Rate the horse name above you (:

By Retired breeder, 21st July 2014 18:31:21
You all know how this goes but this is with a twist, someone says a horse name (ex. Lucky, Max,Leon) and you rate it out of 10 points and say why.
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By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 00:27:04
10/10 cool!
Sky or Badeger
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 00:28:43
Retired breeder wrote:

Twister's Sister7.5/10

hey a horse I ride has a sister and we always call him Twisters Sister
Gun smokes magic man, champ, rodeo, rusty,
  • Posted messages: 117
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By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 03:28:01
I rate all of them a 10/10 except the first one I would give a 8/10.

By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 03:33:54
1. 4/10 It's kind of boring...
2. 9/10 You'd have to find the perfect horse to fit it...
3. 10/10 Really unique and kind of catchy...

Coors (the name of my horse!)
Maia (pronounced maya)
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 06:24:42
1. 5/10 kinda strange...
2. 8/10 cute!
3. 9/10 love it!default smiley :)

Honey Pie
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 06:53:11
10/10 for all. So cute!

By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 07:34:08
8 out of 10
because it depends on the Breed and coat (I would have a dark coat just like a ninjadefault smiley (m) )
mine is = Rumai ( rumai is my nick name nobody is aloud to copy my nickname then i will get madedefault smiley (6)default smiley :kdefault smiley :@ )
so yeah Ruma

  • Posted messages: 1,280
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Show name: Be Bop Rodder
Barn name: Mezzy
  • Posted messages: 1,575
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 14:53:43
Barn name: Callie(my leased horse)
Showname: Idk
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 15:32:15

I don't know why a horse would be named Idk.....


Waltzing Tornado (my TB's name)
  • Posted messages: 349
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By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 16:21:04
8/10 not sure tornadoes waltz ...

Nick name: Echo
Show name: Tall-Dark Echo
This is for a large, dark horse. default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 16:55:51
Nick name: Echo
Show name: Tall-Dark Echo
This is for a large, dark horse. default smiley :d[/quote]

9/10 its pretty cool but it is really like a stallion name

Sunset Shimmer
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 17:02:18
9/10, it's really cool

Frankly My Dear
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 17:07:01

Show Name: Outlaw's Red Redemption
Barn Name: Aristocrat

(My daughter's Appendix Quarter Horse gelding)
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 17:20:54
5/10 its okay but not my type

Show: Dunn-It Checker
Barn: Checker
6/10 not bad default smiley :)
Name: Sass O Frass
Barn Name: Sassy
  • Posted messages: 1,542
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 17:39:59
5/10 it's kinda common

Rendezvous (show name and barn name)
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 18:00:35
9/10 It's very good!

Show Name: Royal Attire
Barn Name: Roy
9/10 cute

All that Glitters
Enchanted Horses
  • Posted messages: 285
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 18:28:20
7/10 Makes me think of a diva mare XD not my kind of horse

Nick name: Paco
Show name: Paco Rabanne
A top breed stallion. Probably owned my someone rich.
4/10 cute

Nickname: Bri
Show Name: Brigid Firemane
  • Posted messages: 1,227
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 4th August 2014 19:27:57
5/10 very unique

Barn Name: Jinx
Show Name: Jinx Outta Luck

(My Arabian mare)
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