Rate the horse name above you (:

By Retired breeder, 21st July 2014 18:31:21
You all know how this goes but this is with a twist, someone says a horse name (ex. Lucky, Max,Leon) and you rate it out of 10 points and say why.
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By Retired breeder, 16th August 2014 23:38:36
5/10 nice but not the best I have heard

By Retired breeder, 16th August 2014 23:49:58
4/10 VERY common!

Show name: Match Maker
Barn Name: Juliette
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 00:20:08
9/10 for the show name! That's unique and cute!!
3/10 for the barn name... Not really a fan default smiley :)

Show Name. Starfire Night
Barn Name. Falcyn
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 00:22:44
7/10 for the show name

4/10 for the barn name

By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 00:25:59
9/10 nice!

By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 00:31:33
8/10. Maybe for a black horse?

Titan's Last Cry
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 00:56:14
Hi I was wondering If you would like to add me as a friend Erinll
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 00:56:46
Retired breeder wrote:

8/10. Maybe for a black horse?

Titan's Last Cry

It was black as a foal then gray as an adult!!!default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 00:57:29
Retired breeder wrote:

Hi I was wondering If you would like to add me as a friend Erinll

This isn't the place for this...default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 01:06:29
Show name: Moonshadowsimpression
Barn name: Shadow
Show name: whimpy's re Pete
Barn name: Pete.
These are my rl horses names default smiley :)
Moonshadowimpression - 3/10 it is really long
Shadow - 4/10 its a common name for any pet really
Whimpy's re Pete - 6/10 unique!
Pete - 5/10 kind of common

Show name - Moorlands Totilas
Barn names - Toto, Totilas
  • Posted messages: 8,109
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 01:18:10
Show name 1: 3/10 put spaces where you want because then people get those wrong.
Barn Name 1: 8/10 I really like but maybe just a little too common?
Show name 2: 4/10 I don't like it
Barn Name 2: Too common, and I imagine the barn owner or maybe a groom named that default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 01:19:04
The name I choose is Clover Claw
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 01:19:50
Oops sorry for that I did not refresh page as I was typing
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 01:19:59
Show name: 5/10 meh
Barn name: 8/10 like

Bn Kojak
Sn Kizi Ski (kee-zee sky)
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 01:21:33
jlmiller wrote:

Moonshadowimpression - 3/10 it is really long
Shadow - 4/10 its a common name for any pet really
Whimpy's re Pete - 6/10 unique!
Pete - 5/10 kind of common

Show name - Moorlands Totilas
Barn names - Toto, Totilas

Previous post meant for this
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 02:04:22
Rosie? For a Connemara pony? Cherry Bay?
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 02:05:42
I mean she is a Connemara and she's cherry bay.

Moorlands Totilas- 6/10

Toto- 8/10

Totilas- 7/10
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 02:30:39
4/10 it's really common

One For The Money
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 02:31:31
(Rosie) 6/10, common but a good name for a cherry bay! default smiley :)

Show Name: Wishing For Wings

Barn Name: Jet
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 02:33:20
One for the money: Cute and unique! 8/10
Monty: 7/10 I like it!!

Wishing For Wings
aka Jet
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 03:52:21
One for the Money: 8/10 cute!
Monty: 7/10 don't really like the name but it goes with the show name so I like it

Barn name: Jazzy
Still thinking of a show name any ideas are welcome default smiley :)
Common around in Wisconsin!

Show name - Money Maker
Barn name - Cash
  • Posted messages: 8,109
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 04:22:15

By Retired breeder, 17th August 2014 04:23:54
Late post but the rating is the same

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