What breed of horse do you have?

What breed of horse do you have? I have a quarter horse,a welsh cross,and a donkey!
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I have a Bashkir Curly Horse �
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2019 03:02:05
i have a shetland pony
I have a shetland pony, he is supposed to be a miniature shetland but he got more of his moms genetics she is tiny and so is his father so he is shoulder heightdefault smiley (o)
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2019 10:54:47
I mostly have friesians, but also have a Marwari and a Selle Francais foal! I'm also waiting for a Spanish Purebred to be born, and I can't wait! default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2019 21:17:28
I have a pinto, two thoroughbreds, and a gypsy vanner
By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2019 21:52:23
I have a shire spanish mustang and a spanish mustang
By Retired breeder, 5th December 2019 22:45:24
I have a 26 year old Quarter horse mixed with a Morgan.
By Retired breeder, 10th December 2019 17:55:07
I own and breed Purebred Egyptian Arabians. They’re awesome! default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 11th December 2019 15:11:38
I have a 20 year old paint gelding, a 16 year old paint gelding, and a 12 year old Appaloosa mare!
By Retired breeder, 11th December 2019 15:14:15
I have a Pegasus pure breed lustiano.
She's awesome
I'm saving up for either a quarter horse or an appendix! It'll depend on what's on the market (although I fell in love with an appendix for sale near me so if she's still available in a year or two, she's mine!)
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kittygirl03 wrote:

an appendix

I never heared this before - what is an appendix? A horse that doesn´t have full pedigree?

Currently I own 3 Welsh Mountain Poines, 2 Welsh Ponies of Cob Type and a 25y/o retiered Shetland Pony.
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By Retired breeder, 15th December 2019 17:41:00
I have a 11 year old Welsh cob mare! Unfrotunately she has a tendion injury. It wil take 1/2 year op to 3/4 year
By Retired breeder, 16th December 2019 20:54:01
I have Paints, Champagne, and black and whites. I also have some splash paints. Halflingers, a thoroughbred, and a quarter.


This is my riding mare, her name is daisy. She is due to foal in February!!!!


default smiley :d default smiley (7) default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 19th December 2019 13:27:31
I have a Hanovarian/Holstiener. Love you, My Beautiful Cleopatra!��
I have a Quarter Horse x Arabian, they're called Quarabs.
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By Retired breeder, 20th December 2019 18:25:00
I Have 2 Quarter Horses Molly and Little Boy, a Paint Bindy, and a Gypsy Vanner named Misty. They are ALL my babies default smiley :p

The one I'm Riding right there as my avatar thingy is Molly
By Retired breeder, 21st December 2019 20:44:52
I have two Friesians
By Retired breeder, 24th December 2019 04:26:18
I have 2 Fjords named Titaness and Mother Hen, 2 Mustangs named Spirit and Lily Star and a Standardbred named Belle.
By Retired breeder, 24th December 2019 04:33:20
We have three quarter horses currently, two palomino mares and a blue roan filly. Fancy is my mare, sunshine is my moms, and Cinderella(the filly) is both of ours. We used to run 60+ head of horses when I was a kid that were foundation quarters and paints with a few others mixed in (appysand arabians usually). But my first horse who we retired out is a Appaloosa thoroughbred cross named Justice. (All of these names are just our barn names)
Vanity1807 wrote:

I never heared this before - what is an appendix?

A cross between a registered Quarter Horse and registered Thoroughbred
Jennifer Rice
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I have a retired ranch need Quarter horse named Myles default smiley (l)
We rescued him from slaughter and he was extremely thin - we couldn't even safely do a riding evaluation
But now he's fat and happy mainly just standing in a field but I'll take him out on the trails as I'm able to! He's so sweet and gentle I know he'll take care of me ❤️
I'll Get By
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Thoroughbred and a Gisborne Bred( think she has gyspy cob)
  • Posted messages: 417
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Vanity1807 wrote:

I never heared this before - what is an appendix? A horse that doesn´t have full pedigree?

Sorry this is so late! An appendix is a quarter horse, thoroughbred mix
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By Retired breeder, 28th December 2019 19:17:49
I have 3 Curlys called stone, nutmeg, and silver
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