Finding a Friend
By Retired breeder, 20th August 2017 16:31:56
Accepting all friend requests. I will gladly help with the pinatas or any other event request.
By Retired breeder, 20th August 2017 16:36:25
I'd be more than happy to accept friend requests from those needing help for the promo. Feel free to send me one!
By Retired breeder, 20th August 2017 16:41:15
I can't add any more people today, but feel free to add me as a friend! I help will all promo events.
Please add me! I'll help with any and all promos.
By Retired breeder, 20th August 2017 17:28:07
Add me as a friend!! I'll click your piñatas & help in future promos!
By Retired breeder, 20th August 2017 17:40:27
Looking for friends to help with the Pinatas!! ^^ I'm accepting all friend requests!!
send me a request! I will accept them all and help with events and promos
By Retired breeder, 20th August 2017 18:52:27
Does anyone need a pinata click? add me as a friend. I need to click on a friend pinata
Please, add me
By Retired breeder, 20th August 2017 19:24:10
Add me as a friend and I'll help with all promos!!
(need someones piñata to click for the objective) |
By Retired breeder, 20th August 2017 19:40:17
I'm looking for friends to help out~
Like others, I need to click someone's pinata *^* |
Looking for friends to help out.
Always accepting, always helping during contests
By Retired breeder, 20th August 2017 20:37:08
I accept all friend requests and help out in promos
By Retired breeder, 20th August 2017 20:37:10
Looking for friends! I'll help with events!
I accept all friend requests can and will help with pinata clicks, or any promo where people need help. Please feel free to Friend me.
By Retired breeder, 20th August 2017 21:14:50
I have 1 more friend click left!! i also need to click on someone else piñata!!
By Retired breeder, 20th August 2017 21:57:21
I'm looking for friends for these events! Feel free to add me! I need to click one somebody else's pinata, and I have a click available on my own!
By Retired breeder, 20th August 2017 22:34:09
Accepting friend requests for promo help
By Retired breeder, 20th August 2017 22:48:27
Love to chat so totally PM me
I am accepting friend requests for promo!
By Retired breeder, 20th August 2017 23:24:41
Looking for friends for the promo.
By Retired breeder, 20th August 2017 23:25:10
I am looking for friends for the promo.
Add me as a friend please, I will help you with promos.
Accepting any friend requests for mutual help on current and future promos
By Retired breeder, 21st August 2017 00:40:46
Feel free to add me! I try my best to help with promos