[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: October 2024

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

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Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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Adding new features to a game can be interesting, but I think it becomes a problem when you take something away from the players (and this wasn't a small thing, but literally years and years of tracked progress being erased) instead of adding content on top of the existing content.
  • Posted messages: 323
  • Karma: 10 points
So, my general ranking went down by about 8. I have seen other comments about losing ranking, but someone's has to go up then, doesnt it? I wonder who they are.
  • Posted messages: 671
  • Karma: 10 points
In my opinion it's completely selfish to say "This doesn't have a negative affect on me and therefore I think it's a good change"

I don't collect trophies. I don't seriously consider myself a collector of anything other than horses I find pretty. This just gives me gifts and divines and has no really negative impact on my gameplay. But it has an awful affect on so many players. You can't just look at your own account when commenting on changes like this. It's no small thing and so many people are unhappy with it.

Also, regardless of the prizes, the design is awful. It's so ugly and confusing. Very few redeeming qualities about this entire update. Some things had potential and working the changes into the old look and system could have made a truly perfect trophy system. But they never ask for players opinions on these things and so, as always, they botched it.

But I guarantee Howrse won't listen. They'll begin to censor people having negative opinions and leave this awful change in place because they don't care about the players of this game and how it affects them. We've seen it time and time again
Crystal Clear
  • Posted messages: 693
  • Karma: 10 points
And I have said this countless times, and will continue to say it. The rewards are not here because Howrse is being generous. They're designed to placate people so they accept this change. Don't be fooled into thinking they care about rewarding hardwork. If that was the case, this change never would have happened
Crystal Clear
  • Posted messages: 693
  • Karma: 10 points
So I went UP 326 spots in trophies...But fell 70 spots in Ranking. Not as bad as it could have been, thank goodness, but as someone who doesn't do a ton of breeding and BLUPing besides my normal Marwaris + Lusis thats 50 spots of hard work right there default smiley (d)

Another thing I noticed is because all these coats aren't worth as much because you have to apply them yourself..how the fluff am I supposed to make passes now? I make, or...made, rather..passes from objectives and selling different companions and coats on horses. Now that that market is out the window I have no clue how to gain passes, unless I sell ridiculously cheap. I'm not on teams, nor do I breed skillers and Marwari GP release is so low there is no way I could ever make profit off my foals when they are consistently 1.5-2k behind team release. 10-20 passes for each foal is hardly a sustainable income :/
  • Posted messages: 12,363
  • Karma: 10 points
Not a fan of there being no Golden Horseshoes anymore. I like the prize system. Everything else I either hate or am most surely not a fan of.
  • Posted messages: 1,565
  • Karma: 10 points
Crystal Clear wrote:

Don't be fooled into thinking they care about rewarding hardwork. If that was the case, this change never would have happened

I agree and I dont understand what howrse is getting from it? From a logical point of view it just doesnt make any sense? It´s not gonna get them more money beacuse they eliminated the incentive? From what I see the people who are happy are happy because they get free items from playing the game, not because it´s now become more attractive to spend passes?
  • Posted messages: 49
  • Karma: 10 points
gollygee wrote:

So, my general ranking went down by about 8. I have seen other comments about losing ranking, but someone's has to go up then, doesnt it? I wonder who they are.

I just checked and in general ranking I lost 41 positions but trophies I gained +2152 default smiley xd oh yes definitely worth the update (jk) default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 49
  • Karma: 10 points
hoo boy. lost a few hundred in general ranking but checked the trophy rank and.
I'm sorry, *what*

wait no I thought that was bad but I just noticed the user directly below me actually lost -1762 in trophy rank. Jesus, howrse.
  • Posted messages: 566
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I'm happy as it gave me a reason to care about something I never really cared about, as well as things to work towards. Before anyone says I am being selfish for liking this change, please realize that liking it doesn't mean I don't feel bad about those that spent a lot on the trophies and that I don't understand where the upset is coming from. My hope is that they can find a way to change it so that everyone is happy.
  • Posted messages: 10,662
  • Karma: 10 points
Crystal Clear wrote:

In my opinion it's completely selfish to say "This doesn't have a negative affect on me and therefore I think it's a good change"

I don't collect trophies. I don't seriously consider myself a collector of anything other than horses I find pretty. This just gives me gifts and divines and has no really negative impact on my gameplay. But it has an awful affect on so many players. You can't just look at your own account when commenting on changes like this. It's no small thing and so many people are unhappy with it.

Also, regardless of the prizes, the design is awful. It's so ugly and confusing. Very few redeeming qualities about this entire update. Some things had potential and working the changes into the old look and system could have made a truly perfect trophy system. But they never ask for players opinions on these things and so, as always, they botched it.

But I guarantee Howrse won't listen. They'll begin to censor people having negative opinions and leave this awful change in place because they don't care about the players of this game and how it affects them. We've seen it time and time again

I think you make an excellent point. While I am happy with the prizes I got I know a lot of people are unhappy with the recent changes. Last month for me marked 13 years on Howrse. 13 years of work on my part has all but been erased and I don't like the change. It makes me feel like the work I put into my breeding and my horses doesn't matter.
Captain Canada
  • Posted messages: 5,627
  • Karma: 10 points
Ridiculous, i was top 100 in trophies and now in the 200sdefault smiley :@
  • Posted messages: 3,218
  • Karma: 10 points
Crystal Clear wrote:

In my opinion it's completely selfish to say "This doesn't have a negative affect on me and therefore I think it's a good change"

I don't collect trophies. I don't seriously consider myself a collector of anything other than horses I find pretty. This just gives me gifts and divines and has no really negative impact on my gameplay. But it has an awful affect on so many players. You can't just look at your own account when commenting on changes like this. It's no small thing and so many people are unhappy with it.

Can't the reverse also be true here? default smiley :p
  • Posted messages: 334
  • Karma: 10 points
Bellus wrote:

Can't the reverse also be true here? default smiley :p

In my opinion, not at all. This is years of hardwork from trophy collectors that's been disregarded. The only reason anyone likes this change at all is for some free prizes. A couple of divines and bmis really doesn't equate to years of collecting
Crystal Clear
  • Posted messages: 693
  • Karma: 10 points
Livey wrote:

the Great Challenge I: Collect 700 horseshoes has been reverted back to 0 for me when I had almost completed what would now be considered the "Gold" trophy version of said objective.

Golden horseshoes have been removed completely. What you're seeing with that trophy is the upcoming event (starts tomorrow), so the type of horseshoes that we collect as tokens during a Great Challenge.
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,950
  • Karma: 10 points
Nalu93 wrote:

I would just like to stress that Ambassadors were 'let go' at the beginning of 2019 and are in no way responsible for any of this.
Just thought I'd leave this out before they're pulled in a conversation they had nothing to do with. default smiley :)

Yep, we were just sort of quickly forgotten about and I just sort of guessed we were no longer a thing default smiley :p
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,950
  • Karma: 10 points
Dr Zig wrote:

Yep, we were just sort of quickly forgotten about and I just sort of guessed we were no longer a thing

I mean, on another version we received a mail telling us that "If we were ever needed in the future we would be """summoned""" again", which led us to thinking that we were very politely ""fired"", so to speak.
  • Posted messages: 16,946
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My trophy rank has plummeted, shows I only held a higher position due to my collecting of any/everything!

Curiously my ranking actually went up a few places, but I have never cared about that default smiley :p

Overall I am disappointed that all my collecting no longer really counts for much, but at the same time I'll still be collecting any/everything as I'm not terribly competitive and it's been my focus for so long, I don't really know what else to do!

On a plus point, perhaps the prices in future on 'collectables' will lower if the focus isn't on all of them.
  • Posted messages: 17,073
  • Karma: 10 points
Let's please avoid saying that anyone is X because they like or dislike the update.

Polite debate is one thing, but saying that anyone is X, even in generalized wording, just causes further division.

People can like or dislike the update as they see fit..
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,408
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Oathkeeper wrote:

I'm happy as it gave me a reason to care about something I never really cared about, as well as things to work towards. Before anyone says I am being selfish for liking this change, please realize that liking it doesn't mean I don't feel bad about those that spent a lot on the trophies and that I don't understand where the upset is coming from. My hope is that they can find a way to change it so that everyone is happy.

I agree with this.. I have never paid much attention to the trophies myself except for an occasional check before buying/breeding a horse..there never seemed to me to be much of a point in them tbh.. now that there are rewards involved well.. default smiley :d

True I did lose some ranking points but oh well..the rewards make it worthwhile for me toodefault smiley ;)
Painted Lady
  • Posted messages: 2,536
  • Karma: 10 points
I just checked and my trophy ranking went down by 1999 spaces. I am actually deeply hurt by this, 2 thousand spaces down in one update. Literally erased all my progress.

Down 20 in General ranking
Down 1999 in Trophies

Horrible, horrible update.

I've sent feedback using Contact Us at the bottom of the page and I suggest everyone shares their feedback using that option too.
Poseidon's Trident
  • Posted messages: 1,086
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I love this update - it's so much easier to figure how where you're at. Also THANK YOU for taking away the 5th element collection where you had to collect normal, uni and peg 5th elements. Just collecting the coats has been made easier as I'm still trying to get the metal one!!! thats a huge weight off my shoulders!!
  • Posted messages: 1,456
  • Karma: 10 points
@crystal clear. that's actually a bold assumption to make. I've been slowly collecting and working towards trophies for years. Granted the prizes are nice but I don't care for them. I purely like the update as it has made things easier for me to look at knowing how far I actually am in a certain collection/trophy. Also the fact they removed the other 5E collections made it worth while for myself.

Though you can't make everyone happy people are going to com-lain no matter what howrse does and that life. They haven't disregarded anyone.
  • Posted messages: 1,456
  • Karma: 10 points
Is there an emoji for all-out bawling? default smiley :'(

I hate this change on so many levels...

I was a trophy collector because I could do it at my own pace, I guess that's gone now too.
Sylver Myth
  • Posted messages: 469
  • Karma: 10 points
Cleoclover wrote:

@crystal clear. that's actually a bold assumption to make. I've been slowly collecting and working towards trophies for years. Granted the prizes are nice but I don't care for them. I purely like the update as it has made things easier for me to look at knowing how far I actually am in a certain collection/trophy. Also the fact they removed the other 5E collections made it worth while for myself.

Though you can't make everyone happy people are going to com-lain no matter what howrse does and that life. They haven't disregarded anyone.

They have disregarded so many players default smiley xd

It's great that it worked out for you but most collectors are unhappy. And these few good changes could've easily been added to the old system and then everyone would be happy. There's a big difference between the typical "someone will always find a reason to complain" and "almost everyone is unhappy about this change". The majority are speaking out against it. That says more than enough imo

I defend Howrse in circumstances when they've actually been generous and are receiving unnecessary complaints. But this is not one of those. As someone who has been on this game for over 10 years, I am disappointed in these constant bad changes. And they keep getting worse as time goes on
Crystal Clear
  • Posted messages: 693
  • Karma: 10 points
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