand people feel the earthquake? It was timed perfectly with that moment when I decided to go back to my homework, but now I have too comfort Casper. He does the opposite of normal cats (running away)he was crying at the door within two minutesdefault smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 4th May 2015 02:44:02
Retired breeder wrote:

We both had fails today! default smiley (lol)

mhmmm...did you see my fail? yeah, tinypic posted a picture of an old couple.
epic. fail.
By Retired breeder, 4th May 2015 02:52:10
Shishi no Seirei wrote:

Click to display

Right now yes it takes you fastr around because you know what gift lays where and where you can pick the treat from.But when it goes live gifts will be moved around with means if there was a treat before on lets say square 4D you may find something else there when it goes live-with means you may loose 2 moves due to no treat here.

Decisions decisions...

It's actually

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just the gifts that are moving the treats and eyeglasses will be in the same spot so white will still be the same in terms of moves so it's still faster and you won't loose moves for following it.
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