[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2011 01:05:01
I got a MB and a dud =P
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2011 11:24:37
I got
10 turnips
10 apples
5 aging points
Black Orchid
* 100 Equus
* 15 turnips
* 10 apples
* 5 aging points
* 4 horseshoes FG
  • Posted messages: 1,972
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2011 14:04:46
I opened loads of HOPs hoping to get a divine i got....

zeus lightning bolt
Nyx pack
2 x a.pack
2 x a. tears
pandoras box
hera pack
m blood
black orchid

A MIST!!!! default smiley ^)

as well as thousands of turnips aging points and applesdefault smiley ^)
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2011 15:05:02
ThE CoMp HaD StOpPeD on the 1ST! Im sorry but do you think im StUpId?
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2011 15:06:14
a dud!default smiley :$default smiley :@
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2011 15:07:37
same as 001827default smiley :(default smiley :@
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2011 17:26:08
Find out now what you have won with the horn of plenty...

* 100 Equus
* 5 turnips
* 10 apples
* 2 aging points
* MF bridle
Appearance of the Hurricane, A bonus for the Grand Prix:
A bonus of +9 in gallop, jumping and trot for the Grand Prix events

Oh yeah! I like this HOP!default smiley :)default smiley :)default smiley :) Best on I have had for ages.
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2011 18:15:27

Just got a Morpheus Arms! default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2011 18:59:36
i got a HOP!
which, once opened, revealed a few apples and turnips and the like. kind of a letdown
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2011 19:02:02
The last two HoP's I opened I got all the usual stuff, and in both an Eolus's Wind, which are good for trading!
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2011 19:04:18
For my last 2 HoPs I got:
10 turnips
5 apples
10 aging points

Really disappointing since I look forward to opening HoPs.
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2011 19:43:58
um i got appels turnips money and a bm item which was a fertility wand
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2011 20:17:51
I got a Hera's pack, Yay!!!!!!!default smiley ;)default smiley (y)
Find out now what you have won with the horn of plenty...

* 200 Equus
* 10 turnips
* 10 apples
* Hera Pack
  • Posted messages: 1,120
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I won a Philosopher's Stone and I am not using I might gift it to someone that needs onedefault smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 706
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By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2011 21:53:39
i got a scare crow which i want to sell
I just got a Grand Prix Ticket which doesn't really help me at all as I don't do Comps all that often.default smiley :@default smiley :d But maybe I'll start.
  • Posted messages: 14,220
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By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2011 22:13:17
100 Equus
5 turnips
10 apples
3 aging points
4 horseshoes FG... dud
Find out now what you have won with the horn of plenty...

* 100 Equus
* 5 turnips
* 10 apples
* 2 aging points
* Horn of Plenty
  • Posted messages: 85
  • Karma: 10 points
Find out now what you have won with the horn of plenty...

* 200 Equus
* 10 turnips
* 20 apples
* 2 aging points
* Hera Pack
  • Posted messages: 85
  • Karma: 10 points
Find out now what you have won with the horn of plenty...

* 100 Equus
* 5 turnips
* 10 apples
* 9 aging points
  • Posted messages: 85
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 01:46:19
Well, hello, Taz! Fancy seeing you here!
I generally do the Prix with my 0GPmares waiting for their next covering... something for them to do plus I get 1k for each!
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 01:48:55
You have won...

Find out now what you have won with the horn of plenty...

* 200 Equus
* 5 turnips
* 10 apples
* 2 aging points

If you are having a good day, you can...
Try another Horn of Plenty
default smiley :@ HoP hate me. default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 4th January 2011 05:10:00
iluvhorzez, that is amazing! I'm neverthat lucky!!default smiley :p
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