The name of the first horse you ever rode

By Retired breeder, 21st July 2014 21:47:20
So? Mine was Sunshine, what was yours?!default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 29th July 2014 19:02:18
The first horse I rode was a TB Mare register named:

Time To Hide. I call her "B"
By Retired breeder, 29th July 2014 21:26:01
A little 11hh gelding called Tee-Tee default smiley xd
I first hopped on a pony at a fair. I didnt know its name. The first horse I knew was Spring, I would ride and show her a lot. That was when I was 8, about 12 yeats ago default smiley ;) poor thing isnt with us anymore default smiley :(
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A little 10hh welsh buckskin pony named Mariposadefault smiley (l) called her pisa, little angel passed away last monthdefault smiley :(
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i meant posa lol stupid auto correctdefault smiley xd
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The first horse I ever rode was a little, black Shetland pony named Punky. default smiley :p I rode her when I was 6 years old. She passed away a long time ago, but I will never forget her because riding her was what made me fall in love with horses. default smiley :)
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The first horse I ever rode was a chestnut quarter horse named Harvey.
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By Retired breeder, 30th July 2014 00:24:44
Tinguiliche I was around 3 years old.default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 30th July 2014 00:47:05
Oh geez. The first horse I rode was this one at a barn I always visited in my stroller cause I loved horses. Me and my mom would visit them and one day the guy there was like "Wanna ride?" I never got the horse's name
By Retired breeder, 30th July 2014 02:04:19
For me, she was a big old bay Thoroughbred mare named Star. She was the barn witch, but not with me default smiley ^)
Coco. 15 year old mustang. Crazy is what I say.
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By Retired breeder, 30th July 2014 03:02:55
Salty. She was an angry welsh pony.
By Retired breeder, 30th July 2014 03:13:10
It was this stubborn pony cross named Miss Mary. That was the only time I rode her, I switched with another girl in my group lesson the next time.
By Retired breeder, 30th July 2014 04:06:13
I first rode a horse at a camp, but I forgot his name ( was probably 8 years old).
The second horse I rode was named Candy. She is 31 years old now.
By Retired breeder, 30th July 2014 04:46:59
Mine was a grey dappled Appaloosa stallion named Dakota.

Ok, so we just did a walk around around around the paddock, but I still rode him! And not to mention I was 8.
By Retired breeder, 30th July 2014 05:33:36
nayla a cute little white welsh pony hahaha we jumped and cantered after 3 lessons
By Retired breeder, 30th July 2014 15:03:10
mine was Dock
The first horse that I technically rode (I'm not counting pony rides) was named Mel.
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By Retired breeder, 30th July 2014 15:13:58
The first horse i ever rode was named Arizona
By Retired breeder, 30th July 2014 18:33:16
The first pony I ever rode was a little pudgy new forest mare named Sophie, at my first riding lesson when I was ten default smiley :)
Speck, who I think was a Quarter Horse at a horse camp
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By Retired breeder, 30th July 2014 19:19:59
A beautiful Fleabitten Grey Arabian gelding named Chester.
Mine was a mare named Rosie she was sweet and she wouldn't move unless over the say so to go ( I'm not counting Cowboy who I just sat on and my dad pulled around ) She was a warm brown colored mare I rode her when I was training to ride a pony I got his name was Cinnimon he was a stuburn stallion pony default smiley (o) if you pulled left he went right and he rammed me in a metal fence he had something wrong with him and died a few months ago and I wish I would have rode him more default smiley :(default smiley :'( He was a good ole fella and I miss him! R.I.P Cinnimon
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By Retired breeder, 31st July 2014 00:15:49
appy named pepperoni
The first horse I rode was a palomino Quarter Horse named Cody. He's super old and retired from lessons now.
He was so sweet and slow!
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