What did you wish you knew when you first started?

I just joined the game today! I am having a hard time navigating, but I'm sure I'll get used to it as time goes on. I am having a hard time finding things to do outside of objectives and taking care of my horses. Anyway, I just wanted to ask the community for advice for a first-time player! Cheers <3
  • Posted messages: 2
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  • Seniority: 6 days
if you get the beginner obj to move up in the ranks at least 1 spot. it's really easy. people are going to go into long detail telling you all the things that will help you move up. in the beginning it ain't hard at all. just do what you normally do and you will move up usually a lot. key is you MUST log in the next day to get credit for it. you are moving up over the accounts not getting logged into
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 13,430
  • Karma: 10 points
I just joined the game today! I am having a hard time navigating, but I'm sure I'll get used to it as time goes on. I am having a hard time finding things to do outside of objectives and taking care of my horses. Anyway, I just wanted to ask the community for advice for a first-time player!
  • Posted messages: 1
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  • Seniority: 4 days
smithambermarie19 wrote:

I just joined the game today! I am having a hard time navigating, but I'm sure I'll get used to it as time goes on. I am having a hard time finding things to do outside of objectives and taking care of my horses. Anyway, I just wanted to ask the community for advice for a first-time player!
this entire topic has a ton of great advice that's what it is here for. for what else to do: check out my forum for a full list of the beginner obj. you can plan ahead. like for ex there's an obj to own 7 different breeds. you can start working on getting different breeds. that kind of thing.
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 13,430
  • Karma: 10 points
When picking an EC try not to break the bank on really expensive ECs. Just cause they cost a lot doesn't mean there isn't something better for cheaper.
A few things to consider:
1. your starter horses honestly don't need the top lessons and tack. it's not going to make a huge difference.
2. your foals don't need to be in a box that costs a lot and offers everything. they need the basics.
3. if you want to get the tack. those tend to be more expensive. only board for one day.
4. you can filter what you are looking for then rearrange by price. pick the cheapest.
5. don't board for long periods when you are really low on money. do the minimum
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 13,430
  • Karma: 10 points
bumping to not lose
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 13,430
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You can buy horses with the companions or coats you want for a collection. Just be sure that duplicates. If they do you can sell one, same thing with the twin horses if you have any.
  • Posted messages: 1,233
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Stop bidding if it gets too high, unless you REALLY need the horse
  • Posted messages: 131
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Someone help where do I find "missions"default smiley :o
  • Posted messages: 2
  • Karma: 10 points
tandenfee wrote:

Someone help where do I find "missions"default smiley :o

On the horse's page, in the upper right corner default smiley :) It says lesson or transport sand/iron/wood.
  • Posted messages: 12
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If you're gonna open luck items to try and get divines, Golden Fleeces are the best bet:
you'll get a decent BMI at least, and for some reason I often get the divine with those, as compared to Titan's Challenges, or God forbid Tyche's Crowns

During the week I save up my objective money and then on the weekend I use the offer to nab a new divine! I don't spend any IRL money and can still "bag" new divines quite often.
  • Posted messages: 31
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Oh: also, to win an auction, you don't have to bid wayyyy more than the person who bid before you. I usually only bid 1 EQUUS more, and keep doing that for a while, so it stays within the range I can afford and usually annoys the other bidders into giving up.
  • Posted messages: 31
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Don't throw passes at every divine being offered: calculate how much it is worth to you (do you use the perk? etc.) and how much it will take to get the horse, assuming no jackpot, and then decide if you want to try for it (you won't have enough to guarantee getting one probably for a good while when you first start, but don't get discouraged).
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if you are trying to get 3* boxes and are deleting 1 or 2* boxes as you make 3* boxes. One thing to think about if you have less than 100 boxes. deleting the 1* boxes will hurt your capacity part of the prestige. so consider keeping the 1* boxes til you have 100 3* boxes.
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 13,430
  • Karma: 10 points