
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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wild horse stables wrote:

i have the flaxen chestnut the dark chestnut and the grey versions of that model and my 3 stand perfectly fine i think you have one with a warped leg

I have some horses which also have problems standing
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Famousamos wrote:

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"Tank(?)" Rhino from 2000

well does the lips look like they are pointed then its a black rhino if its lips are square of wide then its a white rhino?
a white rhino got its name from wide rhino cuz of its lips and somehow it has changed to the white rhino. (hope this answers your question.)default smiley :-))
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does anyone know what happened to my giraffe i set her down by the bathtub so i can clean her off (she was outside and had gotten very dirty.) and i had to go do something then a little bit later i come back and she has one of her front legs is burnt and disintegrating. (sorry i can't get a pic cuz it was a few years ago i made her a custom Schleich and i am not done to this day lol.)
thanks in advanceddefault smiley ^)
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By wild horse stables, 4th June 2020 01:42:15 1
Famousamos wrote:

Do you have a site or somewhere i can go to find this out for this model, and maybe future mysterious pieces?

i do know a lot about schleich yes but my knowledge only really extends in the horses is a site from a german collector they have a really big collection and listed evry model as far as i know. the site is in german tough. it seems accoarding to this site that your sitting lioness is from 1991

Ha ha i don't know a lick of German! I wonder if it would translate the page? Not likely lol. Anyway, thanks for finding the year!default smiley ^) And that's awesome that there was Schleich happy meal toys! I want them! Sure wish our McDonalds would have had them. Do you know what year that was?

PewDiePie wrote:

well does the lips look like they are pointed then its a black rhino if its lips are square of wide then its a white rhino?
a white rhino got its name from wide rhino cuz of its lips and somehow it has changed to the white rhino. (hope this answers your question.

Ok so you are saying there is not a species called the Tank Rhino? That's interesting about the name...i could see where the confusion could happen there!default smiley xd

PewDiePie wrote:

does anyone know what happened to my giraffe i set her down by the bathtub so i can clean her off (she was outside and had gotten very dirty.) and i had to go do something then a little bit later i come back and she has one of her front legs is burnt and disintegrating. (sorry i can't get a pic cuz it was a few years ago i made her a custom Schleich and i am not done to this day lol.)
thanks in advanceddefault smiley ^)

Not. A. Single. Clue!default smiley :sdefault smiley :o Sorry!

I didn't get any Schleich in today unfortunately, but i did score a Breyer horse (the 2017 Horse of the Year, so now i have Horse of the Year for 17 and still pretty new to Breyer but my collection is growing!) as well as a small handful of little Breyer CollectA farm animals. Got a hen, rooster, duck, and piglet. I will get the chicks and ducklings when they are back in stock. i don't typically buy the Collecta animals other than the horses, but i have a few. Anyway, that's my story and i'm sticking to it!default smiley ;)default smiley xd
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Famousamos wrote:

Do you know what year that was?

last year during the fall
they released 4 dinosaurs ''for boys'' and 4 horses ''for girls''
here is the ad of course like any obscure schleich things its again in german you could only get these toys in german and austrian mc donalds'

also i checked the rino for u real quik its the indian rhino for 2001. the year on a schleichs stummach is not actually the release year its the year the mold was produced wich often is the year before the release year.

PewDiePie wrote:

does anyone know what happened to my giraffe i set her down by the bathtub so i can clean her off (she was outside and had gotten very dirty.) and i had to go do something then a little bit later i come back and she has one of her front legs is burnt and disintegrating. (sorry i can't get a pic cuz it was a few years ago i made her a custom Schleich and i am not done to this day lol.)
thanks in advanced

no idea exactly i think someone mightve tried to clean it for u and used a lil to strong chemical on it? i know for example that the clorine in pools can damage your schleichs paint job
wild horse stables
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wild horse stables wrote:

last year during the fall
they released 4 dinosaurs ''for boys'' and 4 horses ''for girls''
here is the ad of course like any obscure schleich things its again in german you could only get these toys in german and austrian mc donalds'

also i checked the rino for u real quik its the indian rhino for 2001. the year on a schleichs stummach is not actually the release year its the year the mold was produced wich often is the year before the release year.

That's so cool lol thanks for posting the ad! I am, how you say, "jelly" lol. No actually saying jealous as jelly is actually kind of annoying to me, as is "totes" for totally and "deets" for details ha ha. But that's just me. Where the toys miniature in the happy meals? If so, no biggie, i prefer the full size modelsdefault smiley :)

I actually knew about the year thing...when i post my finds i struggle to decide which year to put. i was putting the year after what was on the belly for this reason, but lately i've been saying "the year on the belly is..." in a small attempt to clear up any confusion.default smiley 8-)

So its an Indian rhino...cooldefault smiley :) One of the newer ones is a black rhino right? And i forget what the newest rhino is. I dont remember a white rhino being out yet though.
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New for today! All years listed are whats on the belly!

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Its the 2001 Llama! Found it to be a little on the small side.

Next is the 1995 Leopard! which was surprisingly rubbery and bendable.

Up next is the 2006 Nursing Holstein Calf! Been a while since i got a new cow! It did however have a couple little spots i didnt like.

Now is the 2008 Horse Carer Stable Hand Girl!

The next two came together:

Its the 1996 Black and White Rabbit!

And the 2005 Dwarf Pygmy Laying Rabbit!

And last but certainly not least, its the 1996 Chamois (which im not even entirely sure how to pronounce correctly lol. Nor do i know anything about this particular goat looking creature...need to google i guess ha ha)! This came in perfect condition, including its tag!

As Porky Pig would attempt to say, "that's all folks!"default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 6th June 2020 05:53:52
Not exactly a Schleich, but does anyone know abaout the Breyer 2016 Celebration Horse, Imperador das Aguas? I have him and he's a real beauty! Link from breyer-
Retired breeder wrote:

Not exactly a Schleich, but does anyone know abaout the Breyer 2016 Celebration Horse, Imperador das Aguas? I have him and he's a real beauty! Link from breyer-

He's pretty nice!default smiley (l) I am pretty new to Breyer, so i don't have any info to offer, sorry!default smiley ^)
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Famousamos wrote:

Where the toys miniature in the happy meals? If so, no biggie, i prefer the full size models

well i have 2 out of the 4 so i know for certain that the laying down foal is the same size as the schleich the shetland pony is a little smaller. im pretty certain that the grey pony is the same size as the original schleich and the icelandic mare i think is a little smaller.
honestly the most noticable is the paint job quality and the material their made out of. the happy meal toys are way more rubbery than a normal schleich.
they are also genderless
wild horse stables
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Famousamos wrote:

Next is the 1995 Leopard! which was surprisingly rubbery and bendable.


does anyone why these old ones are so rubbery cuz my pig is like that too. and btw all Schleich are made of PVC pipe.
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PewDiePie wrote:

does anyone why these old ones are so rubbery cuz my pig is like that too. and btw all Schleich are made of PVC pipe.

not exactly sure why i suspect it has something to so with the mold or perhaps material prices. my older horses dont feel rubbery at all and my 2 oldest ones are from 1992. i only have 3 rubbery horses in my collection (if you dont count the happy meal exclusives they y obviusly a diffrent and probablly way cheaper rubbery material.)

my 3 rubbery ones are the 2010 lusitano gelding, the 2013 shire stallion and the 2019 friesian stallion that comes with tack
wild horse stables
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hey, everyone what is your favorite Schleich animal so far?
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my favourite is the 2010 friesian stallion
the one in my profile pic
wild horse stables
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By Retired breeder, 8th June 2020 18:47:11
wild horse stables wrote:

my favourite is the 2010 friesian stallion
the one in my profile pic

He’s definitely one of my favourites too! I love his wavy hair and the texture of the coat.
PewDiePie wrote:

hey, everyone what is your favorite Schleich animal so far?

I have so many that I like and I am not sure which one would be my favorite
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By Retired breeder, 8th June 2020 19:25:52
@PewDiePie horses!! There's so many!
I was dog-sitting all weekend for someone who doesnt have a computer so i've been doing everything by phone ugh lol. Anyway, i'm back!

PewDiePie wrote:

hey, everyone what is your favorite Schleich animal so far?

I dont think i could pick a favorite! I do love the horses too, and love the Friesians like you guys!default smiley (l)

So here are my new ones that i've gotten from Friday to today. Warning, it'll have several pics in the spoiler! All years are what is on the critter itself.

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Ok lets see, i got the 2003 adult white tiger:

I got the 2003 white tiger cub too!

I got a 2007 white tiger cub and 2007 tiger cub, and i got them because i had the same poses in opposite colors (white and orange) but didn't have these two, if that makes sense!

I also got a 2010 Dwarf Lop Rabbit laying down:

And i got the 2003 Grizzly Bear cub, that goes with the mama i recently posted!

Another bear i got is one someone else posted a while back, asking about its worth...sorry i can't remember who! Anyway, i now have one myself. Its a 2003 bear cub with a bottle!

I also finally got the 2001 Boer Goat Kid that completes the family i talked about in a previous post. The pic is the whole family, which i now havedefault smiley :)

I got another goat kid, its the Dwarf Bleating Goat kid. I'm not sure what year it is, i cant find it. But i know its not near as old as some of the others i've been getting. Plus its a duplicate for me.

This one is a duplicate as well, its the 2003 Laying Lamb!

Last of all is yet another duplicate, the 2001 Llama!

Yes, the last few ones were duplicates. This, as well as the reason there are so many, is because the majority of these ebay purchases were in lots, meaning they came as in small groups. I bought a couple of these lots for one or two items, and they happened to also have some duplicates of other models i already had in them. Oh well! the more the merrier!default smiley :p
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I posted about that bear cub with the bottle
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AAFKE wrote:

I posted about that bear cub with the bottle

Ha ha, you were the one i thought of, and thought maybe had, but i couldn't remember for sure!default smiley xd
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I didn't get any schleich in today, but i am waiting on a special delivery that is supposed to come in a week or two! Its not an actual schleich but it has to do with it! I'll share when i get it...and hoping i didn't screw up and its not what i thought it was when i ordered it lol...time will tell.default smiley :)

Also currently excited because tomorrow marks my 3000th day on Howrse!default smiley <:o)
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@famousamos ooh I like them a lot I have a lot of the ones that you posted too default smiley :)
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PewDiePie wrote:

@famousamos ooh I like them a lot I have a lot of the ones that you posted too default smiley :)

Cool, so you like to collect the older ones as well as the new ones to? which ones do you have? Does anyone know what year in particular that wildlife and farm life/horses were first produced? i think it was in the 80s. I bet its pretty hard to find an original schleich animal! Especially in good shape!

My latest Schleich spree is winding down for the moment, but i did manage to pull in a couple today!

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The first one is the new this year Orca calf, which was actually pretty small, smaller than i had anticipated!

The second one is larger ha ha. Its another dinosaur, the 2019 Spinosaurus. I bought it from the same store as the other dinos, again because it was marked down from $25 to $6! It might be a little hard to see in the pic, but i thought it was strange that this particular dino's tongue seemed much smaller and shorter than the other dinos!default smiley :odefault smiley xd

That's it for today, but i think a few more will trickle in in the days/weeks to come. Especially since next weekend i am going on a trip to a town with a store that sells Schleich, so i'm hoping to score something from there. Wish me luck!default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 11th June 2020 04:03:54
Moi. Mun lemppateita on hevoset ja sekä sellaset hauskat aasit. Mut vaan vuoden 2015-2020 mallit. Onko oikeesti olemassa schleich laamoja. Voiko joku jolla on lähettää kuvan?! default smiley (ow) default smiley (y)
Famousamos wrote:

Does anyone know what year in particular that wildlife and farm life/horses were first produced? i think it was in the 80s.

not sure about wildlife or farmlife i know the first horse as we know them today was released in 1885

but there is also a classics collection from 1975 those are wayyyy less realistic tough. here are the horse classics
wild horse stables
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