
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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By Retired breeder, 6th June 2016 22:13:34
Haha! Now we have some competition! So, I posted two vids today and my sis will start filming my schleich with me so my vids will be a lot less shaky!
Val, your videos are so cool!!! What's your next one gonna be? I can't wait to watch it
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By Retired breeder, 6th June 2016 22:43:26
Thanks chrome! I might post a three day eventing vid, racing or day at the stable vlog!
By Retired breeder, 7th June 2016 01:23:11
Actually I have trouble deciding. There are two horses who I could be if I were a Schleich. The new Andalusian mare, and the Dartmoor mare.
The Andalusian mare, because she looks like me "skin" and "hair" colorwise, she seems super sassy, and has a lot of hair (I don't have THAT much hair, but it can be very fluffy). But, she's huge. I'm small.
The Dartmoor mare because she's strong, short, fluffy, and seems really sweet. But then, she's missing the sassy element.
By Retired breeder, 7th June 2016 01:56:42
I am super sassy, so I could totally pass as a Shetland! Like daisy my exclusive Shetland mare!
Retired breeder wrote:

Thanks chrome! I might post a three day eventing vid, racing or day at the stable vlog!

Racing racing racing!!!!! You know me and racing, i go crazy for it!!!!!
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By Retired breeder, 7th June 2016 13:16:32
Haha! Now that I have my sis recording it will be a lot less shaky and more realistic!
By Retired breeder, 7th June 2016 13:21:38
I need a YouTube.
By Retired breeder, 7th June 2016 13:38:59
You should get one! Do your parents allow?
By Retired breeder, 7th June 2016 14:16:46
I think so. My dad thought it would be cool when I asked him, but I think he doesn't want me to actually... Be on YouTube. Like, YouTube can be very unfriendly. My mom is certainly not against it. I think my dad would help me set one up. But first, I need a gmail and a name. I don't want to use Lonely Oak Stables, because it's kinda boring. Maybe Dragonback Ridge, but that doesn't sound like a horse farm at all. Also that's my stablemates barn name, not Schleich! Green Lantern Stables could work. Heritage Fields doesn't sound like a model horse farm either. Orchid Valley Farms? Sorta sounds like a fruit farm, or a yogurt company default smiley xd what do you guys think?
By Retired breeder, 7th June 2016 14:27:18
What about Dragonback Ridge Ranch? Or is that too long? Maybe Dragonback Ranch, but that's a little weird. Help me! default smiley (lol)
Retired breeder wrote:

I think so. My dad thought it would be cool when I asked him, but I think he doesn't want me to actually... Be on YouTube. Like, YouTube can be very unfriendly. My mom is certainly not against it. I think my dad would help me set one up. But first, I need a gmail and a name. I don't want to use Lonely Oak Stables, because it's kinda boring. Maybe Dragonback Ridge, but that doesn't sound like a horse farm at all. Also that's my stablemates barn name, not Schleich! Green Lantern Stables could work. Heritage Fields doesn't sound like a model horse farm either. Orchid Valley Farms? Sorta sounds like a fruit farm, or a yogurt company default smiley xd what do you guys think?

I like Lonely Oak Stables. A lot.
I don't like Green Lantern Stables, and Hertiage Fields seems like a retirement home.. You are right about Orchid Valley. How about places around you? Use that as inspiration?
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I called my stables Santa Anita (the training farm) and Semane Race Stud (the breeding farm)
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By Retired breeder, 7th June 2016 16:08:53
Green Lantern and Lonely Oak are inspired by places around me. I guess I'd just do Lonely Oak, because that's actually my Schleich barn name.
Retired breeder wrote:

Green Lantern and Lonely Oak are inspired by places around me. I guess I'd just do Lonely Oak, because that's actually my Schleich barn name.

When I see Green Lantern I think marvel? That may not even be a thing.
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By Retired breeder, 7th June 2016 16:14:17
Oh no! I don't want my barn name to sound like marvel! Personally I think of an old English racing stable.
By Retired breeder, 7th June 2016 17:01:22
There is a site that generates stable names! I will give you a few! I thought it was marvel top!

Pine Woods Riding School
Laurel Grove Farms
Cedar Creek Stables
Wild Acres Farm
Cedar Lake Riding school
Briar Crest Stable
I really like above names now my name sounds really boring! If I could be one of my horses I would be a mustang so I could be wild and free!
solo is a star
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By Retired breeder, 7th June 2016 20:24:01
here are some names

Brier creek riding academy
Brier creek stables
white oak stables
westbrook farms
heritage stables
willow creek acres
Hoofbeat Ridge
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By Retired breeder, 8th June 2016 00:03:01
Nice! I am working on another vid that will take 2 to three days, even with a helper!
By Retired breeder, 8th June 2016 00:16:37
Speaking of videos, I actually uploaded one yesterday (model horses too default smiley :p) I know, it's amazing, I actually uploaded a video default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 8th June 2016 02:01:30
Cool! Let me check it out!
By Retired breeder, 8th June 2016 02:04:36
AA, what's your YouTube again?
By Retired breeder, 8th June 2016 02:08:17
Retired breeder wrote:

AA, what's your YouTube again?

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