[Survey] Cards: Art History


The Cards: Art History event has come to an end. We hope that you were able to win all the prizes by scratching and completing the different collection of cards.

We would like to gather your thoughts and feedback about the event. Below are a series of questions you can rate: What was good about the event? What can be improved? Ratings range from 1 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest).

We always appreciate your feedback, but please remember the forum rules and keep it constructive!

Thank you for your time and feedback!

The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 29
  • Karma: 10 points


1. How entertaining was the contest? 1 = Boring, 5 = Super entertaining

2. How easy was it to understand was the contest? 1 = Not intuitive, 5 = Super intuitive

3. How easy was it to progress in the contest? 1 = Very difficult, 5 = Very easy

4. Were you satisfied with the awards you received? 1 = Unsatisfied, 5 = Very Satisfied

5. How visually appealing was the contest? 1 = Poor, 5 = Magnificent

I enjoyed this event. I got Ti Amo and many pass seeds. I got only few Diamond and gold cards, so I didn't get any duplicate gifts from those..

But, I want to know, how much Ti Amo and Art Nouveou went for in auctions? I myself didn't see either of them in auctions default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 101
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
One of my favourite events, and probably the most generous one I've had so far. No passes spent, however millions of equus, and alot of patience in the sales and planning, I got Ti amo, 2 WS, 2TC, 2X fragments, 1* Ma and 1* monster egg. A huge collection of misc prizes and even a whopping 963 fragments for Art Nouveau (event + dailies), which the 2 TC I won filled the meter. 2 divines with no passes spent? That's super generous if you ask me. It was also easy to understand and the design was good!

2 feedbacks I'd like to give.

1. To guarentee Gold or Diamond cards after a certain number of packs (Like the previous run of Cards). After this run, I doubt people would want to buy packs any more the next run as it is so disappointing to spend passes for bronze and silver.

2. To fix bidding on auction on the app. Often after the first bid, the amount gets stuck and I have to keep relaunching the app or swtich to classic to bid a higher amount. Makes its really difficult to participate on the go.
  • Posted messages: 874
  • Karma: 10 points
Cards has always been my favourite. I wish it came around more often.
Bohemian Anna
  • Posted messages: 8,105
  • Karma: 10 points
Cards is my favorite game. Once in a rare while I'm really lucky and get all the cards, this was one of those times, at the end I was only missing one Gold card. I did buy four or five packs of cards, but with passes I already had, so no money spent.
  • Posted messages: 2,017
  • Karma: 10 points
Cards is always my favourite! Managed to get both divines and about 3 of each prize (spent around 2k passes in the end on packs but that was mostly for the trophy!) default smiley :-))
  • Posted messages: 9,706
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First time I have completed this event, not sure how but very pleased, am also pleased with the prizes I got.
  • Posted messages: 1,853
  • Karma: 10 points
Something needs to be done with the excessive amount of duplicate bronze cards we get. Even if it's just a delete button where they disappear. It was ridiculous having to go through 20+ useless cards to get to the few new ones each day. They just clogged up everything, even if you activated all your duplicate gift cards. Maybe we could trade like 5 or 10 bronze cards for a higher level or something. I was glad to see the wanderers spirit since I collect coats, but the other prizes were kinda meh.
Ashley Watson
  • Posted messages: 153
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  • Seniority: 2,110 days
I wish that when you finish the event and have collected all of the cards, you can trade in the "art history" cards for more items. At the end, I had so many of them that kind of sat there, for no real reason.
  • Posted messages: 79
  • Karma: 10 points
I was at 98% for getting it completed.

Kept getting way too many duplicate cards, even when I bought one pack with Passes earned from Achievements, those also turned out to be duplicates.

The artwork with the artists was kind of weird, artists changed to represent Howrse rather than the artists themselves, but nice to show what types of artwork there are in the world.

Some nicer prizes though.
Glad I was able to get Ti Amo, which was my main focus this time around.
Sneaky Shadow
  • Posted messages: 102
  • Karma: 10 points
I'm very happy that I was able to complete all series and receive Ti Amo. But, I did notice other players saying how they didn't. I think a nice add on to the event in the future would be if you had multiples of one card and your friend needed one you could be able to send that card over. All in all I was happy with this event.
  • Posted messages: 108
  • Karma: 10 points
I did spent ~1000p on this event, but I got all the prizes twice(including Ti Amo) and as a bonus with the 2 crowns, daily objectives, 2 sets of 220 frags, and multiple 50 frag gift cards, I got the bonus divine the new art, and plenty of duplicate gifts. So I feel like I got more than my moneys worth out of the passes spent.

However, I will say the disparity in what you get in a card pack is a little unfortunate. And not having any ability to trade cards after completing the even the first time is a little bit annoying.

In theory this event has been said to be a free event. However it seems like a lot of people are lacking key cards on the last days, which I’m not a fan of. At least one event should be free including the non-new release divine. Maybe like someone else suggested like the advent calendar everyone should get the same pool of cards but at varying times. But still guaranteed all cards needed

Either that, or each pack should for sure have either 1 gold or 1 diamond card. Instead of it being so totally random

So far cards have been my favorite event since being back. I remember receiving my first ever divine on my old account with the cards. Fond memories
  • Posted messages: 164
  • Karma: 10 points
I enjoyed the event and I was happy with the prizes I received. It seemed it was easier to get gold and diamond cards this time around. One thing I wish it would change is when we get to the point of having all the, say bronze cards, and we get another duplicate that we have the option to exchange it for one of the gifts at the bottom. It's frustrating to have 4-5 of the same gold card with no hope of getting the rest of the cards for that prize. I was happy to see the droppings as one of the gifts at the bottom. My divine can turn those into pass seeds for me.
  • Posted messages: 1,328
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I usually don't like the Cards. This time I was surprised I won the divine and got all the cardsdefault smiley ^).
And that was with being offline or not being able to work my horses to get the 2 extra cards for a couple of days. I bought 1 card through direct sales but was never able to be online when the auctions came up. I think the only improvement would be more opportunities to exchange cards and to exchange for different rarities.
  • Posted messages: 1
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  • Seniority: 40 days
It Was Fun And Wish That It Was Still Going On So That You Can Get More Gifts
Matthew M Freeman
  • Posted messages: 62
  • Karma: 10 points
Once I got Ti Amo I wish I could have given my duplicate cards to friends, or be able to swap the cards and maybe win a prize a second time. I was hoping I could win more fragments for Art Nouveou.
  • Posted messages: 710
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I got a Ti amo in the event and just saw it says during February you can give it to your friends, does this mean I wouldn’t have him anymore? Like he’d be gone forever?
  • Posted messages: 151
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phillipparoby22 wrote:

I got a Ti amo in the event and just saw it says during February you can give it to your friends, does this mean I wouldn’t have him anymore? Like he’d be gone forever?

Yes, it does. It's gifting him with "love" to someone else, and you would not have him any longer
  • Posted messages: 164
  • Karma: 10 points
The card events are always one of my favorite events. It is possible to win a divine without buying anything with passes and more events should be like that! Plus the artwork was absolutely stunning for these cards too!
  • Posted messages: 3,816
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