[Survey] Memory


The Memory event has come to an end. We hope that you were able to win all the prizes solving all of the boards.

We would like to gather your thoughts and feedback about the event. Below are a series of questions you can rate: What was good about the event? What can be improved? Ratings range from 1 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest).

We always appreciate your feedback, but please remember the forum rules and keep it constructive!

Thank you for your time and feedback!

The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 30
  • Karma: 10 points


Memory has to be one of my favourite events!
It is definitely one of the harder events, but I find that the challenge is what makes it so engaging.
And it is still absolutely possible to complete with the right strategy, which I´ll take over luck based events any time.

I do wish that the rewards would be... different.
I hesitate to call them bad, I like that I got 2 luck items out of it and a lot of fragments, but that is really the only thing I was remotely interested in.
I don´t know how others feel, but I don´t think my inventory needs any more hiking journals and pets.

But even if the rewards are weak, I´m always going to be happy about memory coming back!
Simply because it´s fun!
  • Posted messages: 53
  • Karma: 10 points
HellOw everyone,

I hope you all had fun with the Memory event, it was a lot of fun for me. default smiley ^)

This bought back a lot of memories for me. default smiley ;)

See you all in the next event.

  • Posted messages: 30
  • Karma: 10 points
I always enjoy the memory event and appreciate all free items. This years prizes weren't as special to me in years past, however. Also, I tried to get the divine with crowns, and each crown only gave me 18 fragments. I used up all my passes to try to get this, and I feel 18 fragments per crown isn't enough. I'll just have to wait until the divine is offered again to try for it.
  • Posted messages: 1,328
  • Karma: 10 points
I just didn’t get the last prize but thats ok. I got the athenas medal nit best prizes .
  • Posted messages: 1,632
  • Karma: 10 points
i enjoyed this event! i've always been a sucker for memory games, so i had a lot of fun playing this one. i do wish that purchasing extra lives had been a bit cheaper, however; 90 passes for only three lives seems a bit excessive, considering how fast and easy it is to lose those lives. other than that, i loved this event, and i can't wait for when it happens again default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 2
  • Karma: 10 points
On my summary page, the Heracles Barrel horseshoes are referred to as the Divine Prize. Really sad to see that something like that is called "Divine". A sad reminder of when the top prize really was a Divine.

If I could have chosen not to go "in order" on the puzzles, I would only have done about half of them because most of the prizes didn't interest me.

I did have to complete the meter for the new Divine from the Tyche Crown. Even when I was just a few fragments away. I hope this divine is worth it.
Bay Emperor
  • Posted messages: 171
  • Karma: 10 points
While I also very much enjoyed the memory event, I completely agree on the prizes front, they weren’t great. I did appreciate what I got, definitely some useful stuff in there, but I think more luck items and fragments toward the divine would have been preferred over most anything else, especially when you consider that the crown is only giving most people 18 fragments per crown. I know you can also collect fragments through the daily objectives, but even doing them every day and getting all the fragments from the memory event, you’re still short by 300+ fragments.

Either way, overall a very fun event!
  • Posted messages: 104
  • Karma: 10 points
I always like the memory event, but the prizes this time around were super meh. Also, I wish there was a way to choose between fragments or another prize, UNLESS it's possible to get the divine at the end of the event without needing to use extra luck items. If I can't get the divine without spending a wild amount of additional passes, I'd rather not get fragments since they're useless.
  • Posted messages: 290
  • Karma: 10 points
The Memory event is always easy to finish if I record my progress in a notebook or a spreadsheet. I didn’t like the prizes, so I didn’t care about finishing all that much, but I made it in the end thanks to my spreadsheetdefault smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 18
  • Karma: 10 points
I dislike how much time the memory events take, honestly. It is a little tedious to keep track of each tile so you don't waste any hearts. If I could pick and choose which levels to do for the prizes, I would be much happier, since most of the prizes were only okay.
  • Posted messages: 5,569
  • Karma: 10 points
Very unhappy with the fact that I was faithful to play daily and used a lot of equus to refresh my memory throughout and still could not even make it to the final one... let alone complete it. default smiley (n)
  • Posted messages: 1,337
  • Karma: 10 points
The final prize was definitely not worth the work of the board. I'm fact, I'd say about half the prizes were meh. That said, I like free stuff!
  • Posted messages: 797
  • Karma: 10 points
I think this has been my favorite event since I started playing! Any free prizes are always great for newer players like myself. I was able to complete all levels with 6 lives to spare and spent no passes! I truly have nothing to complain about besides my own impatient excitement waiting for my login lives the next day default smiley (lol) Thank you!!
High Han
  • Posted messages: 9
  • Karma: 10 points
I would definitely echo most of these comments. Very easy to play and progress, but the prizes, especially the last were incredibly disappointing.
ʟᴇ ᴏɴᴅᴇ
  • Posted messages: 16,520
  • Karma: 10 points
I am not a big fan of the Memory events. They are very time consuming requiring me to waste paper making charts of each stage to keep track of where the pieces are. The puzzles themselves aren't hard to do and I managed to finish the event and get the grand prize. Barrel racing bonuses. Big whoop! I remember when Divines were the prizes for finishing an event but then most of the Divines now aren't all that great either. And as is the case with the Mushroom Divines, they are ugly to look at and the bonus isn't very good. Since I completed the event I was offered the chance to replay any level but with the disclaimer that if I finished that level, I would not receive the prize. What? Why would I waste my time replaying a board and not even get the prize associated with it? That makes absolutely no sense!
  • Posted messages: 212
  • Karma: 10 points
I agree with the majority who stated the final prize, is certainly [not] worthy to be deemed a grand prize. Very lackluster finale to the event.

The event is fun, but tedious and is time consuming.

Offering an earlier discount on lives would be appreicated.
  • Posted messages: 1,351
  • Karma: 10 points
Loved the memory event, it is one of my favs default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 2,910
  • Karma: 10 points
so glad to only have the purple tipped hat and not both purple tipped and the black tipped hat - made it easier to do my grid - less writing to describe the hats default smiley ;)

was also nice to be able to see (from another player's page) what was offered in the grid - what families were related and such

gifts are always welcomed and nice to see western tack and such - overall, gifts were okay
  • Posted messages: 3,209
  • Karma: 10 points
default smiley (y) default smiley :d My very favorite Event ! default smiley (l) default smiley (l) Helps my memory, thank you. default smiley ^)
  • Posted messages: 901
  • Karma: 10 points
My favourite event, and also the easiest even in my opinion. Just grab paper and pen, you can't go wrong! I wasn't that interested in the prizes though.
  • Posted messages: 875
  • Karma: 10 points
Fooled me again regarding the water trough picture. I thought at first it was prize.
  • Posted messages: 1,826
  • Karma: 10 points
I always enjoy this event and am always happy to receive free stuff! I had a tough time distinguishing between the purple and black hats. Don't know if that was just me or what? I never use fragments and don't want them, but I would say that about every game! The prize at the end wasn't the best but I can still use them... there is usually a way to use almost everything at some point.
  • Posted messages: 74
  • Karma: 10 points
The memory events are fun, but they're unforgiving. I made 3 mistakes and missed only 1 of the final days. I was 10 tiles or less away from completing the final level, but alas.

Fun overall, I like writing things down in my notes and crossing them off when I match a pair. But I think some more free lives could be beneficial.
  • Posted messages: 18
  • Karma: 10 points
I almost finished. I did not get double jokers as you said for the last day. The last prize was good. I liked the fragments but as someone else said, the water trough would have been a nice prize. Tractor, trough and shower would have been very exciting to get but I really loved all the companion prizes. The part I missed the first two days was the free Joker each day (after the first one) I thought I had to buy them. I'm saving my passes for black pearl submissions. Though I'm still.having trouble downloading gimp.
  • Posted messages: 112
  • Karma: 10 points
It could have been longer by a day or three. But I do enjoy my prizes even if I lost the divine. And barrel horseshoes
  • Posted messages: 1,229
  • Karma: 10 points