
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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Ok so i admit it, i've splurged a bit lately! Introducing:

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Its European Grouse, which when it came proved to be much larger than i expected!

American Shorthair Cat

And a cat with the year '97 on its belly!

As you know, or can tell, i like collecting old and/or rare pieces, as well as new ones! Pretty much any i don't have i am interested in (with last year's tarantula being the exception...still not sure i want that one as i am terrified of spiders!default smiley :sdefault smiley xd ). I hope you guys don't mind me posting so much. I just love to share my new (and old) finds! I hope the pics are visible like they are on my end!
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Do you guys know if the name for this one is correct? They called it a tank rhino in my ebay purchase, and the belly says 2000. Its also a new piece of my collection, but i find it hard to find online even as a species. The net mostly just goes to war tanks or blue rhino propane tanks lol. I had a hard time finding a good pic of the Schleich product, and only found it as an ebay pic, so i don't know how long the image will last (especially because its possible its the one i just bought but i'm not sure lol), but here it is. I try to put all my pics in spoilers to make it more fun, and easier to scroll past on the page if it isn't what you're looking for.

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"Tank(?)" Rhino from 2000

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Ok, so the other day i mentioned i got some great deals on Schleich dinosaurs, but couldn't post the pictures at the time. I decided to do a recap, now that i can post pictures (that hopefully work!). Also, i got a new one today to add to it!

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Ahemdefault smiley :) the first is Brachiosaurus:

Next is the Dilophosaurus:

Third is the Exclusive Red T-Rex:

And finally, todays addition, its the Therizinosaurus:

The one i got today was not my favorite dino in the store by a long shot, but the others i wanted were not marked down. The one i got was $6 instead of $25, much like the deal i got on the first three!

I said before that while i admire the great looking dinos, i do not collect them. Well i have decided to collect them "leisurely" meaning that as long as i find great deals like i have on these and the woolly mammoths i shared earlier, i will buy them when i can. I cannot afford full price for them, and will not search them out as aggressively as i do the Schleich horses, animals, etc. I do think they are pretty cool thoughdefault smiley :) Also, i am keeping the receipts i get with them, cause there is no way, other than T-Rex, that i can remember the names of these dinos lol! So, does anyone else in this topic collect any Schleich dinos?default smiley :)
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Gee, suddenly nobody else is talking here! Are my posts that boring?default smiley xd

Anyway, here is today's haul (including several pictures):

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Its the 2011 Farmer's Wife...i already have had the farmer for years, and some of the Schleich children, so why not complete the family?default smiley :) Also, i don't know if its just my model or not, but her eyes are painted a little weird, or differently from one another lol. And she's wearing the Crocs brand of shoes apparently!default smiley xd At least that's what they look like.

Next up is the 2003 female Grizzly! Note: I don't have the cub yet but will probably be looking for it!

Now, its the 2010 Warthog Boar...i intend to hunt down the rest of the family if i can.

Next is the 1999 Iguana! I picked up this one mainly because i had never seen it before, and wondered if i would again. He's actually pretty big too.

I also picked up this little lamb because it is so old. I cannot find the year on the animal itself, but it was listed as having been from 1984-1994. If it truly is from 84, then it is my new oldest piece! Also, it does have the old style tag still on it!

And last but not least, i got the 2001 Boer goat male. I have the female already, and bought her especially because she reminds me of one of my favorites of our real life goats, so i bought the billy to go with her. Also, i have the kid Boer goat on the way! Its kinda fun to collect whole Schleich families lol.

Now, somebody share their recent finds with me please! lol default smiley *-)
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Sadly I don’t have gotten any new Schleich so I am not really posting on this forum
But you got some amazing Schleich which I would love to have
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Famousamos wrote:

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Its the Kneeling Sioux Indian Warrior Brave (at least that's what they called the pic lol), from the wild west series!

I cant see this picture either
I don’t know if it is my browser or something else
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Famousamos wrote:

Now, somebody share their recent finds with me please! lol

lol you tend to post between 3 to 8 am in my timezone
anyway i did get a schleich last week, i was finally able to go to the toy store after months of quarentine so i picked this 2020 boy up
wild horse stables
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By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2020 15:37:26
What/who is Schleich?
Yay, posters!default smiley :-))

AAFKE wrote:

Sadly I don’t have gotten any new Schleich so I am not really posting on this forum
But you got some amazing Schleich which I would love to have

Thanks! Is it your age? I'm 32, so I can buy whenever I can afford, which is not always! Lately I've probably spent too much, but I had some extra money and I'm weak ha ha. Anyway, I hope you are able to nab something soon! default smiley :) oh, and it's not just your browser...I've discovered that I can see the pics fine on my computer, but not on my phone. I use the classic version on my cell. I dont know why they dont work!

@ wild horse stables, it's usually late at night for me when I post lol. I love your new model! I have yet to find that one! I dont have hardly any local options so most of mine come from ebay. But yeah, quarantine is a necessary evil ha ha.
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Retired breeder wrote:

What/who is Schleich?

Hi! Schleich is a brand name. They make high quality figurines that are mainly marketed as toys, but can also be great collector items. I fall in the collector category myself.default smiley :)
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Hey, does anybody know why so many Schleich (those i get online in particular, from various sellers) come with the little colored dot on the bottom of their foot? I see it so often, but not always, so i don't know if it is due to someone's inventory process, or organizing process, or what? Has anyone else noticed this?
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Famousamos wrote:

Hey, does anybody know why so many Schleich (those i get online in particular, from various sellers) come with the little colored dot on the bottom of their foot? I see it so often, but not always, so i don't know if it is due to someone's inventory process, or organizing process, or what? Has anyone else noticed this?

Coloured dot on the bottom of their foot? I've seen coloured dots on the back of the Schleich sticky label that are normally around the lower leg, which indicate price (such as red is £7, blue is £6 etc). Then again, I buy my Schleich in a toy store chain, or from Schleich direct, so I've not seen any different, and probably not the answer you were after default smiley xd

I finally got round to dusting my models off (some of them had a bit of dust) and counted over 180 horses, no duplicates. 8 dogs and 10 various wild life. I have some other brands, such as CollectA, papo and Beswick, which would probably take the total to over 200 horses. But now, I've run out of room... But that doesn't mean I'm not eyeing up some more wildlife.
horses rock623
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By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2020 22:15:00
Famousamos wrote:

Hey, does anybody know why so many Schleich (those i get online in particular, from various sellers) come with the little colored dot on the bottom of their foot? I see it so often, but not always, so i don't know if it is due to someone's inventory process, or organizing process, or what? Has anyone else noticed this?

It might be a way of identifying the model (age, where it was made)?? Though I’m not sure myself as I only own Schleich made in recent years default smiley ^)
Thanks guys, but its not the tag lol. Its a literal tiny paint dot on the bottom of a hoof or whatever they have. I think i usually see it on ebay. And yeah, it could easily have something to do with identification. Hmmm the mystery lives on lol.

horses rock623 wrote:

I finally got round to dusting my models off (some of them had a bit of dust) and counted over 180 horses, no duplicates. 8 dogs and 10 various wild life. I have some other brands, such as CollectA, papo and Beswick, which would probably take the total to over 200 horses. But now, I've run out of room... But that doesn't mean I'm not eyeing up some more wildlife.

Ha ha, you sound like me! I've got some dust too on a few, and have about 203 Schleich horses (i do have some duplicates however) and a small handful of other brands, not including Breyer, of which i have several bigger ones and lots of stablemates. Oh yeah, i do have several CollectA horses toodefault smiley :) As far as Schleich wildlife/farm life/etc, i dont dare start trying to count them lol. I, too, am just about out of room lol, but is that stopping me from adding to my collection? No siree ha ha! I'm going full steam ahead!default smiley ^)
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Today's tiny haul involves more horse like family members ha ha. The first picture is a little large.

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First off, i got the 2018 Knabstrupper Stallion! I am actually a bit annoyed with this model, because it is extremely difficult to get him to stand on his own. Does anyone else with this model find that true? Or is mine just wonky?

The second and last model i got today is the 1998(?) Adult Zebra! I question the date only because the tummy is a little tricky to read, but it looks like 98. Now my oldest zebra...s/he looks a little different than my newer ones, but if they're the zebras i hope they are, they'll gladly accept him/her into the herd!default smiley ^)default smiley xd

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By Retired breeder, 3rd June 2020 05:45:27
Quick question- does anyone else have problems getting the Flaxen Chestnut Thoroughbred Mare to stand?
Famousamos wrote:

Hey, does anybody know why so many Schleich (those i get online in particular, from various sellers) come with the little colored dot on the bottom of their foot? I see it so often, but not always, so i don't know if it is due to someone's inventory process, or organizing process, or what? Has anyone else noticed this?

this generally only happens with the older schleichs.
its the predicessor to their coloured tags do diffrent colour dots ment diffrent prices since the tags back than didnt have colour if im correct.
wild horse stables
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Famousamos wrote:

I have yet to find that one! I dont have hardly any local options

i have a pretty big toy store nearby. in the last few years they have been really great with having the newest schleich so i have acces to the whole 2020 collection there but i prefer to save my money for when i go on holiday to germany as i can get things like magazines there and schleichs are cheaper in germany compared to the netherlands where i live
wild horse stables
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I was supposed to go to germany a month back or so but with everything going on we couldnt go. I was planning on buying some schleich there because it is cheaper then the Nederlands
I am actually still hoping we can go there so that I can finally buy some new schleich
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awwww thats so annoing i had an internship in germany for 5 weeks during januari and the first week of febuary and for my mums birthday we went to berlin at the end of febuari so i did get to go this year. but i just really want to collect the magazines and im still a solid 1,5 hours drive away from the german border
wild horse stables
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Retired breeder wrote:

Quick question- does anyone else have problems getting the Flaxen Chestnut Thoroughbred Mare to stand?

Hey! Can you post a picture? I'm not sure which one is the Flaxen Chestnut Thoroughbred mare, and a quick image search didn't help much lol. Or maybe you can share the year and i can find it that way?

wild horse stables wrote:

this generally only happens with the older schleichs.
its the predicessor to their coloured tags do diffrent colour dots ment diffrent prices since the tags back than didnt have colour if im correct.

Oh wow, very cool! I had no idea! You obviously know your Schleich stuff! Maybe you can help me out with another thing...i got a couple new Schleich today. Well one is old, and i need a way to find out how old it is, because the listing didn't say, and i cant find the year on its body. Its number is listed as 14037 online, but i cant seem to see a year anywhere. Do you have a site or somewhere i can go to find this out for this model, and maybe future mysterious pieces? I'll post the pic below.

My two new (and old) Schleichs:

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Its the oldie, a sitting Lioness!

A slightly different angle:

And this newbie to the Schleich horse family, the Saddlebred Gelding! I already have the mare. And at least this one stands nicely by himself, unlike the last horse i got.default smiley ^)

Sorry for the hindside pics, the good side/front facing one was like 3000 by 3000 and i knew it would be far too big!

Also, that's cool that you guys live so close and can (well, during "normal" times) go into Germany! I would love to see the headquarters, or these big stores with lots of Schleich! Are they cheaper there than everywhere else in the world? I'm in the U.S. If i ever went i'd have to put plenty aside to do some shopping!default smiley xd
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Famousamos wrote:

Also, that's cool that you guys live so close and can (well, during "normal" times) go into Germany! I would love to see the headquarters, or these big stores with lots of Schleich! Are they cheaper there than everywhere else in the world? I'm in the U.S. If i ever went i'd have to put plenty aside to do some shopping!default smiley xd

Yes in Germany they are cheaper then anywhere else. In the Netherlands if you want to buy a horse with rider they are around 20 euro’s depending on where you buy them as I know a store here were its cheaper for 16,50 actually and then in Germany it would be even cheaper
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Famousamos wrote:

Do you have a site or somewhere i can go to find this out for this model, and maybe future mysterious pieces?

i do know a lot about schleich yes but my knowledge only really extends in the horses is a site from a german collector they have a really big collection and listed evry model as far as i know. the site is in german tough. it seems accoarding to this site that your sitting lioness is from 1991

AAFKE wrote:

Yes in Germany they are cheaper then anywhere else. In the Netherlands if you want to buy a horse with rider they are around 20 euro’s depending on where you buy them as I know a store here were its cheaper for 16,50 actually and then in Germany it would be even cheaper

i believe horse and rider sets are 15 euros loose models tend to have a 1 euro diffrence while sets can differ from 1 to 30 euros in price
france seems to use similiar prices as germany i got a playset with the palomino andalusian with a pink blanket there for the same price as it wouldve been in germany.
wild horse stables
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Famousamos wrote:

Also, that's cool that you guys live so close and can (well, during "normal" times) go into Germany!

i pretty much only get to see germany while on holiday tough lol.
until last christmas i didint have a drivers licence and parents arent the type to drive me to germany just for schleichs. we did that once to go to a german mcdonalds when schleich and mcdonalds worked together to provide schleich toys in happy meals. i have 2 out of the 4 available horses.
wild horse stables
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Retired breeder wrote:

Quick question- does anyone else have problems getting the Flaxen Chestnut Thoroughbred Mare to stand?

i have the flaxen chestnut the dark chestnut and the grey versions of that model and my 3 stand perfectly fine i think you have one with a warped leg
wild horse stables
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