[Info] Cross breeders

By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2010 20:13:43
Finally a post just for us cross breeders. The purpose of this topic is for cross breeders to have a place to discuss their crossbreeding programs and to share crossbreeding secrets and advice with others who may be interested in giving crossbreeding a try. Feel free to talk about your crossbreeding programs and your achievements and failures in crossbreeding.
Please remember to follow the rules of the forum and be informative and helpful. default smiley :-))


Reminder to all.

Please do not advertise sales or items wanted in this topic. I can turn a blind eye to the covers being offered (as long as they are not blatant advertisements) because we are, after all, trying to help each other progress and there is no filter on public covers for searching for crosses, but items sales and items wanted do not belong in any of the public forums and we have a sales forum for horse sales so please, lets keep our topic clean of the ads.

Thanks everyone


There are reasons for rules and everyone is expected to follow them. There will be no posting of advertisements in this topic and everyone is expected to be respectful. Any disrespect towards fellow players or moderators will not be tolerated. Anyone posting advertisements will receive a forum ban without prior warning. If breaking of rules continues to take place in this topic I will delete it.

Thank you


Edit by pixiesbite

If anyone has personal issues with another player, or needs something back from another player(items/passes), other than covers/fills-please take it to private pms...anymore posting here will mean an instant forum ban without a warning.

Edit by pixiesbite

A reminder that this is not the place for trading/buying/selling BMI, horses or advertising or asking for someone to train your horse.
If any of these things occur, you will be forum banned without prior warning.
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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 18:46:23
O.M.G! I just bred 11star twin marwari colts! im really exited!
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 18:47:05
Wow! She's great! Would be great for what I'm trying to do too... default smiley :p
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 18:47:09
ellenwfan -Unless would you like one of my cross mares? I have two of them I am willing to sell for at least 2k... they are in the breeding farm Criss-Crosses. But I'm not selling my stallion with the golden apple, Chase. default smiley :)
CoC-wow on that foal!
  • Posted messages: 24,743
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 18:47:49
Chicken, im not the one trying for every star lol, i am trying for a dressage horse that is like AMAZINGdefault smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 18:48:10
ellenwfan- We'll need to know more about what you are trying to achieve to help you default smiley :)
I remember back in the day when crosses were looked down on...I'm glad that has changed.
  • Posted messages: 24,743
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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 18:48:50
I'm the one trying for a line of howrses with every star in each skill! default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 18:52:26
Lol coc... I get mixed up a lot. default smiley xd

Me too pixie, someone the other day called Chase:
A Good 4 Nothing Mutt.

They TOLD ME to change his name to that, my reply was it couldn't fit and then they said all of my horses are good for nothing mutts... lol I reported them. default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 18:59:19
I used to be told that my crosses were a stupid waste for time, they shut up when i sold one for 9 passes untraineddefault smiley :k
Hi, guys, I'm still a little new to croos breeding but I love it. I produced my first all star shetland on the 1st April and have some on the elite boards default smiley :)

I have now decided to concentrate my efforts on crosses that present as shetlands and paso's and look to producing my first all star paso.

Feel free to take a look at any of my ponies and let me know what you guys think, also post any helpful suggestions/tips.

  • Posted messages: 266
  • Karma: 10 points
  • Seniority: 2 days
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 19:04:28
I'll just let them say what they like, I love my crossbreds and that's that. default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 19:06:13
Yay! I'm doing that too CrestiesRfun default smiley :) I'm trying for dressage as top skills, but 1* in each
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 19:08:22
I breed a lot of Cross-breed horses... currently have a QH cross-bred project going on with a breeding partner of mine. My goal is to get them greenstars and make them excellent comp horses, but at my own leisurely pace. I love that they finally put up a topic for cross-breeders, thanks!
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 19:08:23
Yes, like I said. "I love my crossbreeds like a little girl loves a pixel horse!!!!" default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 19:09:48
default smiley (lol) Exactly chickentender!
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 19:11:08
I PMed CoC about a cross foal.. default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 19:16:09
I'm doing Peruvian Paso crosses! My partner just bred a 11 star filly that'll be elite! Wish me luck!
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 19:16:40
Sorry people lol

Right i just want something to do reallly instead of that stupid High GP race which a 13yr old girl can't really do lol...
I just want something that won't break the bank by passes and something that will sell for good money if i needed it.

Maybe like something like a triple crossbred or somthing (: maybe just to improve on breeeds

Anyway for people that call them mutts, the anglo arabian started or as a cross between TB and arabian... every horse breed has started by cross breeding :/ its a good come back lol
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 19:18:38
here's the little filly I'm training if anybody is interested.default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 19:19:04
There are lots of different crosses you can try; depends if you want them on the boards, to do well in comps, etc.. default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 19:19:38
Ooh she looks great!
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 19:21:28
Thank you!

I'm trying to get a cross with all the breeds in it but I know it's impossible.default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 19:22:53
default smiley (lol) You could try.. even ponies and howrses?

I've just bought a howrse that is 3.7% quarter horse.. default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2010 19:23:53
yup all of them....but donkeys of course.lol

cool.default smiley :d
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