[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Yes, the Black Marks were ones made by energy - the Green ones were by getting a Treat.

I believe my count is the total Black and Green dots (in which each dot signifies a move)

Again though - as I said, I was working on this a bit early in the morning - so my count might be off (which is why I invite others to try and figure out their own calculations)..I'm actually going to run a quick recalculation as I think in my sleep-dazed mind/sight - I did make a mistake.

One thing I can say for sure is ~ according to an Admin;

It takes 231 moves without going to get any treats to reach Lovely Blue.
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By Retired breeder, 3rd May 2015 02:18:40
ShorahNagi wrote:

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Yes, the Black Marks were ones made by energy - the Green ones were by getting a Treat.

I believe my count is the total Black and Green dots (in which each dot signifies a move)

Again though - as I said, I was working on this a bit early in the morning - so my count might be off (which is why I invite others to try and figure out their own calculations)..I'm actually going to run a quick recalculation as I think in my sleep-dazed mind/sight - I did make a mistake.

One thing I can say for sure is ~ according to an Admin;

It takes 231 moves without going to get any treats to reach Lovely Blue.

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ok I see then what happened the 231 isn't counting in yet the side steps for treats and the double steps back in. So I would have to add those in then subtract the green dots and 73 of black dots to get the total moves I need to make up from TC to follow your path. Thank you for the help.


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That 231 is following a direct route (the 'Red Line' route for example) to Lovely Blue that does not cover any deviations (ex. heading up to get a treat, and then back down.

I'll have one final set of calculations tomorrow - but right now, my eyes are starting to hurt (which is affecting my counting).
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By Retired breeder, 3rd May 2015 03:29:45
Retired breeder wrote:

Could someone please confirm or deny a second wave of HOP opening for piñatas who was on testing?

i would really like to know this too. I was on test, but I didn't even pay attention, HOPs are too addictive to open.
By Retired breeder, 3rd May 2015 03:47:55
@Apsen, even more unfortunate is that our resident and beloved queen of spoilers and all things testing, Shorah, seems to have missed end of testing default smiley :(
@ ShorahNagi

I notice the last number on that map is 35 so are you saying you calculated it would take 35 days to complete?
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By Retired breeder, 3rd May 2015 03:51:25
@Shorah you previously mentioned we would get Greyfell in numerical order. This was been debunked by a U.S. mod who just received her first and got Greyfell number four default smiley (y) So perhaps we all get four or it's random. Either way, it not numerical. I'm curious to see which one I will get though!
Spyder wrote:

@ ShorahNagi

I notice the last number on that map is 35 so are you saying you calculated it would take 35 days to complete?

35 days based on not using any outside help (meaning passes) if I'm recalling my own math correctly *it's very late at night where I am right now, not 100% alert right now and am about to go to bed*

In regards to a second run of HOPs - I can not confirm this one way or the other...the testing of the Piñatas happened at a bad time for me, and I missed much of testing default smiley :(

Retired breeder wrote:

Shorah you previously mentioned we would get Greyfell in numerical order.

This is how it has run here on the International Server (Indeed, I and many others were able to easily figure out who we were missing from our sets via this method - and many players experienced the result of receiving the one in the next numerical order (so if you didn't have any - you got number 1. If you had numbers 1 to 8, you got number 9.)

If this is true for INT. provided I get Greyfell from the Pinatas...since I have all of them, logic decrees one of two things:

A. I get Greyfell 1 and the cycle starts again
B. I will get a Greyfell chosen at random

Likewise, things might have changed since they were last given out (That is, you get a random one) or things might run a little differently on the US server [as though the game is the same, the servers do have some differences to keep them interesting]

And don't call me the Queen of Spoilers - I'm just really good at hunting down information default smiley ;) *puts on the Ninja costume and goes off to hunt for more information* default smiley (m)
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ShorahNagi wrote:

This is how it has run here on the International Server (Indeed, I and many others were able to easily figure out who we were missing from our sets via this method - and many players experienced the result of receiving the one in the next numerical order (so if you didn't have any - you got number 1. If you had numbers 1 to 8, you got number 9.)

If this is true for INT. provided I get Greyfell from the Pinatas...since I have all of them, logic decrees one of two things:

A. I get Greyfell 1 and the cycle starts again
B. I will get a Greyfell chosen at random

Likewise, things might have changed since they were last given out (That is, you get a random one) or things might run a little differently on the US server [as though the game is the same, the servers do have some differences to keep them interesting]

Do you or anyone know the order they would be received if you are just starting your collection or just have 1 or 2 right now.

By order I am referring to the brand or haunch marking each one has.
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Shorah, on our server we always get Greys in order, but now one player (who have 2 Greys) got number 6. Just random, or what?
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About Greyfells: I had 11/12 before this promo started, so I was hoping I'd get the last one I was missing...

But nope. I got one I had from before, so it seems random.
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By Retired breeder, 3rd May 2015 11:25:10
Retired breeder wrote:

Could someone please confirm or deny a second wave of HOP opening for piñatas who was on testing?

I really want and need to know this, since I don't want to come short on points when I'd have had the HoPs needed. There must be someone who knows it, right..?
Spyder wrote:

Do you or anyone know the order they would be received if you are just starting your collection or just have 1 or 2 right now.

In the past - I know that if you did not have any, you received Greyfell 1 (has the runic marking for Wealth (looks similar to this: ᚠ))

If you had Greyfells 1 and 2 - you received number 3.
If you had Greyfells 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, you got number 7.

This means either one of two things;

A. The system has changed and you now get a Random Greyfell


B. There is a glitch is the system that's causing improper distribution (which might be the case given last month's issue with Greyfells being able to be transformed again)

I'll see if I can't get anything from the Admins on this though.
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On preprod(pinatas) i got the purple greyfell with a P on it , i don't have any Greyfells (:
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Greyfells have have always been given in a numerical order, it wouldn't make sense otherwise as there are 12 to collect and it would be impossible to get all 12 if it was random <.< since you cannot buy and sell like you can with other divines where you get a random version (Falabellas, Balios, sleipners).

I would assume it's a bug if you get a random greyfell, not that unlikely in my opinion considering the recent bugs that have happened to the divines.
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Okay - before this gets a little too off *as we are supposed to be discussing spoilers*
I have contacted an Admin.

They have told me that Greyfell are actually randomly assigned (though it seems that a lot of us actually had the good luck of getting them in numerical order ~ as one of my fellow Mods got all 12 of hers and they did not follow the numerical sequence). However, as you get more Greyfell - they're supposed to give you one you do not already have.

So (just to make things easy - we'll go back to someone whose gotten them in order) if someone has Greyfell 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 ~ the next one they get should be either 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 (in short, one you still don't have).

However, they did tell me that there does seem to be a small issue in which players who do not yet have all the Greyfell are receiving duplicates (so to use Mithrim as an example. Since they had 11 of the 12 (let's make this easy and say they have numbers 1 to 11) - they should have received Greyfell 12 to complete the set - as opposed to whichever duplicate Greyfell they did get.

The Admins are currently looking into the matter, if I hear more - I'll let people know.

And now, to bring the Spoiler Zone back on track with a Minor Update:

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It seems the Maze has received a Small graphical update - the Map is still the same, but Icons have changed colors.

This has been done as some players were having trouble differentiating their Location Dot with a Treat space...I also feel this change might have been done to help the color-blind, but as I am not color blind, I have no idea if this change has made things better or worse for those who might be color-blind.

Here's a side by side of the old and new:

The old color set was:

Red - Treat
Green - Present
Black - Spyglass
Red - Location dot

The new color set is:

Green - Treat
Magenta - Present
Black - Spyglass (not visible)
Red - Location dot

*Also, in the New color set - there was a treat above the red Location Dot, but when I took this image - I had already collected it.
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By Retired breeder, 3rd May 2015 13:50:32
Weren't Draft horses supposed to come out in may?
Retired breeder wrote:

Weren't Draft horses supposed to come out in may?

Yes, they are - but it's not going to be until the middle/end of the month (remember the Time Line just say sometime in May - it never gave a rough time):

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Preprod testing of the Maze (The promotion that will introduce the first Draft) is ending in a couple of days. Now given that there is usually a small delay between when testing ends to things going live (a final chance to work out the bugs that were found)...it's safe to say that we can probably expect to see the Maze as early as the 18th (as promotions usually start on Mondays).
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Thanks ShorahNagi!

I hope admin will post an update as a separate post when they've looked into it. It would be good to know what they decide default smiley :) (If it's a bug that I and others got duplicates, and if so, if maybe possibly it can be corrected somehow...?). I'm curious now. Anyhow, thank you for all your helpful posts! default smiley (y) default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 3rd May 2015 15:08:07
New Gypsy Vanner coat http://chistokrovka.deviantart.com/art/Gypsy-Vanner-Stages-of-growth-452039389
By Retired breeder, 3rd May 2015 15:08:24
By Retired breeder, 3rd May 2015 15:21:22
How do you participate in prepod? Just curious.
So does nobody know if a second wave of HOPs will be available? I have a bunch of HOPs that are waiting to be opened but I'm worried that if I open them all up now, I won't get to the "finishing line".
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Retired breeder wrote:

How do you participate in prepod? Just curious.

You need to be invited to do so (you'll get a PM from the Admins if you are chosen)

HelloMoto wrote:

So does nobody know if a second wave of HOPs will be available?

I feel its likely to happen (as it has in the past) - but it would not be the first time that things have changed.

I'd advise using some of them - and save some just in case (I just said 'whatever' and used mine...it worked out as I'm now at 1105 out of 1500 on Number 20)
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Retired breeder wrote:

New Gypsy Vanner coat http://chistokrovka.deviantart.com/art/Gypsy-Vanner-Stages-of-growth-452039389

Those coats are not for Howrse - they are for a different Browser game involving Horses.

Howrse has said no to different 'life stage' coats beyond Foal and Adult (and one of those clearly has a 'yearling' image in my opinion)

Not only that - but all other links leading from those pages are for a different game
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