
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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wild horse stables
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We must all be playing the waiting game lol...sigh.
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in some ways yea.
im planning to go to germany and otten-toystore again this month to get magazines, 2022 horses and whatever else i come across.
wild horse stables
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I'm also going on a trip in a couple weeks and hoping to score some nice Schleich and/or Breyer. Good luck!
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That sounds fun! I'm a little jealous. Have fun and stay safe default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 5th March 2022 13:17:28
I am not a schleich user but I do use Breyer horses. I have 7 horses, and only know a few of their molds.
1. Amelia
2. American Pharaoh
3. Wild Blue (book set)
4. Prince (book set)
5. Palomino Appaloosa

I don't know the other 2, since they were given to me by a friend. One is running, black with high tail and 4 white socks and the other is a playing goal, bay, with black feet. If anyone knows those models, please let me know. Dying to find out.
big news guys

i just discovered that we dutchies can finally order from te schleich website tooo
wild horse stables
  • Posted messages: 195
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Retired breeder wrote:

I am not a schleich user but I do use Breyer horses. I have 7 horses, and only know a few of their molds.
1. Amelia
2. American Pharaoh
3. Wild Blue (book set)
4. Prince (book set)
5. Palomino Appaloosa

I don't know the other 2, since they were given to me by a friend. One is running, black with high tail and 4 white socks and the other is a playing goal, bay, with black feet. If anyone knows those models, please let me know. Dying to find out.

Hi, and welcomedefault smiley :) I dont know the mold of those Breyers right off, but you probably could find them on!

wild horse stables wrote:

big news guys

i just discovered that we dutchies can finally order from te schleich website tooo

Oh my gosh, that IS huge news! i'm so excited for you!default smiley (7)default smiley <:o)
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Retired breeder wrote:

I don't know the other 2, since they were given to me by a friend. One is running, black with high tail and 4 white socks and the other is a playing goal, bay, with black feet. If anyone knows those models, please let me know. Dying to find out.

Trying to look on the site i listed for your two models...perhaps the black one, if it is Traditional size, could be on one of these molds?

Running Stallion
Phar Lap
Black Beauty
Cantering Welsh Pony
Trotting Arabian Mare
Shagya Arabian

These are some of the Traditionals that looked like they might be running with high on the picture to see what all colors came on the mold.default smiley (y)
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That's awesome that you get to order from there!!default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 228
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I finally got something to announce.
I just ordered 13 horses, second hand for about 60 euros plus shipping
The most expensive horses were only 5 euros and when you see which horses, well it was heaven when I first saw it.
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Ooh, oldies but goodies! I love those! Congratsdefault smiley :p
  • Posted messages: 14,683
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Does anyone have a site where you can find all the schleich ever? In dutch or english
  • Posted messages: 448
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Well, there is this site...

But i think its in German, although the pictures can help you find what you're looking for. i think it is like the site, but for Schleich. So not really official, but pretty thorough. Might not have every single Schleich ever though. If anyone knows of or can find a better one, please let us know!
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I can't wait to see what you get from the website!default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 14,683
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So I found another ad which has a couple horses that I dont have yet, plus a few other animals that I have neither, I actually found her ad before the other one of three days ago, she is a bit slow to respond but oh well if I can get my hands on a couple that she has, Ill be happy.
I did the math and she said for the 18 models I had to pay 55 euros, which would be €3,06 per model, which is just so cheap and I dont even have to pay for shipping because its pickup only, but luckily its in the town I go to work in.
  • Posted messages: 448
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Wow, you're on a roll!default smiley *-)
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Yes I am the person from three days ago posted more schleich this morning and I send her a message. but still no shetland foal, it is probably the one I want the most, thing is this person from three days ago has the lusitano stallion, brown grazing riding pony, a really old arabian and so much more also she is selling three icelandic foals two of which are exclusive and they only cost €3,50
Well there goes my money, after this I should just leave marktplaats alone for the next month or so till I get my next paycheck (not the one from last month that one I get in a couple of days)
  • Posted messages: 448
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Back again with even more schleich news, this will be the last new ones I’ll get for at least this month
So the deal isnt quite round yet with one person, the problem is that she isnt online much and when she is I am not, I am interested in 6 horses and four dogs, one cat and one deer, its 55 euros if I take it all, I will if there is no other way to get the ones that I want and I’ll just sell of the ones that I will own double then.

From the other person that I have bought from before, its 13 horses and she did have the shetland foal that I really want.

Hoping to get both deals round this weekend. Just cant wait default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 448
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That's awesome! I'm glad she had shetland you wanted!default smiley <:o)

I got in a Breyer today!

Click to display
Its Honeybear, and he's a Collector's Club 2022 special!default smiley (l)

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These are the horses that I am getting, there are two of the same horse but I will only get one. This is from one person, the other one I will probably take pictures of the others myself when I get them because I dont have a good picture of them all together
  • Posted messages: 448
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I got honey bear too! I’ve seen people selling him on eBay for crazy amounts and I’m so glad I got him for 75 on the website major relief
  • Posted messages: 397
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AAFKE wrote:

These are the horses that I am getting, there are two of the same horse but I will only get one. This is from one person, the other one I will probably take pictures of the others myself when I get them because I dont have a good picture of them all together

Those are gorgeous! What a great find.default smiley *-)

LolaLove wrote:

I got honey bear too! I’ve seen people selling him on eBay for crazy amounts and I’m so glad I got him for 75 on the website major relief

Same! Last i knew he was still available online to club members. Someone in the club forum said those people on Ebay are having a hard time flipping him because of that. This is my first year as a member of the club, but my understanding is that these specials usually sell out really in 15 minutes fast! So this is unusual i guess.

I love mine...he is very pretty and sweet looking!default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 14,683
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Those are awesome finds
  • Posted messages: 228
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Hey guys, i wanted to let you know what i just found out...Janice Cox, the creator/manager/whatever she would called of passed away last year (RIP), and that is why the newer models have not been added to the site. I read that after her passing, she wanted the site to continue. So i don't know who is heading it up now, but there is a new identical site called, and it is updated with the new models from the past year or two. Just thought you guys might like to know!default smiley (l)
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