Rate the horse name above you (:

By Retired breeder, 21st July 2014 18:31:21
You all know how this goes but this is with a twist, someone says a horse name (ex. Lucky, Max,Leon) and you rate it out of 10 points and say why.
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Chevalier 7/10 sounds nice, could be for a gray gelding
Juliet 9.5/10 love it! Does sound a bit overused so took .5 off. Could totally imagine a breeding pair with Romeo and Juliet
Adrianus 4/10 idk it just sounds weird to say
Hale 6/10 ehhh
Na'Vinia 8/10 sounds very similar to one of my OC character names! It’s nice
Bragi 7/10 interestin
Solstice 6.5/10 ehh kinda nice
Hyperion 5/10 sounds fierce but doesn’t really roll of the tongue

My names:
Rua’s Legacy
Mr Magic
Zeus’s Girl
  • Posted messages: 607
  • Karma: 10 points
Rua’s Legacy- 8/10 I love a good Legacy
Fortune- 7/10 I'd need to see if there is a coat to go
Mr Magic- 7/10 Mr. sounds like a fun time
Zeus’s Girl- 4/10 he had many
Reba- 6/10 Red mare queen but shes bay
Creek- 2/10 this is not the divine
Kola- 8/10 idk i like it
Alexia- 7/10 classic with a twist
Echo- 5/10 feels a lil common
Kai- /10 love it

Summer Born Wild
Destrier Armour
Lucid Dreams
My Split Decisions
Sunfyre the Golden
Spin Another Track
American Heratic
Nobris Arcanuum
Crested Triumph
Red Sun Rising
  • Posted messages: 90
  • Karma: 10 points
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