[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: October 2024

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The Howrse Team
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I was gearing up to start breeding and purchasing horses to get the trophies for coat colours for each breed and then this happens.

Clearly the two Ultimate Packs I bought to get more divines and all the passes I spent getting others were for nothing. default smiley :@
Captain Canada
  • Posted messages: 5,627
  • Karma: 10 points
My thoughts exactly lol
  • Posted messages: 12,674
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As someone who had only just been getting in to collecting, and a non-pass buyer as well, I have to say that even for me this update is horrible. I don't know that I have anything new to say on the subject - everyone else is just as upset as I am (or more so) for the same reasons.

It's ugly. It doesn't tell you what things are. It deleted so many collections. It's ugly. All the pretty detailed trophies are gone. It doesn't show what you need to get/do, or what you have done. It's ugly. It has now rendered so many horses worthless. It. Is. So. Frelling. Ugly.

You messed up big time, Howrse. Yeah, we've been saying this for several terrible and unwanted updates. But seriously. This one has angered your best payers, those who have spent hundreds of thousands of passes on the trophies only to be told that it is now obsolete. Here's a free divine! Thanks, we hate it.
  • Posted messages: 970
  • Karma: 10 points
I hope all the ranking doesn't get messed up and I definitely hope I don't drop too much if it does default smiley :o Just realized that was a possibility and now I'm a bit nervous for the update default smiley (d) Trophies and collecting things were never my strong suit so now that they are separate and both count I feel like I'll drop a lot. default smiley :s
  • Posted messages: 12,363
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I don't put nearly as much work into trophies as some others do, and I love working toward a reward, so I am really trying hard to like this update but I do have questions and some things that don't make sense. Some of them have definitely already been asked, but throwing them out there more times can't hurt so typing them out anyway.

1. Is there no way to show other players what trophies we have? I am assuming that we are supposed to know our own by what level we are on for each, but a number for each trophy level doesn't have the same wow factor as the actual trophies did.

2. Is there a way to tell which reward you will earn next?

3. Are the collections literally just a way to track what you have now? I am way less likely to try to fill any of them if noone else will see them and there is no reward.

4. I understand that they started with the divines more people are likely to have as they were just offered, but really hoping the others get added in soon to make it worthwhile for those with older collections as well (i.e. Solar System, Gemstones, etc). Same thing with the events, not just Great Challenge?

5. Is there a way to track progress in numbers instead of percentages? The percents work fine if you need ten of something but don't give you a good idea where you are when you need 2500...

I don't mind that some of them will be just about unobtainable as they give everyone something to keep working toward and I love that there are prizes involved, but those are my main questions/concerns!
  • Posted messages: 1,531
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jsniper wrote:

I hope all the ranking doesn't get messed up and I definitely hope I don't drop too much if it does default smiley :o Just realized that was a possibility and now I'm a bit nervous for the update default smiley (d) Trophies and collecting things were never my strong suit so now that they are separate and both count I feel like I'll drop a lot. default smiley :s

Huh, I was thinking the opposite! They WERE the main thing with my game ranking, but SO many got deleted and simply don't count anymore that I'm betting I'm going to drop a LOT once this goes through. default smiley :s

I mean, I had all the "have x trophies," the GA and RA ones, the Iris Coat, the breeds by date of birth, the Helios Rays, the individual Wilds, the individual Divines, and probably a lot more that I can't think of that simply never carried over. All that for nothing, I guess.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
  • Karma: 10 points
wishuwell74 wrote:

1. Is there no way to show other players what trophies we have? I am assuming that we are supposed to know our own by what level we are on for each, but a number for each trophy level doesn't have the same wow factor as the actual trophies did.

2. Is there a way to tell which reward you will earn next?

3. Are the collections literally just a way to track what you have now? I am way less likely to try to fill any of them if noone else will see them and there is no reward.

4. I understand that they started with the divines more people are likely to have as they were just offered, but really hoping the others get added in soon to make it worthwhile for those with older collections as well (i.e. Solar System, Gemstones, etc). Same thing with the events, not just Great Challenge?

5. Is there a way to track progress in numbers instead of percentages? The percents work fine if you need ten of something but don't give you a good idea where you are when you need 2500...

1. No, that's gone completely.

2. When you reach 10 rewards you get a Divine. First is Tarpan, second is Tiny, third is Tianma, fourth is Etrian. No one's reached 5th yet. In between, you get one of 9 BMIs in a random order. The list is
1x Aphrodite’s Tears
1x Achilles’ Heel
1x Bonus Pack
1x Fertility Wand
1x Chronos’ Timer
1x Horn of Plenty
1x Philosopher’s Stone
1x Vintage Apple
1x Athenas’s Medal
You don't know EXACTLY which you'll get, but it'll narrow down until you have all of them, and then the Divine, and then it resets.

3. The collections still count for the general ranking, apparently. But they've lost a lot of value since so many are unobtainable that there's no point in trying, and because they don't display anywhere which was a perk. Also the navigation on them sucks.

4. No one knows if they'll add anything from older Divine series yet.

5. No. :/ The layout is REALLY, really bad.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
  • Karma: 10 points
I'm in agreement that this "update" is not an update at all.
An update should make things run better, look nicer (which is sometimes debatable), change something to be more user friendly, ect.
This is definitely not that.

The trophy page looks horrendous. You can't tell by just glancing what a specific trophy is anymore. You have to read each one to find the one you want to work on.
Then I suppose you just guess how many of a certain thing you've done because it's all in percentage now.

There's absolutely no point to collecting breeds or particular coats anymore. Cause who's going to know if you have or haven't without digging through your horses?

Half the fun (for me) of visiting another person's page was to see what trophies they had.
Now you just get to see extremely simple ribbon "trophies" with a number.
I just got my trophy for getting all the Reindeer Divines about a week or so ago. Glad I wasted passes trying to get the few I needed for something that no longer exists.

Why even have the Special Horses under Collections if they just link back to the Special Horses page? What's the point in that??
Not to mention that they didn't even properly set up their Cards page. When you click on one, it pops up with half of it cut off at the very bottom of the screen. And then there's no way to get rid of that until you reload the page or click on another Cards collection.

At this point all that's keeping me on here is the occasional pretty horse and an easy way to talk to my friend.
I feel really bad for all those that have spent thousands of passes and real money just for it all to be snapped away without warning.
But at the same time... What did we really expect? This is Howrse we're talking about.
  • Posted messages: 63
  • Karma: 10 points
Wow. I have to say Howrse have truly outdone themselves with this update. Not only is collecting horses completely pointless, but the money I and others have spent in order to get there is completely and utterly wasted.

The best thing would be for it to change back but I doubt that will happen. Certainly won't be spending ANY more money now. Hopefully if enough people stop spending, they'll realize what a mistake they've made default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 19
  • Karma: 10 points
What makes me angry about this changes is that all the special horses I loved to collect (on which I spent a lot of passes, and sometimes real money) are now worthless. I don't want useless rewards (I'm looking at you, Tarpan) for getting trophies, I want my efforts of 8 years to be worth the time and money I spent.
The more I look/think at this update, the more I get mad. I don't even wanna play this game anymore, honestly.
  • Posted messages: 1
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Well the best way to sum it all up is...ditto. Ditto to what everyone here is saying. I just lost a huge chunk of the interest i had in winning trophies. Just...no. Its only been a day, and i already seriously miss the old trophies, their images, and the simpler, one page set up design. I really miss the display i had on my profile page. The new one is terrible...just awful. The trophy system wasn't broken...but now it is.default smiley :'(
  • Posted messages: 14,544
  • Karma: 10 points
So a lot of people are having the issue of the "trophies" not counting past achievements like rosettes and stuff. I'm kind of having the opposite problem: woke up today to a notification that said I had achieved the Distinctions I trophy, which made me very confused as I have never earned a GP distinction in my game. A few minutes later I had apparently got Distinctions II as well?? Very confused by this.
  • Posted messages: 22
  • Karma: 10 points
Honestly Howrse has just screwed itself out of profit. One of Howrse's big money makers is the fact that players spend money and passes on events and other promotions to achieve divines. Players spent HUNDREDS of dollars to collect every divine within a category. There was pride in displaying your collection of divine trophies, years of work and achievement for those trophies. Sure, they didn't give you prizes, but they were beautiful and a longtime symbol of the effort of time players put into this game, and players were HAPPY to collect and just receive their trophy.

But there's no point in having all the divines anymore, you've got nothing to show for it. Is a single Fertility Wand reward for completing a trophy equivalent to the money that you spent to obtain your divine, or what you could gain from it's perks? No, it's not. Why am I gonna spend passes and money on a divine I don't want, like a Zonkeymily, for a random BMI I could get for free out of an event? Half the BMIs offered as prizes aren't even of much value. And the trophies for the divines now are, at least at the first level, ones you could complete with only owning a single divine in that category. There's no point in owning them all.

At least now there's a really good reason to save your money and only spend on the divines you really want.
  • Posted messages: 1,789
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babraham wrote:

So a lot of people are having the issue of the "trophies" not counting past achievements like rosettes and stuff. I'm kind of having the opposite problem: woke up today to a notification that said I had achieved the Distinctions I trophy, which made me very confused as I have never earned a GP distinction in my game. A few minutes later I had apparently got Distinctions II as well?? Very confused by this.

This also happened to me. I think what trophy is referring to is simply having your horse place anywhere in the grand prix? My horses placed between 1300th and 2900th and I still got the trophy. If this is the case I think they need to make the wording more clear.
  • Posted messages: 975
  • Karma: 10 points
I did try and give the trophies a chance, but they really aren't working for me either. I am disappointed, and already miss the old trophy display. Most of what I'd like to say has already been said, so I will just add a couple of things that haven't been mentioned as much.

Firstly, as a few people touched on, the gaps between each trophy are in some cases too big, or feel really slow. My next seniority achievement is 2500, which is going to take over a year of me logging in daily to achieve. I wouldn't have minded this in the old trophies, but when each trophy is providing points, this seems a bit slow.

The percentage display is also annoying when working with larger numbers for trophies. For example, I need to enter 200,000 competitions. 1% of this is 2000, so even with increments of 1%, I won't be very clear on where I am with this goal - say I am at 99% I will have no way of knowing if I need 1999 comps or only 1 comp to reach the goal. I would prefer to see the actual number of comps I've entered.

I also feel that this trophy system might mess with the economy, and the way people spend their passes. For example, whereas the previous trophy system meant people could go into the sales to buy a GA for a trophy, now players need to use the golden apple themselves to achieve this. People who competitively collect trophies are going to spend more passes at the black market, and less at the sales. Obviously this can benefit howrse, but it does not benefit the players who make passes through sales. I have stashed lots of companions away to eventually sell, but now these seem pretty worthless to anyone but me. I guess all this depends on how the collections affect the ranking compared to trophies, but this doesn't seem to have been clarified yet...
  • Posted messages: 975
  • Karma: 10 points
I was shocked to log in today and go to my page to see, to put it bluntly, the ugliest way you could've redesigned all of those trophies. Like so many people before me have been saying trophies were one of the main reasons people spent money on here (especially divine and coat collecting) ?!!!

I'm a casual player and have never really bought passes only for divines and such but was disappointed in seeing all of my trophies gone I had slowly but surely worked my way toward using my in-game money and seniority to help get them and to display on my page ... and now I can't even figure out what coats I needed last, seriously?
  • Posted messages: 15
  • Karma: 10 points
Lost Thirty positions on Trophy ranking in a single day.
OOOf. default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 16,946
  • Karma: 10 points
Nalu93 wrote:

Lost Thirty positions on Trophy ranking in a single day.
OOOf. default smiley xd

Thankfully I only lost 5 rank

still not too happy bout that
  • Posted messages: 4,577
  • Karma: 10 points
wishuwell74 wrote:

4. I understand that they started with the divines more people are likely to have as they were just offered, but really hoping the others get added in soon to make it worthwhile for those with older collections as well (i.e. Solar System, Gemstones, etc). Same thing with the events, not just Great Challenge?

Yes, they already said they will add more.
Case in point, on the preprod we already have more added for the current event we're testing.

wishuwell74 wrote:

1. Is there no way to show other players what trophies we have? I am assuming that we are supposed to know our own by what level we are on for each, but a number for each trophy level doesn't have the same wow factor as the actual trophies did.

The Devs said they will add collections to our pages in the future.

On this point, here, straight from the Mouth of the devs.

  • Posted messages: 16,946
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i think the idea in itself is not horrible, it's the execution that is. getting prizes for completing trophies is honestly quite a good idea, the problem however is that half of those prizes don't really add all that much to the long-term players (the way i see it). getting rid of certain trophies and changing requirements to be able to get them was also not the smartest idea, since it puts many players off collecting them and it kind of distinguishes the joy of putting in such efforts to collect everything. the way it is designed does not fit the Howrse standard and in my opinion, players are definitely not in the wrong to complain about the design.

if howrse had kept all the trophies they previously had, but simply added prizes for each pitstop (no idea what else to call it) they could have made a lot of people happy, since it would be a separate in-game award as well as the trophies showing on your page.

i like the part where you get prizes for achieving trophies. i dislike the entire execution of it, since it just downplays a lot of effort many players have put into their game
  • Posted messages: 83
  • Karma: 10 points
babraham wrote:

So a lot of people are having the issue of the "trophies" not counting past achievements like rosettes and stuff. I'm kind of having the opposite problem: woke up today to a notification that said I had achieved the Distinctions I trophy, which made me very confused as I have never earned a GP distinction in my game. A few minutes later I had apparently got Distinctions II as well?? Very confused by this.

Batgirl wrote:

This also happened to me. I think what trophy is referring to is simply having your horse place anywhere in the grand prix? My horses placed between 1300th and 2900th and I still got the trophy. If this is the case I think they need to make the wording more clear.

I am very confused about this as well...i suddenly got the I, II, and III GP Distinction trophies? I've never won any GP distinction either. I'm so confused! This whole trophy redo thing is like a really bad nightmare.

Also, as a side note, i saw some people some pages back asking about the droppings trophy...i can say that mine says i'm 81% of the way to a diamond trophy that requires 1,000,000 droppings! I don't know if there are any higher diamond levels, but the one i'm currently working towards is called Master of the manure pile XIII. Not sure i'll ever get there though, since i often fertilize some of my plant divines.
  • Posted messages: 14,544
  • Karma: 10 points
RheaMone wrote:

Thankfully I only lost 5 rank

still not too happy bout that

Most of my trophies were in collecting, since I am a RC collector, so of course I would take a hit.
But boy, what a slide default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 16,946
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I must say, that as someone who was never interested in a bunch of useless trophies, I am really happy about the new system that actually gives us some rewards for achievements on the game.
Sorry for those of you who liked collecting trophies.
  • Posted messages: 619
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  • Seniority: 5,654 days
My main thing is I just hate how it looks on my main page default smiley :( I liked the old way better
It’s like I don’t get to display my achievements rather they’re all group together behind a “bronze” medal so to speak
It really doesn’t feel like I’ve accomplished anything
  • Posted messages: 355
  • Karma: 10 points
Nalu93 wrote:

Lost Thirty positions on Trophy ranking in a single day.
OOOf. default smiley xd

Same here, I lost over 500 places because all my trophies were collection ones! I had nearly 300 trophies and now have only 88, Tarpan doesn't quite make up for that
  • Posted messages: 1,567
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