The name of the first horse you ever rode

By Retired breeder, 21st July 2014 21:47:20
So? Mine was Sunshine, what was yours?!default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 17th May 2017 15:16:55
She was a nameless mare, who is old and weary, forced to pull horsecart for years.. I barely remember her, i was young but i can still remember her dirty white body that covered in scars.

She was a typical farm horse that lives in my grandmother's village. Poor mare, im sure she's dead by now..
By Retired breeder, 18th May 2017 18:11:33
The first horse I rode was in Virginia. His name was Hank. He was a sweetie. He's since been sold.
Duke. he was the first I remember riding, he saved me quite a few times from falling on my head, I cried for the first two years after he was put down.default smiley :'(
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Alex! same name as my sister haha, she is a chestnut QH and is still at the camp, I rode her again when I was a counselor at the camp.
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By Retired breeder, 29th May 2017 01:39:23
I went on a trail ride in Florida with my family and it was HOT there. I rode a horse named Mac i called him Sir Eats-a-lot cuz he kept stopping and eating! default smiley xd
A happy trails horse by the name of suzane (I think that's how it was spelt) when I was 18 months old and on holiday in America. I got my first pony when I was 2 years old and we were back in Australia, his name was Cracker.
silver B
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By Retired breeder, 1st June 2017 22:43:08
Mine was a Gypsy Vanner named Zen, I still ride her!default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2017 01:14:05
Mine was a shire cross named Charlie.
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2017 13:04:00
April, a Welsh pony mare.
My absolute favorite horse Red, was and is a grumpy old grandpa gelding. Wanted to be the first one out of his stall and would try to bite you when tightening his saddle forth. Red's super slow, but a sweetheart.... Most of the time. Loves baths.. When I told him that if he rolled in the dirt after his bath that he's be in trouble, I left, came back, and he was still clean! default smiley (lol)default smiley (l) Love ya, Red. OH! He was also really tall and had the biggest saddle I have ever seen.. SO heavy default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2017 21:25:42
... I have no clue. It was one of these:

Patriot: My aunt's horse, a Clydesdale I think. I hardly remember him. He was sold a while ago.

Glory: A Gypsy Vanner, and where I got my love for the breed. She was a bay Tobiano, I think, and was from a day camp I went to.

Al: A donkey that my aunt used to have, but was sold a while ago.

Or one of my aunt's old ponies- again, they were sold a while ago.
By Retired breeder, 3rd June 2017 17:43:26
The first horse I ever rode was a bay Morgan gelding with a star named Cha Cha! After I was comfortable on Cha Cha I rode his sister, a solid dark bay Morgan named Chime, and a palomino Quarter Horse with a blaze and three socks named Sammy who I took to my first ever show.
By Retired breeder, 6th June 2017 13:39:45
The first horse I ever rode was named Star. He was amazing. Sadly he passed away a few months ago.
By Retired breeder, 6th June 2017 13:51:34
Jet! Best horse ever! He was the horse that I learned to ride on.
By Retired breeder, 7th June 2017 16:03:47
Mutley, he was big black and beautiful!
The 1st horse i ever rode was a 1 eyed quater horse gelding named Mikey. Mom had him so well trained and he was perfect to learn on.
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By Retired breeder, 12th June 2017 22:29:38
A pony, I do not even know his name. I think it was on that day that I came to love horses.
Bucky. He was someone elses and a beautiful buckskin pony.
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A little pony named Jellybean. He had a spot on his back in the shape of a jellybean. He must have been like 13 hands but he seemed enormous.
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By Retired breeder, 13th June 2017 00:15:55
An ordinary Quarter Horse named Ozzie at a riding lesson. They gave me a riding whip for him and encouraged me to kick his side a bunch because he was 'lazy'. I don't think he liked me much but I did what the instructor said.
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2017 02:53:12
A fleabittin grey named blue boy when I was 5 ,he was a quarter horse and he passed 7yrs ago. He was 14 hands enormous to a shorty like medefault smiley :o
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2017 21:12:16
My first horse I learned to ride on. He's a palomino with four white socks and a star on his forehead. His name was Cats. Great name, I know.
By Retired breeder, 15th June 2017 13:26:35
default smiley (l) My first horse was an Appaloosa named Love.default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 18th June 2017 19:30:15
First horse lesson was on a horse named Pebbles default smiley (l)!! After my first horse lesson the riding school closed and did not end up riding again for another year as all the riding schools were miles away.

Safe to say the next time I rode I made sure that I could for sure book as many lessons as I could ...just incase they were thinking of closing default smiley :ddefault smiley ^)
By Retired breeder, 19th June 2017 22:22:40
The first horse I rode was named Eggy. It was a lazy shetland pony, and it was working at a pony ride. I remember his name because he was the one who got me hooked!
By Retired breeder, 20th June 2017 01:55:00
Mine was a cranky little Morgan called Annie...she kept trying to buck me off.
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