Name fitting game!

Hello all. Let me explain the rules of this game.

One player will say a horse name they like, and the next person will say what kind of horse they think the name fits. I’ll give you a name to start off.


Player 1: The name I chose is Terminator

Player 2: I think the name Terminator fits a black thoroughbred stallion with a blaze and four even socks.
The name I chose is Onadare.

And so on! Have fun all, and happy Howrsing!

The name is Valencia!
  • Posted messages: 327
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Rebel is a skewbald chincoteague pony, with a fiery attitude and bad temper. She was bought with the intention of using for kids' pony rides at fairs, but she doesn't let anyone near her, let alone on her, and tries biting anyone that tries. She's caused three serious bite wounds, seven concussions, four hoof-shaped bruises, and one broken bone across her career.
The owners of the kids' pony rides have never sold Rebel though, because they know what sort of trouble she'd cause her new owners, and they don't think anyone else would be as forgiving as they are. Instead, they keep her around as their violently ill-tempered mascot, who's strictly forbidden from being within half a kilometre of any kids. She lives in pasture with the much more mild-mannered kids' ponies, bossing them around and chasing them away from their breakfasts. Her owners have to split her meals up into multiple buckets, so she'll take longer to eat and give the other ponies a chance to have their own meals uninterrupted.

Next name:
  • Posted messages: 197
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Without sounding horrible, I imagine a horse named Frankenstein to be a horse with a disfigurement or a scar. Maybe a horsebreed not many people know about.
Like one of those horses with a curly coat. And then a very uneven blaze or even half of its face entirely white. And ofcourse, uneven socks at all of his legs with a spot here and there on its body. Yeah..
I can see that.

My name: Romera
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I feel that Romera would be a cremello Andalusian mare with a lustrous cream-colored coat that would almost glow in the sunlight, complemented by striking blue eyes. Her mane and tail would be silky and white, flowing like ribbons when she moved. Her temperament would be spirited yet gentle, and along side this she would be very intelligent. The cremello coloring would add an almost mythical quality to her appearance, making her truly unforgettable.

Next name is Solvara
Chilton Stables
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I feel like Solvara is a beautiful Friesian mare with silky long mane. She's very much a wilder horse, who loves her handled very much. Every morning she greets her handled as they come to let her out to pasture, walking along the fence beside them as they complete their morning chores. During the day she has free roam of a very large pasture, which she utilizes to her full extent. As the day begins to fade, she happily but tiredly trots up to her handled to be boarded for the night.

The name I chose is Eldaria
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Handled is supposed to be handler btw default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 108
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I think the name eldaria fits a black Friesian maredefault smiley :)

Next name is Buckeyedefault smiley :d
DQ Quarter Horses
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Buckeye is a 16 year old, dun, Quarter horse gelding who has white blaze down his face, and three stockings on his back feet and his left front foot. Buckeye was raised on a family farm with goats and cows, and stays in a pasture with his horse friends when he's not being used. He knows lots of tricks and does very well with young children, who love him. However Buckeye retired from trail rides and lessons after he injured his foot, and has been used as a horsemanship horse instead. He will always be a favorite of the children though. (I've waited so long to do a nice horse default smiley (lol))

Next name: Ruby Tuesday
  • Posted messages: 197
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Ruby Tuesday! Ooh!

Okay, Ruby Tuesday, aka Toots, is a chestnut roan mare with four longs stockings and a blinding blaze. And… she’s a Curly! Her curls are long, and it takes forever to groom them. Toots is 15.1 hands tall, and a 13 year old boy rides her in eventing shows.

Toots has a quiet demeanor about her, being a gentle mare who will cuddle anyone if they brought treats. She’s heavily spoiled and very loved, but she’ll only come up to you, once again, if she smells treats, otherwise she’s very shy. She’s never had foals, and she came from a rescue shelter.

Next name: Jungle Vibes, aka Vibe
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jungle vibe is a circus horse. she is a maiwari mare that is dyed green for performances.
my names are:
Thunderbird aka thunder
Hobby Horse
  • Posted messages: 77
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There were to many names on your so I just picked one lol
Is a very spirited 14.2 grulla (dark grey almost blue) and white paint with sky blue eyes and a black main and tail, stallion
Name I am thinking of ( a horse I know ) United.
Let's see if you can get close to what he/she looks like. Have fun with it!!default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 34
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United is a 6 year old OTTB gelding. He is dark bay. He is super gentle with riders but can get a little spooky at times, when approaching new things. He likes to do jumping and cross country, but what he loves most is to ride down a trail with a loose rein. default smiley (l)

Next name is a horse I own

Riverdefault smiley :d
DQ Quarter Horses
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River is a black and white Appaloosa-Quarter horse cross, who loves doing barrels and trail rides. He's lives on a ranch as a family horse, but he's closest with his most frequent riders. River is a playful horse with a playful personality, he's a lot of fun, and he knows a lot of tricks, even if he's stubborn. However River is better for more experienced riders, as he has some quirky habits, and likes going fast. He's very special to the family that owns him, and he even has a heart shaped marking under his forelock, making him more special.

Next name: Red Sun
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Red Sun is a chestnut ottb mare. Nicknamed 'Red' is quite literally red mare is a very flashy girl. She stands at 16 hands and has a thick blaze but no white legs. She's 15 years old and raced from the age of 3 to the age of 5. When she was freshly off the track, she was purchased by a huge western barn in New Jersey. After about a year of being ridden western, it was made obvious that she wouldn't make a good western horse, so she was sold and shipped to an English barn in the UK. When she was there, she was trained in jumpers and cross country, proving to love jumping. She was never entered in competitions and was used mainly as a pleasure horse. She was good for the novice riders as well as the advanced riders, and quickly became a barn favorite.

Next name: Nefarious
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I think Nefarious is a 4 year old shetland mare. She would be black with a snip and ermine spots on all four legs. Nefarious would be a high strung escape artist who loves breaking fences and bucking if you try to ride her. She would be hard to catch in the field and try to bite when you put on the headcollar but once she is caught she is calm and sweet unless you try to saddle her up.

Next name: Aquarius
  • Posted messages: 68
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Aquarius is a 3 year old blue roan Mustang filly. She was raised at a small lesson barn with her mother who was originally a wild horse. Sadly the small lesson barn went out of business, and sold all of their horses to a large Equestrian Facility, where Aquarius is being trained to ride English and do Cross Country. Nobody is allowed to ride her accept for her trainers do to the fact that Aquarius is still considered green broke.
On the ground Aquarius is usually a little temperamental, but she's exceedingly intelligent and learns very quickly, and will do several tricks for treats.
In the saddle, Aquarius is usually calm and composed as a horse can be, until she actually has to work. Aquarius is quite a fun horse, and will surely be a barn favorite until the end of her days.

My name: Sparks
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Sparks is a super gentle chestnut gelding. He's one of the older horses at the barn, but definitely one of the most loved. Everyone loves getting to see Sparks stick his head out to say hi.

My horse: Jazz
  • Posted messages: 60
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Jazz! Jazz-Jazz, Jazz around my ruu-ump... jazz around my rump?! rump?? default smiley xd
OK... jazz is a chestnut mare that looks sorta roany around her rump(rump?!). She is
Hanoverian x QH x Ciorillo x TB mare. An odd mix of breeds.

History: Jazz's mother was a chestnut mare (ciorillo x tb x QH). She was owned by a mean horse farmer who kept her in a small, over-grazed pasture, with too many other horses.
One day the farmer dragged in a worn-out looking strawberry roan stallion(Hanoverian),
who had been a retired racehorse standing at stud before an injury. However, once in a breeding mindset, always in a breeding mindset, so the stallion soon had all the mares in the pasture in foal, including Jazz's mother. Nine months later, the horse welfare people put the farmer in prison and took all the horses in the pasture. They put them on a ship and sent them to another country. Down in the hold, Jazz's mother could not hold up the course of nature. She was about to foal. So, little Jazz was born into a world of darkness, and rationed food, which meant poorer quality milk from her mum. In the years after she would go from home to home, as circus horse, carthorse, ranch horse, racing horse, jumping horse, riding school horse, camp horse, breeding horse, but was good at nothing. After an injury from a whip, her owners decided that she was no use to them anymore, and sold her at auction. But no-one bid for her. No-one that is, except one woman. For a mere $50 she was sold. Unlike everyone else Jazz had known, this lady was kind. She nursed Jazz back to health, gave her corn and carrots, stroked her, scratched her itches, and gave her a nice warm stable, with a lovely bit pasture to run around in and eat all the grass she could imagine. In return, all Jazz had to do was tow the woman to market each week in a light cart, give her rides round the orchard, and simply be a delight to have around. Together, the mare and the lady lived happily ever after.

And that is the sad story of Jazz, ending happily of course.
Hobby Horse
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Since the latest didn’t choose a name, how about…

  • Posted messages: 639
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Cashmere is the sassiest horse at the barn. She's a beautiful bay roan mare who loves prancing around with her four white socks always sparkling in the sun, perfectly clean.

How about Arielle?
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For Arielle I see a Palomino mare with a blaze, 4 perfect sock, and a good attitude. She has an owner that always loves to match with her and they normally wear pale lavender.

What about Monte?
  • Posted messages: 1,398
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Monte is a black Shetland pony stallion with a long flowing mane and tail. He is very sassy and likes to show off in the field while shaking his head and making his mane fly. He loves to do free jumping and is always sassy to the owner but the kindest pony when kids come to brush him. When he gets fed he likes to play nip at the owner but would never truly bite him.

How about Cavalier?
DQ Quarter Horses
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Cavalier seems like a dark bay miniature horse, but little kids can still ride him. He's hard to catch in the pasture, but good to ride.

What about Cloud?
  • Posted messages: 1,398
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Cloud is a dapple grey percheron mare. She is shy but affectionate. She would have bouncy gates and a somewhat lazy temperament under saddle. Cloud would be easy to catch and a great horse for beginners.

Next name, my favorite lesson horse:
Rosalita aka Rosie
  • Posted messages: 68
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Bright bay mare with a leaf-shaped star and four white stockings. She has very good breeding, her mum is the champion dressage horse Aspen, and her father is a racehorse called Royal Present. she lives at a posh horse riding boarding school.

Sunflower Speedster, or Sunny
Hobby Horse
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Dark bay Thoroughbred mare. She is super sweet, but super shy. Sunflower is super tall with 4 white socks. She loves her job, and makes everyone smile. She is super good with kids and loves treats.

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