Daily Objectives: Tips & Tricks
Oh sorry, I just realized that I wasn't supposed to ask for help from people to send me things
What’s an easy way to earn passes? I’m struggling with that being new lol
SUNSH1NE, once you complete beginners objectives you're going to be able to earn 30 passes everyday with daily objectives, other than that it's either buying them or getting them from divines
Hi, I'm really confused about the daily objectives. I completed all my apprentice once but I've never had any since, when I go to the screen there are no more objectives. Is this a new thing or is my game not working correctly? Thanks.
Hi, I'm really confused about the daily objectives. I completed all my apprentice once but I've never had any since, when I go to the screen there are no more objectives. Is this a new thing or is my game not working correctly? Thanks. Did you validate all the special features? Once you have finished all 101 beginner objectives and validated the features then the daily objectives should show up.
Does finding a UFO on a profile page satisfy the "Get a gift donation" objective?
no, because that objective means to get a gift through the gifting system from a friend.
How do I find a contest to enter so that I can win a gift? I was playing on the Iphone version and it was not working so I switched to my PC and I still can't figure it out.
One (the cards) just finished yesterday. There will be another contest starting on Thursday.
This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules. I can help!
I can't quite work out how to reply � but to answer your question Rogin, yes I've validated all special features but I still have no more objectives �♀️ maybe I should contact support.
I can't quite work out how to reply � but to answer your question Rogin, yes I've validated all special features but I still have no more objectives �♀️ maybe I should contact support. Yes if you have validated everything and they are not showing then you should go to contact us.
By Retired breeder, 16th February 2024 07:54:42
Hello! How do I " Remove a Unicorns Horn?"???
Hello! How do I " Remove a Unicorns Horn?"???
Is there a way to get a job without owning an equestrain center?
Is there a way to get a job without owning an equestrain center? The EC is one of the easiest ways to make a lot of equus, by crafting and selling items, and selling crops. Until your EC is unlocked through, you can earn equus by doing comps and lessons with your horses.
How to complete this objective "Find a tub of grease when completing mission with a horse "
How to complete this objective "Find a tub of grease when completing mission with a horse " Just by doing missions with your horses. They can randomly find a tub of grease.
How do I get horse droppings? I accidentally sold mine and now I need them for the daily objective
How do I get horse droppings? I accidentally sold mine and now I need them for the daily objective You get more droppings from your horses each day (whether aged by aging points or the daily update) based on how much they were worked/fed the previous day. The more activities you do with them-missions, training, rides, comps- the more droppings they will produce. Assuming of course the horse does not have a parchment on it.
I have an objective that wants me to welcome a new boarder into my EC, I'm just wondering if my own horses count towards that? I have one open box and I'd love to knock it out that way if I can
yes, it counts