[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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* 100 Equus
* 5 turnips
* 10 apples
* 2 aging points
default smiley :'(
  • Posted messages: 1,972
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By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 14:24:54
Umm well I get the usual but the Bms I have had welldefault smiley :-))I have had P.Stones H.Packs A.Packs M.Bloods WoY A.Tears all sorts it great keep them coming!default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 16:29:58
100 Equus
10 turnips
10 apples
3 aging points

:/ I've never gotten anything really good in hops... I guess good luck is not made for me :/
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 16:32:15
nyx pack!!!!! in my sixth one of the day mind!!!! default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 16:33:09
I bough 14 HOP's in hope of finding a Mist or Snow - they were all like

100 equus
10 turnips
20 apples
10 aging points
default smiley :'(
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 17:10:41
The best thing ive ever got is a MG Or MF saddle default smiley :'(
Posting here to say, once again - I got nothing good. default smiley (n)

Best thing I got was a Nyx. And that was weeks ago. =o

Better luck next time. default smiley (y) :-P
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By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 18:24:12
* 100 Equus
* 5 turnips
* 20 apples
* 2 aging points
HOP's don't seem to like medefault smiley :'(
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 18:35:06
i have once had a P.Stone!

By the way, I just bred my very first Uni! his name is Brigadier!
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 19:43:42
Tears/stone/POC/WOY etc
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 19:47:05
i have had mostly rubbish things but i got a mist the other day! default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 19:47:06
Once I got a fertility wand, and a couple of times I've got another HOP default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 20:39:23
I got a,
100 equses
20 apples
5 turnips
2 aging points!
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 21:06:52
100 Equus
35 turnips
10 apples
Atalante Pack!!!!
4 horseshoes FG
default smiley (l) The Atalante Pack makes it one of my best HOP's
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 21:08:18
i get the usual and sometimes BM!! the best i got woz either the nyx pack or HOP!!! <3 them!!
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 21:08:52
in one of mine i got another hop lol
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 21:51:34
I need a HOP default smiley :'( my last one was e,AP,&saddle default smiley :(
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 22:16:55
The best I have had is a ticket to...... I think it was the grand prix
iv never had anything exciting in hop!! oh well!! i will keep trying! default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 23:27:10
I haven't opened one yet but my friend got a Nyx Pack!!!
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 23:48:58
i getta horid stuff has anyone ever gotten a pass
By Retired breeder, 5th January 2011 00:03:17
You have won...

Find out now what you have won with the horn of plenty...

* 100 Equus
* 5 turnips
* 30 apples
* 2 aging points

another dud default smiley :(
* 100 Equus
* 5 turnips
* 20 apples
* Morpheus' Arms
  • Posted messages: 1,120
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By Retired breeder, 5th January 2011 02:15:30
I got some equus (I think 100-200), some apples, turnips, two aging points and a Chronos Timer!!! So excited since I needed one
By Retired breeder, 5th January 2011 02:41:10
100 Equus
5 turnips
10 apples
2 aging points
Horn of Plenty
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