
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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By Retired breeder, 5th August 2021 11:47:50
i have had them since i was about 5. collection would be around 500 dollars. I have these two beautiful handmade wooden stables both adding up to around 450 on top of. Love them to bits and even as an adult i have them displayed in my room tehe default smiley :d
You guys! I finally got a few new Schleich!

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I got the new Manatee! Its actually a bit bigger than i thought it would be. The pics were too, so i had to go with a small one.

I also got the winged rainbow unicorn foal. I don't "officially" collect Bayala, but i make exceptions. I just thought the mare, which i already had, and this foal were prettydefault smiley :)

I made another exception for this Bayala...i got Femaja! Pretty much the only reason i bought this one was because she was very steeply discounted.default smiley :)

And last, but certainly NOT least, i got the beautiful Exclusive Tennessee Walker mare! Always happy to get an exclusive model!default smiley (l)

That's all for now!default smiley :-))
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Oops! I forgot to include the other little guy i got as a thank you for my order!

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I don't really collect the Smurfs either but the last few times i've ordered from the Schleich website, they send me one as a thank you gift, which i certainly don't mind.default smiley :) This time i got the 2016 Jungle Smurf Explorer. He's pretty cute with his little tongue sticking out and all lol. And he will certainly have his hands full exploring my Schleich jungle ha ha.

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I'm actually trying to get that white friesen too. I saw him a couple months ago and have been trying to find him for quite some time.default smiley :d
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I also forgot that I also feel that the quality has gone down a little so I am trying to get as much schleich this year so I can have a good amount I am also starting to look a collectA
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i'm so exited i'll be trying to get a lot of schleich soon. I am going on holiday to Luxemburg / Switserland. Which means that i'll also be goin trough and probably be shopping in germany. I'll mostly be on the hunt for magazines and exclusives but i might also get some regular releases if they are on sale or somethin.
wild horse stables
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I'm a little jealous that sounds like a fun holiday!default smiley :d
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Wow, that would be so cool, shopping for Schleich in Germany itself! Don't they have like special sales that are only available in like one store in Germany? I'm not sure how often that is, but it would be awesome to catch one (or more)!

I did get another one today!default smiley (l) Warning, the pic is a large one. Couldn't find a good small one.

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I got the Gray Arabian Mare Exclusive Horse!

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Famousamos wrote:

Wow, that would be so cool, shopping for Schleich in Germany itself! Don't they have like special sales that are only available in like one store in Germany?

yeah tough nowadays they also have them on their website. like the exclusive you got. In germany you can only get those exclusives in müller stores and for a while that was the only place to get them.

i also referred to the magazines usually they have an foal thats exclusive to the magazines. and the magazines are only released in german so they are exclusive to german speaking areas here in europe.
wild horse stables
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wild horse stables wrote:

yeah tough nowadays they also have them on their website

Are there any more websites like the one posted above i should know about, or that you guys know about?
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I really like it when the sites can be translated into English from German or whatever, like the one we were talking i'm guess i'm looking for foreign sites that i would never have heard of, but open doors to get Schleich that is not necessarily available in my country otherwise.
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well the site i was referring to was schleichs official website were you can get current models

than there's modelpferdeversand i linked earlier. wich hosts a lot of model horse brands.

i love going to for looking up models i dont know about.

than there is this german/english site they release a lot of info like product names and numbers really early

if i think of more sites i frequent ill add them in
wild horse stables
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Thanks! I will have to check into these when i get a little more time...default smiley (7)
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Got a little bit of an odd duck today...

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Ok, so its not a duck lol. But its a limited edition piece, and was an Easter special in 2019 (so it was introduced in 2019 and retired in 2019). Its the Limited Edition Red Rabbit. What i wasn't expecting when i got this one in today, was its size. I'm thinking, a normal size Schleich rabbit, only painted red. This thing looks like three and half times the size of the regular rabbits, and has an oversized tag to match!

Its this model, but red and much bigger.

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Whoa nice find I would expect a regular size rabbit aswell what a surprise
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By Retired breeder, 17th August 2021 14:56:40
Oh my goodness... where should I start?! I love Schliech! The quality is amazing! I have now outgrown playing with them, but it's still fun to take them out every now and then and take a look at their super detailed animals. (Mostly horses for me) if anyone has kids these models are the perfect choice for a gift, and worth the price!default smiley (l)default smiley (l)
Exactly out of the 13 years I’ve had tgem I’ve only ever broken one!
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I've had my schleich for about 8-9 years and actually lost the bag of them ( my collection was all of 13 then) and couldn't find them for a week
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Do you think we could add some conversation about and collectA?default smiley :)
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Absolutely! I mean, I personally dont see a problem with it. The main topic here is Schleich, but it's not uncommon for us to talk about CollectA or Breyer too, so it should be fine. There used to be a topic for all models but it was locked.
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Scored pretty good todaydefault smiley :)

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I managed to get the elusive Schleich male Boxer Dog, who is retired! I now have the whole boxer family!

I also got the new Pura Raza Espanola mare! Also have that whole family now!

Those two are big for me, as i was getting frustrated trying to get them. Whenever i would find them on Ebay, they would either be in bad shape or very expensive (the boxer), or the shipping would be from a foreign country and the cost was very high (the mare). I ordered them both, like twice, when i would find a good deal for them, and i would pay and then excitedly wait, only to get a message about the time i was anticipating getting them, that the order was cancelled and i was refunded. The item is out of stock, the item is damaged and can't be sent, yada yada. So i was frustrated, and held my breath with these two until they finally arrived today...i'm very pleased!

I also got the new Schleich Desert Fox, which for some reason also was hard to locate in the US...ended up getting him from Germany! I love his ears, and his poofy tail lol.

Another one i got is the Nutty Mischief set. Also came from Germany, and i have yet to see it in the US.

The last one, which i got Thursday in a big city i'm like never in, is not a Schleich, but a Breyer. Its the 70th anniversary (2020) Limited Edition 50s and 60s Fighting Stallion! There are five horses in the collection, and i have numbers one and two nowdefault smiley :)

As Porky Pig would say, That's all folks! Lol. For now anyway.default smiley ;)
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Whoa famous sounds like you had quite the ordeal getting those!
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LolaLove wrote:

Whoa famous sounds like you had quite the ordeal getting those!

Lol yeah, it kinda made me that much more determined to get them lol. Glad I didnt give up! I'm wishing I could find out soon which Schleich will be retiring at the end of this year so I can be making sure I have them in my collection.
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I recently tried something out for schelich saddles that are used often putting clear nail polish on them helps them to last longer And not get stretched out the only downside is the polish I used made the strap Shiney
Only use on the rubber shlelich saddles I didn’t want to ruin my real leather ones by testing this out they were expensive
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By Retired breeder, 21st August 2021 20:38:16
I absolutely love schleich horses I own the old riding center and 13 or 14 models I also adore the Breyer models I own the wild blue two unicorns national velvet and the 2020 Christmas horse and his name is moose I also made a bare back pad for moose.
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