[Info] The Retired Coat Gallery

By Retired breeder, 21st April 2009 08:58:18
This thread is here to show off your Retired Coats. This is not the place to post non retired coats. **The two exceptions would be coats that have been pulled (brief discussions) and the pre release coats.


******** absolutely no sales talk, no talk about spares or how many extras of a copy you got and selling them to fund your RC habit this is just a place to talk RCs

* although links and graphics are ok on this thread, they are not allowed normally on public forums

* any negative or unkind comments on artists or coats (or anyone!) will be removed, and depending on the case, it might mean an instant forum ban.

* DO NOT use this as a place to sell your horse/coats-if you feel the need to break this rule, it will mean an instant forum ban...

** Sales ads are NOT allowed in any public forums. Asking for spare coats will now be considered a sales ad. This includes stating that you plan to sell a coat, or point out coats for sale in sales.

* Do not use this place as a spot for rants or complaints-About coats/BG/or each other.

* This is not the place to ask players to price your coats, or to ask others the worth of a coat, you can check uses on your own by hovering your mouse over the gray apple and price it from there.

* This is not the place to bring up the subject of stolen images. Keep in mind that the rules of the BP used to be very different, and many old coats are from that time.
There is not any reason to bring that up, or report the coats.

*Please do not do a coat countdown for soon to retire coats.

* Please do not post coats that are currently in the GA and have either not retired, or will never retire.

* Please do not post coat/bg combos or ask opinions on them, except following coat release.

* Some coats may be removed in the future, whether that be for problems with the coats itself or just because they're clearing room on the server to allow other coats to be uploaded - if you're buying retired coats, please keep that in mind. If you want a permanent copy, I would recommend saving the graphic to your computer

* How to discover who many uses a New GC coat will retire-There is now a coat countdown in the GA, and it will show how many have been used and how many uses there are left.

** There is now a new creations directory which shows all coats. Go to Community>>>Directories>>>Creations>>>Click more criteria, and on the left hand side is a gold and silver apple. Click the silver apple and search to see all retired coats.

* To see who created/how many uses/name/or if you have it already of a RC coat, simply click on the silver apple, and it will tell you.

*** Posting links to other player's coats is NOT allowed and can mean a forum ban.

*#*#*#* If players feel the need break the main topic rules, such as sales ads/coat countdowns/spares-you can expect an instant forum ban without any warning prior to it *#*#*#*
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default smiley :o Wow knew they had a lot but yeah wow!

That made me go and count the collector who has a Nahis herd, but only 51 copies i could count default smiley (lol) . Love that coat!
  • Posted messages: 17,180
  • Karma: 10 points

Finally got a copy of Oh my deer! It's been one of my favourites for a long time default smiley (l)

Purpurový poklad also retired pretty recently, from the last release. It's so pretty, glad I got a copy!
  • Posted messages: 2,281
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This coat has evaded me for a long time! It may have 100 copies, but it's a rare find. Was happy to pay max.

Run Away With Me
Sissy Long Stockings
  • Posted messages: 5,855
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Got my first RC!
Not in my top 10, but it looks adorable!
  • Posted messages: 371
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By Retired breeder, 5th December 2019 08:11:12
Hello! I'm searching for a specific coat and can't find it, so i thought this would be the best place to ask if anyone knows it...

It's a retired coat of a wolf, the species is riding horse. It's not compatible with a Helios ray, and the Name is not written with letters of this language… I don't know what language it is, it Looks a bit like Russian? But i don't know.

I already searched for it in the directs, but got Nothing...

Are you sure about this part? I couldn't find any pre creation space coats matching your description in my collection. The Russian named coats tend to come from that server hence are compatible with rays, there are a few wolf coats from creation space. I can't offhand think of any pre creation space coats that are even overly wolf like in any category. There is a jaguar coat called wolfsbane.
  • Posted messages: 17,180
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By Retired breeder, 5th December 2019 14:43:42
Thanks for answering! I had the coat back in 2012 or something like that and i'm sure it wasn't compatible, but Maybe i don't remember well and it was...
Oh no, the coat i'm searching for is a wolf. Grey coat with a bit White, but no paws. I think there was a Little sandcloud on the Bottom of the coat, like Howrse did with Gullfaxi, since the horse is moving.

The one I found to what you are describing or similiar is:

Пушистый by Красная луна

As for the sandcloud - That is at the bottom of all pre creations I believe.
  • Posted messages: 8,768
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By Retired breeder, 5th December 2019 16:27:12
Thank you! I tried the Name in the directs, but Nothing was found… do you have a link or something like that?

If it wasn't found, could it be the coat was deactivated for some newer coats?

Hm, I'am not sure why it isn't showing up for you since I can see it although if you want to see it on a seperate page, it will come up as a png. Did you try the Creator's name: Красная луна in the search box "Creator's name:" ?
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Coats are usually only removed for plagiarism, copyright, etc.

Did the dust cloud cover the whole area behind the coat, or was it just a little bit down at the bottom near the feet? The dust cloud PreCS coats have cover a good square portion behind the coat. Try checking through the coats in this post , as someone was looking for some wolf like coats. I know of a couple of others, but they're either just standing or bowing, rather than moving as you mentioned your coat did.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 5th December 2019 21:34:05
Thank you guys for trying to help me!

I finally saw the coat you mentioned, Unknown, but it isn't the one i'm searching for. But still a nice coat!
Also looked though the wolf post, it wasn't one of those…

I think i remember the dust cload being behind the horse, but not covering the whole Background behind it? I'm sorry, it's been Five years or something like that, my Memory isn't that great. ^^°

I guess i'll ask a few collectors, Maybe they remember a coat like this… But it's really weird. default smiley :o

Sure, no worries!

Got one more search for you in the RC's here but if none are the fit, I hope you will be able to find the coat! default smiley :)

Creator: ***DARIYU$HKA***

Creator: Kano

Creator: Lissi

Creator: BlackLawliet
  • Posted messages: 8,768
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Hey Lupa, I'm just going off of your description:

Oh no, the coat i'm searching for is a wolf. Grey coat with a bit White, but no paws. I think there was a Little sandcloud on the Bottom of the coat, like Howrse did with Gullfaxi, since the horse is moving.

These are the coats I found that are grey and white, and either reference wolves in the name of the coat or have wolf-like features.

Click to display

Wolfbane by Jaguar

Demon Runner by Nekoi (not exactly what you described, and not retired)

Japanese Unicorn by Kinrrataiyath (Again not what like you described, just one I thought of)

Werewolf for Lulac by Shadow Twilight (CS coat)

I'd also recommend hitting up Black Lawliet's creations in the directories, too, they have a lot of animal coats, and Канис has a lot too, plus they're Russian. Good luck, please let us know if you find the coat!
Glory Days
  • Posted messages: 2,207
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Finally got this preCS after years of wanting it!

Zedonk with 30 uses left
Persistent Silence
  • Posted messages: 3,448
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Just a reminder: Don't forget to vote every day for this month's RC's! Voting is open in Creation Zone.

(Love that Zedonk!)
  • Posted messages: 4,388
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By Retired breeder, 6th December 2019 21:45:02
I never vote - I don't think it makes any difference.

Ooh that's beautiful! I've never seen that coat...congrats!
  • Posted messages: 14,677
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I think it's considerably more likely to make a difference than not voting.

It's also fun, and earns a few equus.
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Dropped 800k on this cutie default smiley :p Happy late birthday to me. I have had a pretty bad week and this cheered me up a bit.

Fargos by Irsibil, 181 copies left.
  • Posted messages: 19,812
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That's so cute! I love the shades of grey and the spots!

I love looking at all the new coats and finding new favourites default smiley (l)
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  • Posted messages: 9,100
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Not just me then default smiley :p

Unless I'm missing something, we don't know if a coat will be limited anyhow at this stage in the proceeedings?
  • Posted messages: 17,180
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so happy to have gotten a copy of each of these coats! I'm so in love with them! They were some of the first RC coats I ever got.

creation name: Marin
artist: karma
uses: 91

creation name: Forest Soul.
artist: karma
uses: 90
- ʀᴀᴄʜᴀᴇʟ -
  • Posted messages: 272
  • Karma: 10 points

Nice. And a retired ray too, in case you hadn't noticed.
  • Posted messages: 4,388
  • Karma: 10 points
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