[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: October 2024

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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Wait a minute...did the topic about how many trophies we have won since the update go *poof* or am i totally blind and missing it?default smiley :o
  • Posted messages: 14,543
  • Karma: 10 points
Famousamos wrote:

Wait a minute...did the topic about how many trophies we have won since the update go *poof* or am i totally blind and missing it?default smiley :o

Yeah looks like it's gone. Too much backlash, I guess.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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Must have been! Usually they just lock a topic they are unhappy with...this time they hid the body lol!default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 14,543
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The specific competition trophies are so obnoxious. We can't work towards them even if we want to so they just sit there, half-complete... default smiley (li)
  • Posted messages: 29,523
  • Karma: 10 points
*Event, not competition.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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Well I finally snapped and sent a contact us thing, ticket, request, whatever its called. There's a template vibe and a vibe that it gets cut and shut to give an appropriate response to whatever a player has brought up, so that may explain the feeling of an automated response some players have pointed out. I got the
" Thank you for your feedback regarding the new Trophies/Collections pages. It will be shared within the whole Howrse Team.

Your comment helps us to keep improving the game. However, we cannot guarantee that any changes will be made or that potential changes to come will be exactly what you would like." which is fair enough, you can't appease every player but some simple alphabetization on the breeds in the classic coats section and horse species section would definitely stop the cogs in my brain from grinding when I've missed the breed I'm trying to look at/for default smiley xd

I also got a
"Please also keep in mind that we cannot confirm future changes or releases of new trophies before they are officially announced."
Firstly that sentence could start at the "We cannot" and it'd read just fine the "Please also keep in mind" just reads really eyeroll-ish to me but hey I'm tired and probably looking way to far into things default smiley xd
It's fair enough that they can't confirm future changes, however that makes the spoiler zone seem odd to me, like hey we can't confirm anything but also here's a thread that contains things that are more than likely going to happen, maybe with a few tweaks here and there but definitely still happening.
They haven't acknowledged the uh kick up of negative feedback in the last 20 or so pages in this thread (to my knowledge) or explained why these changes from the Jan 3rd update were even implemented in the first place. Yeah I fully get not confirming things but acknowledging things/damage control is a whole other ball game.
I didn't even ask about new trophies or mention anything that could potentially even be considered a new trophy, I was more focused on the collections side of things so that's why I was guessing at templates. default smiley xd

Complete side note but this had me chuckling with no soul in my eyes
"See you soon, and have fun on Howrse" I haven't been having much fun since my classy and timeless trophies got replaced with gross looking medal thingos, I'm hanging on by sheer willpower at this stage default smiley ^)
if nothing makes sense its 2:46 am, I'm running on fumes default smiley (zzz)
  • Posted messages: 274
  • Karma: 10 points
Crookedstar915 wrote:

The specific competition trophies are so obnoxious. We can't work towards them even if we want to so they just sit there, half-complete... default smiley (li)

literally came here to ask if i was going mad or not...am i right in thinking we can only collect great challenge/lottery stuff once a year? and 2000 clovers is still bronze?? can i therefore expect to get my platinum trophy in the year 3000 ??
  • Posted messages: 400
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@wingsforwheels - they run the Great Challenge twice a year usually, but yes, that's exactly it. Although most other events are indeed once yearly, so we'll be getting our Wandering Horse trophy in some 9 centuries, I suppose. default smiley (d)
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
If you cannot be polite please do not post in public forums. People trying to do their job may find it difficult enough without harrassment from players. This forum is to discuss the changes. You may criticise changes, you should try to make constructive comments for improvements. You may not criticise the people behind it.
  • Posted messages: 25,610
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Posting this from the Karma page just to remind everyone:

Behavior towards others: Lack of respect or common courtesy, aggression, insults, profanity, defamation, or identity theft. This also includes behavior towards customer service representatives.
  • Posted messages: 25,610
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Just want to let you know deimos, I wasn't trying to attack or disrespect anyone. I was just simply looking at the game, which anyone can do, and stating what I saw. The lack of being seen or heard on the different threads has finally made sense to me.
Arabians are best
  • Posted messages: 10,151
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deimos wrote:

If you cannot be polite please do not post in public forums. People trying to do their job may find it difficult enough without harrassment from players. This forum is to discuss the changes. You may criticise changes, you should try to make constructive comments for improvements. You may not criticise the people behind it.

You're acting awfully biased. My previous comment was a well-written not too extreme criticism. I used no profanities and only used some healthy cynism about an ironic situation.

Howrse's 'contact us' is an important part of the game, this feature is not perfect and deserves to be discussed and improved.

Censoring my comment shows a broader bad trend Howrse's community is experiencing -- people can't express themselves without being categorized as being rude.

Cynism != Rude.

I was debating whether I should send it as a private message or post it here but I felt it was something that deserves to be brought up in public.

If you feel this is a discussion to be made in private messages we can continue discussing it there.
  • Posted messages: 194
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We will not be discussing any of the people who manage this game in public forums. If you want to take it to pm you may but if you have so many issues with Contact Us you should take it to Contact Us.
  • Posted messages: 25,610
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Actually. No I've changed my mind. You can carry on but I'm tired so I'm off for the night because I'm a real person too.

Just bear in mind the correct reason for this topic and that all forum and game rules do apply.
  • Posted messages: 25,610
  • Karma: 10 points
I feel like this whole mess is just getting worse. Even setting aside the actual, initial issue of the awful and completely unwanted trophy "update", people are horribly upset about the new change (as well they should be), and there's a ton of backlash (to be expected) but they have no faces to be angry at so people tend to snap at the ones they see (like being angry at the service worker just following orders). This of course is taken poorly but the response is taken as censoring (literally the messages are censored and that's what it says) which in turn upsets the people who were silenced. Naturally they are then upset at the people who are telling them off for their angry responses but this only gives the players an actual reason to be upset at them.

Yes, people tend to be rude or at least curt when they are angry. They believe they have been wronged and are expressing their displeasure. This anger will naturally bleed through their words and the message will be negative. Censoring these complaints will just make more people upset, probably more than the actual message they posted.

Yes, the mods (at least I think it's they) have been censoring some player's complaints. While this may or may not be justified, it's best to keep in mind that they too are people and probably also upset and cannot be expected to remain completely unbiased. But they try.

Yes, we all hate the update. None of us can fix it. We can of course try to voice our opinions, but do try to keep it civil even if you are seething in disappointment and anger. Civility is something that will almost always improve a situation - removing it will almost always make things worse.
  • Posted messages: 970
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Kind of a bittersweet moment for me right now...i'm so excited to have finally just completed my set of the 28 Monster companions. I didn't buy any cause they were pricey, so i have patiently waited and applied all of them myself through Monster Eggs i have collected since they first came out. 28 is quite a few to collect! And i love that players had a hand in creating them, even if they aren't as cool as the HoGs were.default smiley 8-) The bitter part is i have nothing to show for it, and my accomplishment amounts to nothing. I won't be getting that trophy i had worked toward for so long!default smiley :'( Even on the tucked away companions page in my Collections, the percentage of "companions by family" i have didn't change in the slightest. Bit of a letdown after what i feel is an actual accomplishment that was a good while in the making. Sigh.
  • Posted messages: 14,543
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Yeah I've given up on my long-term goal of collecting all the Wilds because of the change. I have I think 21 of them but without a trophy or anything to really show other than a little "26/26" number tucked away in the corner of a page that's not even readily viewable there's not much motivation to be had. And it's not worth doing if I can barely even SEE the number imo.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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Can't wait to get my next seniority trophy in 2026 default smiley (zzz) That'll be a party. Whoo!
  • Posted messages: 12,363
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jsniper wrote:

Can't wait to get my next seniority trophy in 2026 default smiley (zzz) That'll be a party. Whoo!

I know, right? I am getting close to my 11 year mark, which would have put me at 11/12 on the old seniority trophy. I was really looking forward to the day i would finally achieve 12/12 on that thing. Now its that percentage bar, which moves painfully slow (as in, hasn't moved at all yet), and now my next seniority "trophy" is set at 5,000 days. I am currently at 3,965, which means i have over 1,000 days to go now, which is significantly more than the 365 plus a little that i was down to. I'm not much good at math, but i think my next seniority trophy will be in 2025 or something. That's IF they don't move the goalposts again between now and then.default smiley (o)
  • Posted messages: 14,543
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Same same @jsniper and @Famousamos
- 1041 days to go on the seniority party.

All that goal does is make me frown tbh
  • Posted messages: 9,705
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I wonder how this has affected the economy of the game. The trophies contributed a lot to the value of the rare coated horses (to the point I started a breeding farm just for 1%ers). Companion trophies gave value to companions and I funded a lot of my game on the back of Yvain and Yokai.

I haven't really tried much since the change but has anyone else seen a change in the value of rarer coats/companions?

Also very sad to see nothing being addressed from the Howrse Team, I've been here on this game on and off for 15 years this year and this has been one of the most feedback heavy players have ever been on a change.
  • Posted messages: 6,540
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15 Zonkeys to bree for Zonkey Trophy V. 25 for level VI.

Some of these trophies are a bit extreme, I'll say. default smiley :s
  • Posted messages: 16,946
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The way the trophies jump in very large numbers is silly, SILLY. default smiley (d)
  • Posted messages: 274
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Didn't count anymore, still haven't taken care of a single horse since the update. It's just fun to update how much they destroy the will to play haha
  • Posted messages: 49
  • Karma: 10 points
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