[Survey] Memory


The Memory event has come to an end. We hope that you were able to win all the prizes solving all of the boards.

We would like to gather your thoughts and feedback about the event. Below are a series of questions you can rate: What was good about the event? What can be improved? Ratings range from 1 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest).

We always appreciate your feedback, but please remember the forum rules and keep it constructive!

Thank you for your time and feedback!

The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 30
  • Karma: 10 points


Memory--like most of Howrse's promos--used to be a lot better. I remember back in the old days, the prizes used to mean something. Hestia's Gifts (which were never available on the black market), and tons of BMIs on the way up. Now we have companion animals on every street corner (in other words they're not special anymore) so they're a prize. Blankets are a prize! Good grief.
  • Posted messages: 225
  • Karma: 10 points
I was glad to complete this event before the time ran out, but can we [i]please[/i] get rid of the tutoring that pops up at the beginning, or make it optional to skip? I don't want to be treated like I'm a toddler needing to have everything explained to them when I try to have fun. default smiley (d)
  • Posted messages: 1,741
  • Karma: 10 points
Not very exciting. The prizes were okay. I like getting the luck items and the special coats. So I guess I am satisfied but I am glad it is over
  • Posted messages: 752
  • Karma: 10 points
Lots of cheap prizes and fragments for an ugly divine for waaaay too much effort. I do enjoy memory because I like puzzles and this one also isn't such a 'luck of the draw' sort of game. I even like the horsehoes for the skills... but they are not a 6x8 'final big prize' sort of prize
  • Posted messages: 183
  • Karma: 10 points
The only prizes I went for included the iris coat, the crown, the Fleece and the Lynx. Suggestion: maybe not as many pets? I currently have way too many pets in my inventory
  • Posted messages: 131
  • Karma: 10 points
I wouldve finish in a day but wishing last event was a day longer. Ill get mushroom divine probably in ascent neutral on way it looks.etc
  • Posted messages: 1,632
  • Karma: 10 points
I'll be honest, aside from doing a puzzle for the sake of using the daily jokers, I forgot an event was even going on... and typically forgot if it wasn't done before I forgot for the day. Normally I love puzzle games, so I don't quite know why this one was so unappealing to me.

That being said, even though I didn't finish the event I do like getting free stuff and while the memory game is tedious in places it was tolerable. I just wish the prizes were better.
  • Posted messages: 17,153
  • Karma: 10 points
I left it to the end and went through to level 25, missing out on most of the daily freebies. I think the freebies should accumulate, rather than being a once-a-day' thing. ie, the free crystal ball etc. should accumulate. Otherwise I found it tedious and boring, didn't like the divine, but got free stuff.
Pink Solo
  • Posted messages: 387
  • Karma: 10 points
This is the first event in a while that I have really enjoyed! I do like memory games though and I'm sure that was a big reason. Definitely feel like we should have gotten more than 6 lives a day, really just felt like a way to make us buy passes which I guess I get.
  • Posted messages: 15
  • Karma: 10 points
I enjoyed getting prizes, although some of them were less rare than others. I personally didn’t play everyday so had to push a bit at the end and I’m naturally not good at memory games ! I enjoy that there is always something to do in the game, and free stuff is free stuff so I won’t complain default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 201
  • Karma: 10 points
Give more love to Trot.

The amount of trot horseshoes we got was risible. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 17,250
  • Karma: 10 points
Memory game is possibly the most underwhelming and my least favorite of the promo events. I don't even bother starting it half the time. Memory games are very very difficult for me to do with certain learning issues so this one really just makes me mad or irritated with myself and rarely is worth the prizes.
  • Posted messages: 2,908
  • Karma: 10 points
I enjoy this event a lot. I don't like spending passes, so many of the events aren't as successful for me. I am not a fan of the Olympus event for this reason, as I keep losing early on and only get the 1 Obol a day.

It is really easy, and you get a ton of free things during the Memory event.

I do wish you got more than 6 lives a day though (maybe 10?), since I wasn't able to get all the way to Level 25. I did really enjoy the prizes though, and felt they were fair.
  • Posted messages: 58
  • Karma: 10 points
I'm a sucker for memory games. Especially card ones like this and even for it to be an event was fun and exciting-- at first.

The biggest issues were that the progression and the timing of the UI were an obstacle in itself. You can play a level half way-- have a memory of what's under some of the cards, but you can't progress because you're out of hearts. You then have to wait the next rollover/day until you can continue that level but you don't remember they cards anymore.
One other thing was when you matched cards, it takes quite a long time for the UI to show you matched correctly and for the cards to slowly float off the area before you can continue playing. All the while you're losing where what card was where in your memory.

Maybe if there was a timer per level instead of lives. And some cards have timer add-ons. Once the whole timer is up, the level resets. Maybe it's just me, but being against a timer than being hard blocked by lives is more motivating. I didn't use passes because I felt like it was a waste if the amount of turns was what was stopping me, not my own memory.
  • Posted messages: 5
  • Karma: 10 points
I like the memory games, one of my favorites, a good pace and not too difficult.
Had to use Passes because migraines delayed my gameplay and I had to catch up.

One issue I encountered a few times is, when I would look at other screens (like, having multiple tabs open) I would click on a tile, and it would act as if it had been turned over, but it hadn't been; clicking on it again, it refused to turn over - so I literally could not see what the tile was.
I refreshed the page, and still no effect - the tile was still selected as 'flipped over' despite still being face-down in appearance.
The other issue (also caused by multiple tabs being switched between) was that I'd click on a tile, it would flip up, and then it would flip back over; again, it gave the 'flipped over' despite flipping itself back face-down after being turned over.

These did count against me as 'tiles flipped over' but I wonder if there's some way it can be fixed / improved?
I know the argument is "then don't have multiple tabs open on your computer and switch between them during game play," but when you're on another website that's doing competitive time-sensitive events and the notifications are going off like crazy... Kind of can't say no to it.

Otherwise, nice event, glad to see some recurring and new tiles, although I'm not sure what some of them meant.
Something with a red medal, a green barrel, a blue cone, etc.
As a non-equestrian person IRL, I'm only able to tell the green barrel must relate to barrel racing.

Nice amount of Divine fragments, but definitely not going to use Passes to try to get it.
No offense, but definitely not into that mushroom horse.
Prizes were good though, I'm super glad I got the Athena's Medal! default smiley (y)default smiley (y)
Thanks for the event!
Sneaky Shadow
  • Posted messages: 102
  • Karma: 10 points
I've always loved the memory event and it can be super easy if you draw the grid on paper or in my case a dry erase board purchased specifically for this event lol - to keep from wasting paper (save the trees!!) I draw out the grid and then make little notes in my grid squares as I flip them, ya can't lose! default smiley 8-)
I'm excited to use the barrel horse shoes bonus on a few of my barrel horses... I think the prizes were good for this event overall especially the Tyche's Crown and Golden Fleece. I have a lot of companions in my inventory already but I was happy to get the Lynx cat-sith.
I didn't get the Divine but I do have over 700 fragments for her which will make it fun for me if and when she makes an appearance in the ascent.
Overall It is a fun event and I enjoyed it.
  • Posted messages: 365
  • Karma: 10 points
I did two days of this event, I decided to let my lives build up and just do it a day before it ended, then completely forgot about it… oops, lol.
  • Posted messages: 65
  • Karma: 10 points
I liked the event it is just a shame that the game doesn't have a date on it so players from different countries actually know what day it is on the international server as i thought i still had one more day to go. thankfully i had used most of my stored up points last night
  • Posted messages: 883
  • Karma: 10 points
LahLee wrote:

I did two days of this event, I decided to let my lives build up and just do it a day before it ended, then completely forgot about it… oops, lol.

tip: I wouldn't do that. The jokers you get every day are critical to finishing without using passes. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 932
  • Karma: 10 points
The prizes were not great! Does anyone want fragments for a prize or common items ? I did spend money for more turns and was disappointed!
  • Posted messages: 91
  • Karma: 10 points
I do not like the fungus horses. yuck. But I wanted the barrel horseshoes.
  • Posted messages: 710
  • Karma: 10 points
I managed to finish the event, but the prices were lackluster. This Divine was also boring and worthless (2x pass seeds..cmondefault smiley xd)
  • Posted messages: 101
  • Karma: 10 points
Horrible money grab event. Just like the last all of them
  • Posted messages: 20
  • Karma: 10 points
Wasn't as fond of this one this time around. Would rather get nice BMIs instead of companions and blankets, etc. Would have rather the fragments been for a different Divine as I'm not a fan of the mushrooms.
  • Posted messages: 286
  • Karma: 10 points
I was disappointed in the rewards. I do love playing this game the most out of all the various events they do. But the rewards weren't that great and the divine you were collecting fragments for was hideous.

Seeing as how this game has been around for many years, and with a constant dissatisfaction on the quality of the prizes offered for the different events, surely the creators would have noted this by now?
  • Posted messages: 62
  • Karma: 10 points