What did you wish you knew when you first started?
You can play the PC/classic version on your mobile device. Just tap your player icon in the upper right corner, then select "classic version" in the menu.
I always prefer having the use of a mouse and larger screen to work horses, and other daily game play, but I'll still play on my phone by switching to classic, when needed, for easy tasks.
1 thing I didn't see anyone mention into complete your beginner objectives as soon as possible. There is a cap on how quickly you can complete them (some of the objectives are being logged in 14, 21... days, I don't know the biggest number) but make sure you have all your objectives done the day the last daily log in requirement is reached. You'll get acces to daily objectives which bring 30 passes daily which is HUGE help with a lot. Have fun and enjoy. And feel free to dm if you have questions about concepts etc. Ill try my best to help.
I wish I had known to raise longhorn cows on large meadows and produce lunges in large workshops to make really good money. It takes a bit of time to get rolling but if you invest back into it you can make really good equus with little effort! I also keep one large meadow growing apples (you only have to buy those seeds once and they regrow, they’re harvested once a month and you rarely use apples so you can sell most of them and make money as well)
Only go for divines you like, sell only the howrses you wont miss, raise cows, use your equestrian center, grow food, pay with passes if you can afford, and now they have ascent to get fragments for free. Its most important not to fill meter from 0. When i start playing with passes again the first thing im doing is reinstating my vip status. Im mostly a collector but not of everything just cute and pretty. A good way to make money is staying up late or getting up early on the 26th you can even put a limited coat on ap horse for those into selling their howrses. Next best way put a golden apple on some players like it if breed or at least colors matches. Or special cost people like
Be nice to the starter horse you get from Emma from the auction (I believe) that you cannot sell, is immortal and the game forced you to put an ugly GA coat on. (Yes, I didn't like the options I had to choose from.)
I killed that horse since I couldn;t sell it. Later I discovered I could get rid of that GA coat with for example the Button Plaiting BMI, an item you can easily win in promo's. These days I collect 100 BLUP Foundies (without GA coats). I could have had 1 more in my collection.
Whoops, is mortal (not immortal) I wanted to say.
For me, it struggled with the BLUP. I knew that you have to train the three best skills from the genetic potential. I also knew that for the most breeds their is one competition that fits perfect to train theese three skills. But why did my horses always fail with the goal "got the first place 20 times"?
Later, a real life friend told me that one of one skill for a competition should be lower than the other two skills that are "needed". This helped me out to get the first place 20 times. ...the weeks before were hard for me because my horses always get the last place in competitions...
bumping so this doesn't disappear. really glad people have added to it.
Save your horse's droppings if you're new. You'll eventually get enough to not have to think about it, but there are objectives to sell droppings (usually 40-80 at a time). There is no way to get them other than what you get from your horses each day, so new players may run out
Save your horse's droppings if you're new. You'll eventually get enough to not have to think about it, but there are objectives to sell droppings (usually 40-80 at a time). There is no way to get them other than what you get from your horses each day, so new players may run out
Hey peaple! I dont know if this the right place to write it... But i well be happy if you will visit my and maybe offer me a friendship. I want to improve my options in the game with ather players thanks �.
Hey peaple! I dont know if this the right place to write it... But i well be happy if you will visit my and maybe offer me a friendship. I want to improve my options in the game with ather players thanks �. If you want to make friends there is a dedicated topic in the Events forum where you can ask and also see others who would like to be friends.
save your colored 2* tack. only use it when you get an obj that requires it. there are 2 very common daily obj that require 2* colored tack
1. put a specific type of equip of a specific color on a horse 2. achieve a color bonus on a horse that didn't have it before-this means to put colored tack on a horse so that all 3 colored pieces have one color in common. for this one if you don't have a full set but have one or 2 matching items buy a horse that has what you are missing. you can filter the sales for colored tack (each one individually if needed). can't filter for colors but at least all horses showing will have colored tack. then add the tack you have and it will finish the obj
They give free divines now so you have groom a divine. Buy donkey unicorn save equus to buy horse in sales.
And save one hestia gift for when you get the objective
helpful hints for forum use:
1. use relevant topics so we know what you are asking about. 2. make sure to follow the rules a. no opinion questions b, no asking for stuff even if it's for an obj. like no asking for congrats no asking for colored tack. you can ask how to get them just don't ask for them directly. 3. if asking for a specific beginner obj please tell us exactly what it says. most of us never did them so we don't know what they say. 4. if asking for help about a specific horse. provide a link for the horse.
one thing to add to post above about forum use.
5. if you are on mobile and need help like finding something or how to do something. please mention that you are on the app. it will help direct the answers and get you the answer for mobile faster.
Yeah I play mobile and was always confused because they would say something that wouldn't work on a phone. That was mostly my fault because I would just ask
Yeah I play mobile and was always confused because they would say something that wouldn't work on a phone. That was mostly my fault because I would just ask
getting congrats is really easy. do the work YOURSELF. i'm serious. yes there's a topic in the events forum that you can ask for them. or you can break the rules and ask for them in the gameplay forums. but guess what if you do the work YOURSELF you will get the congrats even faster.
here's the easiest way to get congrats. Go on congrating sprees. Start with the people at the top of the popularity rank and congrat them and the people that are congrating them. people will see your name and come and congrat you. These people you are congrating very actively are congrating others to get their names out there so others will congrat them. so get your name on their list and you will get congrated.
Remember that horses require more oats as you work them more. Here's a good way to feed to maximize the feeding and not have to feed again.
1. do something with horse to drop the energy to around 70%. Lessons, 1 or 2 comps (depending on energy use), 1.5 hours rides, or a little training (how much depends on which one you do) works well. 2. Feed the required fodder and 10 oats. it will tell you they only need 1-2 oats. feed 10. why to feed now. Horses get the best energy boost from feeding when the energy is high. But you don't want to feed when to high cause then they will waste energy because they can't go over 100%. so I have found taking it to 70%ish and feeding this way gives the best energy boost. why to feed 10 oats. if you go on to step 3 they will need more oats. I have found 10 to be pretty average sometimes it's 8 or 9 sometimes 11. So 10 is a pretty good average. if you only feed the 1 or 2 now you will have to feed again and you won't get as good of an energy boost. 3. work the horse how ever you want to get the energy to as close to 0% as you can as long you don't go past 2100. 4. do the care. stroking energy boost is the opposite of feeding so to get the best boost out of stroking you want the energy as low as possible. stroke, water (without trough boost), and carrot will give at least 20% energy if you stroke now. 5. if the horse has enough energy for something else and there's time in it's day you can do more. just make sure the horse goes to bed at 20% energy or higher and that you don't do anything with them after 2200 on their clock
at the bottom of my presentation on my profile, there's a daily Clicklist including Divine horses, safe Haven horses, and UFOs on the UFO list. Don't open up a bunch of menus at once only do a couple or one at a time because UFO will expire after like 60 seconds or something.
Clicking the UFOs every day is an easy way to get into the top 20 popularity list, just by congratulating everybody on the list It's also an easy way to get black market items for free at the start of the game, which will add up daily overtime. Don't be discouraged if you don't get any UFOs right away because it might take a couple days to get into it and the more good things you do on the game the more good karma and luck you'll get
1. 3* Classical Bridles make more money from the workshops in my opinion. And don't take as long, or as many resources. (If your EC is in the mountains, the iron should be collected on missions anyways)
2. Starting out, board your own horses in your own EC and do the missions. 3. You don't need troughs in every meadow, only the ones you plan on running cattle on. You don't need tractors in every meadow, only the ones you plan on growing crops on. 4. Do missions with your horses. Participate in the Grand Prix (I use my AP farm horses). They all lose, but that's still 2000e a day, just for losing. And compete with the rest, especially the free divines from the beginning of the game. You'll make quite a bit of Equus, and get closer to winning trophies. I don't compete with mine right now, simply because I don't want to at the moment. 5. I started out by running Divine comps in my EC. And putting my own divines in as much as possible to increase them running. That pays 500e every time it runs. Low Level comps do the same thing, just lower prestige. 6. Don't worry about prestige or rankings, later on you'll have the resources and opportunities if you choose to focus on that. For now, just focus on getting resources, items, and equus. It's expensive to be competitive. Play the game how you enjoy it. I don't worry about the rankings of Horses, I just chose a few breeds that I enjoy training and like the artwork on, and just to increase my own personal herd's GP. So my only "competition" is myself. And I'm in first place
bumping to not lose this
Hi guys! I love all this, thanks for the help! im new here and looking for friends so we can help each other out