[Event] Cards: Art History

Cards: Art History

The Cards event is back, and we will take a lesson in Art History this time

The Cards event will end on 17 February 2025 at 16:00 CET.

How to play?

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Collect and scratch cards to complete puzzles, and win gifts.

There are three different types of cards:

Gift cards - Will grant you a prize immediately.

Puzzle cards - Will grant you a prize once the puzzle is complete.

Joker cards - Will help you get the card of your choice amongst those from the same level.

If you get a duplicate card, you can exchange it for a new one of the same rarity, once daily.

Complete all 5 puzzles to win a divine horse!

How to get cards

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There are different ways to get cards:

With a daily connection (2 cards per day), with a bonus if you log in 5 days straight (1 Gold or Diamond card).

When taking one of your horses for a ride (1 card per day).

From winning a competition with your horses (1 card per day).

In the Flash Sales.

By spending Equus to trade your duplicate cards (Once per day).

With Passes.

Each time you buy a card in the Flash Sales, you get some points. When you have enough points, you unlock a private sale for a Joker card!


Ti Amo

Complete all 5 puzzles to win the divine horse: Ti Amo, from the Love series!

New divine: Art


Art Nouveau is the new divine horse from the Art History series. You can get his fragments in the Tyche's Crowns, by playing the Cards event, or by completing your Daily Objectives.
The Tyches Crown promotion will end on 18 February 2025 at 16:00 CET.

Mobile version

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The mobile version is available for this contest.

To avoid compatibility issues, we recommend that you play on the mobile version (if you want to play on a mobile device).

Good luck collecting your cards!

Best regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 30
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Just finished the cards and got Ti Amo without spending passes. Got lucky with the random Diamond cards and Jokers. Always like a free event default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 3,271
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emmyshmemily wrote:

So I collected all the cards which in the past wasn't something I've been able to accomplish and so I have always assumed once you unlocked a big reward that was it you didnt get it again but this time I unlocked all of them and I got a second round of complete duplicates for a Tyche's Crown and it rewarded me again with another Tyche's Crown so my question is is this a bug or am I totally fine to open it?

That is how it has always worked with the Cards events. You can get all the prizes, including the divine, again, as long as you have the right cards to complete the puzzles.
That way I got 2 Kawaiis a few years ago.

Lucky you, congrats! default smiley <:o)
You can open the Crowns or save them for another occasion. Current divine in the Crowns is Art Nouveau, so if you want her, go for it!
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Greekyogurt wrote:

How do get a meadow and plant pass seeds???default smiley (8)default smiley :'(

Just a tip: this is the Event forum, there is also a Game Play forum for all the questions about the game. Just start new topics, don't take over someone else's, that way your questions will be seen easier by other players too.
Just reading topics will already give you a lot of information about the game. Same goes for the Breeder's Manual and the Equestrian Centre's Manual. You find them under the big ? on top right of this screen.

And as someone else already said: you need more seniority for some things. Keep doing the beginner's objectives, and at certain tresholds (25, 50, 75 and 100 objectives) Emma will come back to you and guide you through everything you unlock at that moment.

And play the events, even if you don't get the divine it'll give you a lot of free goodies. The Cards event ends tomorrow, but next Thursday a new event will start.

Good luck!
  • Posted messages: 2,954
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dahmamas wrote:

does anyone know how much each purchase is towards the jokers you can buy? I only needed 3 points to get the gold joker, and i got a bronze card in the quick sales, and only got credit for 2 points. I'm not able to buy anymore before the event is over. default smiley :(

If you're on the Classic version, scroll all the way to the bottom of the flash sales page where it says "prizes to win", and the points for each rarity is shown in their own column

If you're on mobile, you have to click on the little ? in the upper right corner of the flash sale page.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,093
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Finished the cards and got Ti Amo. Only cost me 95 passes and swapping a few cards.
Been years since that happened last time default smiley :o
Usually way more expensive for me default smiley :o
  • Posted messages: 9,745
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Legacy Ann wrote:

The luck for this edition is sporadic. Some players are getting nearly nothing they need, while others got all of the necessary rarities earlier this week. I've gotten all of the diamond and golds I needed, with a couple of jokers and extras even so that I can complete at least one of the puzzles twice.

It's what I've always disliked about the Cards. It's amazing for some, terrible for others, and you can't control in which camp you fall, because it's all down to luck.

Totally agree on this. There is no guarantee *at all* that you can finish it without buying cards. And even then! Because buying packs doesn't guarantee you the last missing card either.

At the same time you see some players get 3 Ti Amos easily. Luck is not fairly distributed in this event.

Can't complain myself though: I just got Ti Amo, and I have enough jokers left to get the 220 fragments for Art Nouveau again. I will wait for the cards I get tomorrow before I trade any jokers default smiley :)

On the NL server on the other hand, I still need a Diamond and a Gold card. And I haven't got the Nyx Pack yet, so IF I'd get a Diamond tomorrow, that would very likely be the Nyx or a double. Well, I have one Diamond card to trade, might do that today so I have one more chance tomorrow. I truely hope luck will be on my side.
I have less divines and less passes on that server, so I do hope I don't have to spend any and will get Ti Amo without a problem. Jupiter knows I can use a pass giver on that server default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 2,954
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Still no sign of the last diamond I need.... hoping it comes at the update. I really want TI Amo but also don't want to spend passes when there's no diamond card guarantee :/
  • Posted messages: 12,521
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I just finished collecting all the puzzle cards to get the love divine.

I am shocked I did not expect to be able to get all the cards. So I am surprisingly surprised.
  • Posted messages: 1,826
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Well, I exchanged the jokers I've been saving for the end of the event, and got Ti Amo and all of the prize cards, Nix Pack included. I didn't spend passes, nor equus in the Flash Sales (only for trading cards). Overall, I'm quite happy with this event (:
  • Posted messages: 4
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I did good on this event but the hike i literally was given the shovel one too many times so no extra tokens. I won ti amo only spent 95 passes last weekend and got little over 600 fragments for art divine. Luck events can be like that unless you buy enough passes to compensate.
  • Posted messages: 1,632
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Waiting on just one diamond card. Spent my passes and bought 5 packs this weekend this event might be a wash for me but I do enjoy the card event.
  • Posted messages: 113
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I got pretty lucky with cards, and also bought a bunch of packs because I actually quite liked the prizes for this event anyway. Ended up getting two Ti Amo, and then because I had so many fragments for Art Nouveau I decided to try some crowns. I did have to fill the meter the rest of the way, but it wasn't too bad. I have definitely been on the horrible luck side of this event before, so very nice to have a really good go of it for once!
  • Posted messages: 1,545
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So long as I don't forget to complete my objectives tomorrow before the event ends (please, Xanthos, don't let me forget), I'll get the Art Horse for 475 passes. I opened 4 or 5 Crowns from inventory, got several fragment prize cards, and bought 5 Card packs to get the one silver card I needed to complete a second set of 220 fragments.

If I hadn't goofed and prematurely used a silver joker on a different puzzle set I could have gotten that extra set of fragments for 0 passes , but oh well. I've also lost patience on waiting to start that Art Horse trophy.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,093
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I did spent ~1000p on this event, but I got all the prizes twice(including Ti Amo) and as a bonus with the 2 crowns, daily objectives, 2 sets of 220 frags, and multiple 50 frag gift cards, I got the bonus divine the new art, and plenty of duplicate gifts. So I feel like I got more than my moneys worth out of the passes spent.

However, I will say the disparity in what you get in a card pack is a little unfortunate. And not having any ability to trade cards after completing the even the first time is a little bit annoying.

In theory this event has been said to be a free event. However it seems like a lot of people are lacking key cards on the last days, which I’m not a fan of. At least one event should be free including the non-new release divine. Maybe like someone else suggested like the advent calendar everyone should get the same pool of cards but at varying times. But still guaranteed all cards needed.
  • Posted messages: 165
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Managed to get 911 Art Nouveau frags out of the promo from only spending equus. Pretty pleased about that. I wasn't planning to use the Flash Sales, but happy I caved. It made the divine significantly cheaper.default smiley ^)
  • Posted messages: 5,326
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All. I. Need. Are TWO GOLD CARDS. Please stop giving diamond and silver! GIVE ME GOLD.
  • Posted messages: 131
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I bought 7 packs to get the final diamond card - but I didn't get it! What gives? I just wasted over 600 passes on a few small BMIs and store items and I didn't get the promised diamond.
  • Posted messages: 1,033
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I managed to get ti amo today with no passes spent. My strategy was
1- save all duplicate cards to exchange
2- exchange 1 each day, starting with rarest cards first
3- save all jokers to the end to fill in those last few gaps.
There is still quite a bit of luck involved, but doing this has worked out for me for two different card events. I think I managed to buy 1 silver card in the reserved sales, but I mostly ignored all the sales. I hope the rest of you get some luck with those last few cards you need default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 279
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[quote= 1404431267] I bought 7 packs to get the final diamond card - but I didn't get it! What gives? I just wasted over 600 passes on a few small BMIs and store items and I didn't get the promised diamond. [/quote]

Sorry if this message is not shown as "quoted", I still don't know how to do it. If it looks as it should, thats luck.

I feel the same. Its just sad that the devs don't care about giving the same chances to everybody when you play everyday and they took away the guarantee for rare cards. I have no more words for this. But it's good to read that many players got the divine. Just very disappointing for non-pass-buying-people.
  • Posted messages: 403
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Veren wrote:

I bought 7 packs to get the final diamond card - but I didn't get it! What gives? I just wasted over 600 passes on a few small BMIs and store items and I didn't get the promised diamond.

I don't think they've ever promised a diamond? There used to be a rule where if you bought a pack/certain number of packs you'd be guaranteed a "rare" card but I remember even this used to cause contention because they considered silver cards "rare" so people would be paying for packs and getting a "rare" silver card.

As far as I know that's been removed in this version of the event, though.
  • Posted messages: 29,970
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They used to have joker packs. Some people can redo some puzzles. I was able to get ti amo the twelveth
  • Posted messages: 1,632
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Thank you, Legacy Ann. I wished I would've have noticed that earlier.
  • Posted messages: 1,328
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I spent about 800 pass on the event, I got Ti Amo twice, bunch of cool BMIs, and I'm at 900+ fragments for Art Nouveau. I don't really need the divine, but as an art historian, I have been desiring to get this series, though the Pop Art one has been the best designed of them. I'll see what cards come in tomorrow morning before the event ends, and then I'll open TCs to get the rest of the fragments.
  • Posted messages: 233
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Was a real fantastic cards event for me, probably won't ever be this lucky with it again. Will be walking out of this with 2 Ti Amo, Art Nouveau (Only had to open 4 inventory TC), and an extra TC since I completed that one 3 times all for 475 passes.
  • Posted messages: 4,252
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Bought one pack just because. 4 bronze cards and 2 silver cards default smiley xd No more of that for me.
  • Posted messages: 3,132
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