Finding a Friend

By Retired breeder, 28th January 2013 13:43:09

If you wish to find a friend.

Please do not post friends requests in other places on forum,
it can end in unpleasant consequences.

Thank you!

default smiley ;)
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Sameee looking for a friend I’m new �����♀️
  • Posted messages: 1
  • Karma: 10 points
  • Seniority: 5 days
Please remember that this forum is only for finding friends. We may not include adverts of any other kind.
  • Posted messages: 37,335
  • Karma: 10 points
If anyone wants to add me as a friend you are more then welcome though I am an adult player though want to put that out there. I am Male. If you however need help with an objective or event I am more then willing to help if I can. I can always try and congradulate you. I am back after a long Hiatus but have been playing howrs for a few years now. I have decided to come back and have a laid back approach to the game. I am going to start reguarly breeding Misaki and Poitou Donkeys for anyone who might be interested in those too. I love books, gaming and animals, I am always up for a chat.
Thomas Shelby.
  • Posted messages: 1,008
  • Karma: 10 points
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