
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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I still need the Tennessee walker stallion. Not the new one. But I Dont KNOW If I WANT Him As I HAVE the Dartmoor Stallion THE SAME coloring.
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Sorry guys, my phone auto corrected again and put them words in caps. I'm not* yelling.
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Retired breeder wrote:

Omg! So there's this website called happy hen toys, and they have Papo, Safari ltd, and SCHLEICH! Yes! Ok so I found this a couple weeks ago I think, but today I went to look at the stuff again- and they have the Icelandic mare! The new one! And the Ardennes, Curlies, and tinkers! So happy! (Hen default smiley ;)) but I don't know if my mom will let me buy her, so I may have to wait for Amazon to get them. I need this website to get the new riders though!!!!

-squeals- ahhhhhhh!!!!!! NEW PONIES!!!!!!! I love them, and I dint now they had the new ones! 8D

And I have seen MyFroggyStuff.. :3 she is awesome.
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By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 02:51:41
I LOVE myfroggystuff! She's amazing! I just wish I had the stuff to make stuff. default smiley :(. So Penguin, do you know where Happy Hen is? (Or how long it might take to get to the eastern US?
By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 02:53:00
YES! She is amazing!
By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 02:53:48
Hm, no, but for me, I took 2 weeks and the shipping is expenzive, that is why I do amazon for freeshipping.
By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 02:56:28
For the tournament rider, does the ear bonnet and boots come off???
By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 03:38:28
There's an arts and crafts summer festival where kids can sell stuff near me. I think I'm going to do custom horses, shoebox barns and tack. However Schleich are expensive, so I'm going to see if my sister can 3d print horses for me!
By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 03:40:38
Wow! Awesome!
By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 03:56:02
Retired breeder wrote:

For the tournament rider, does the ear bonnet and boots come off???
no sadly it doesn't, my sister has that set.
I have over 150 models now
My oldest being 1994 I think
I have heaps of retires ones worth a lot of money
Mostly horses but I have lots of other stiff aswell
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sammy321 wrote:

I have over 150 models now
My oldest being 1994 I think
I have heaps of retires ones worth a lot of money
Mostly horses but I have lots of other stiff aswell

Wow, that's impressive, especially compared to my measly 80 or so!
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By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 04:03:08
Yes! Same here! I only have 90, but I have like a 1990 panda, I think! That is to bad!
By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 05:16:33

My friend and I painted this schleich horse a year ago! You may have seen it on google because it was on our blog and google put it there! I'm also getting the new 2015 schleich curly mare, and the new Icelandic mare!
By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 06:35:26
Hello! I am a GIANT Schleich fan. Last time I counted, I had 65+ models. (I've been collecting since I was 4.) By far my favorite horse is the Tennessee Walker stallion, he is so stunning! (The old one.) I haven't been able to get any new 2015 models, sadly. default smiley :(
sammy321 wrote:

I have over 150 models now
My oldest being 1994 I think
I have heaps of retires ones worth a lot of money
Mostly horses but I have lots of other stiff aswell

Same. I have over 150, but my oldest is the extremely rare white grazing Camaruge mare.. :3 I have a lot of others but, eh, whatever.
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Retired breeder wrote:

My friend and I painted this schleich horse a year ago! You may have seen it on google because it was on our blog and google put it there! I'm also getting the new 2015 schleich curly mare, and the new Icelandic mare!

I've seen that a ton of times. 0.0 it's amazing.
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By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 12:25:30
I just got the white Arab mare!! She's beautiful
Retired breeder wrote:

I just got the white Arab mare!! She's beautiful

She is! She is really cute.. And her head fits over the stud's back!
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By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 13:19:15
i LOVE SCHLEITCH ! i buy all mine at my tack shop and they have allmost all of them !!
By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 14:29:13
My sister is crazy about these things. She mostly collects breyers tho. They are all over the place. #help
By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 16:36:21
My rarest one I own is this Carmugue Mare. She is in LSQ condition, I got her for the normal sale price at an antique store with a whole entire room filled with Breyers and Schleichs. She was still in the packaging and I think I probably screamed when I found her.

By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 16:53:03
Fewspots, that is stunning! Whenever I do customs they are horrible!
By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 18:09:04
Okay what kind of paint should I use to customize?
By Retired breeder, 27th January 2015 18:19:44
Kate,I did not know that her head could fit on the Stallion's back.. That is so cool!! Thanks for sharing!!
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