Daily Objectives: Tips & Tricks

Daily Objectives

You can now complete two daily objectives each day! Some players can earn equus and others passes, depending on your seniority level.

Find your daily objectives on the homepage of the game, which is the page you see after logging into the game.

Completing the daily objectives seven days in a row will give a Horn of Plenty ! You can check on your progress through the gauge bar directly from the “Daily Objectives” page.

Within this thread players who need help, want to help, or just would like to share their progression with the daily objectives are welcome to post here.

All forum rules apply.

Please note that if you want to discuss the feature itself or give feedback on it, we ask that you do so with the dedicated topic thread for new features here: A new year brings new features!

Warm Regards,

The Howrse Team


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By Retired breeder, 8th September 2021 00:54:58
Own a horse with a positive BLUP that you have bred I do own one and I used aging points to have the foal and it still says I have to do it default smiley (o)
Retired breeder wrote:

Own a horse with a positive BLUP that you have bred I do own one and I used aging points to have the foal and it still says I have to do it default smiley (o)
Are you referring to Puffs? It doesn't have positive blup yet. The Milla is the closest one I saw to having positive blup, about 5 points away. Try some jump comps with her for awhile if you haven't already or some forest rides if you have. You will have positive blup when there is no longer a negative sign before the blup number or her genetics page.
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By Retired breeder, 8th September 2021 13:44:52
This isn't really a daily objective, but I'm trying to do the tutorial objective.
The tutorial lady wants me to buy a fertility wand, but when I go to the black market it says I have no more passes to buy one (I have 95, which should be the exact price for one) and will not let me buy, so I can't progress in the tutorial.
Retired breeder wrote:

This isn't really a daily objective, but I'm trying to do the tutorial objective.
The tutorial lady wants me to buy a fertility wand, but when I go to the black market it says I have no more passes to buy one (I have 95, which should be the exact price for one) and will not let me buy, so I can't progress in the tutorial.

Try clearing cache and cookies. If that doesn't work, go to Contact Us with screenshots
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Repair a building and yet I have no buildings even possible for repairing... on day 7 too rip the horn default smiley :@
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chlorine wrote:

Repair a building and yet I have no buildings even possible for repairing... on day 7 too rip the horn default smiley :@

Your buildings don't have to be completely worn for you to repair them. They just have to be at more than 0% worn.
  • Posted messages: 91,995
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chlorine wrote:

Repair a building and yet I have no buildings even possible for repairing... on day 7 too rip the horn default smiley :@

You can repair at any percentage, you do it by selecting the building to repair and then clicking the +, which will give you the option to repair the building.
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How do I get congratulations I need 4 to finish a task
  • Posted messages: 15
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equineservices wrote:

How do I get congratulations I need 4 to finish a task

There's a topic on the Events Forum that you can ask for congrats in.
  • Posted messages: 91,995
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Not a daily objective but a tutorial objective. But where is the special horses page?
  • Posted messages: 4
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Chevygirl10133 wrote:

Not a daily objective but a tutorial objective. But where is the special horses page?

The second last option under the Achievements tab!
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By Retired breeder, 15th September 2021 16:41:39
I'm back with another tutorial objective - how do I win a golden horseshoe? Do I have to wait for the next event to start to win one? (and when does the next event start if I need to wait?)
What's with the give birth a unicorn objective? It's COVER a doneky, COVER a draft horse but give BIRTH to a unicorn?

We've asked many times for you to change it to cover a unicorn, please.

Even with VIP the chances are slim to produce one naturally unless you have endless numbers of mares covered. I get this vexing objective weekly. default smiley (o)default smiley (n)
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carlaz84 wrote:

We've asked many times for you to change it to cover a unicorn, please.

They do have a cover a unicorn objective - but it doesn't replace the objective to also birth one unfortunately.
  • Posted messages: 1,833
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Retired breeder wrote:

I'm back with another tutorial objective - how do I win a golden horseshoe? Do I have to wait for the next event to start to win one? (and when does the next event start if I need to wait?)

Yes, you can only win them in events. The next event will begin tomorrow (Thursday - they always end on a Monday and begin the same Thursday).
  • Posted messages: 1,833
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By Retired breeder, 16th September 2021 08:06:36
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Sorry, this topic is only for asking how to do things, not for asking to do trades that are in fact against game rules. Try watching the ad videos if you haven't already.
  • Posted messages: 92,495
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You could also look in the sales for a horse with the tack you need but without an earbonnet
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Not a fan of the daily objective "groom a Divine". I don't own one, nor could I easily get one, I'm a returning player so I don't don't know how to get most of the divines. It broke my streak
  • Posted messages: 10
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Vetchic wrote:

Not a fan of the daily objective "groom a Divine". I don't own one, nor could I easily get one, I'm a returning player so I don't don't know how to get most of the divines. It broke my streak

You can get them via luck items for promotional offers or if Howrse offers them for sale to you in reserved sales (like Fall is being offered right now). The objectives aren't intended to be easy all the time because the game is intended to be built up over a period of time, and hard work. It's tough when you're starting out new or starting over but you'll get there. You can always go to Contact Us and express you want the objective removed or changed, sometimes they listen to player perspectives.
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By Retired breeder, 18th September 2021 01:33:35
how do i cover my draft mare if no stallions show up to cover her ?
@Queenharley6969 you will most likely need to cover her with a stallion of your own. Pretty rare to find public covers unfortunately!
  • Posted messages: 65
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By Retired breeder, 18th September 2021 18:45:55
How do I find a tub of greace when completing missions? It's from the breeder objectives please help I'm so lost
its a bonus that appears at random on your horse when it does a lesson/mission. Keep doing lessons/missions with your horses until one finds one. It will appear on the horse's history when it happens, also it will display on the horse's bonus tab.
  • Posted messages: 92,495
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By Retired breeder, 18th September 2021 19:47:58
OMG! Thank you your a life saver!
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