[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: June 2024

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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By Retired breeder, 26th September 2021 09:43:12
Hi admins! There’s a bug -while doing objectives and hitting mile points (like unlocking direct sales), whenever Emma appears- she appears twice. First she appears for a second and turns off, and then appears properly. It’s quite annoying tbh. default smiley :)
I play on lpad, system ios.
Retired breeder wrote:

Hi admins! There’s a bug -while doing objectives and hitting mile points (like unlocking direct sales), whenever Emma appears- she appears twice. First she appears for a second and turns off, and then appears properly. It’s quite annoying tbh. default smiley :)
I play on lpad, system ios.

Contact Us. Admin dont monitor the forums. Go to the bottom of any page, click the link that says Contact Us. Get some more information together about whats happening, including screenshots. Use the I have a bug option. Give them all the info you can. Including if you have done the usual housekeeping and cleared your browser cache.
  • Posted messages: 92,278
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By Retired breeder, 26th September 2021 16:22:52
Ayjay wrote:

Contact Us. Admin dont monitor the forums. Go to the bottom of any page, click the link that says Contact Us. Get some more information together about whats happening, including screenshots. Use the I have a bug option. Give them all the info you can. Including if you have done the usual housekeeping and cleared your browser cache.

Oh okay, sorry! On polish server they do, so I assumed that here the same thing happens. I’ll write on contact then.

Check out this month's brand new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best wishes,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 12,330
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"Changes made to the daily objectives page:
>> Added a button to replace a daily objective once a day in exchange for equus"

*Finally!!!* default smiley (l) Outstanding! default smiley (y)
Becky Barnes
  • Posted messages: 98,966
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By Retired breeder, 5th October 2021 10:37:31
default smiley (lol), I can't see a button - could you tell me whereabouts it is pl?
okay, so where is the store, item exchange, and horse sales now on mobile because the only thing there is black market now.

also PRAISE BE it's about TIME for the objectives change.
  • Posted messages: 544
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By Retired breeder, 5th October 2021 11:11:43
Retired breeder wrote:

default smiley (lol), I can't see a button - could you tell me whereabouts it is pl?

There is a blue rounded button with white arrows on the upper right corner of each objective.

Very helpful update! default smiley (ow)
/reply "okay, so where is the store, item exchange, and horse sales now on mobile because the only thing there is black market now.

also PRAISE BE it's about TIME for the objectives change." /Reply

I thought it was just me! Also inventory is gone too. Ugh. How do I get everything back?
  • Posted messages: 88
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I dont see how to swap out objectives yet, but amazing change
  • Posted messages: 327
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I definitely appreciate the button that changes the daily objectives in exchange for equus. Thanks, howrse!!!
  • Posted messages: 4
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Kiru wrote:

I dont see how to swap out objectives yet, but amazing change

At the top right of each objective box, there is a small blue circle with two arrows on it. If it's not showing up for you, I would try clearing your catch and cookies and trying again.
  • Posted messages: 1,081
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I really like the fact that I have the option to change objectives. There have been too many times where I was thisclose to getting a H.O.P, but was unable to do so because the objectives were impossible foe me to complete.
  • Posted messages: 108
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Great, so now that the last reason why players would feel forced to do an unwanted objective has been removed, can we PLEASE bring back the 'remove wings from a horse' one? I have a bunch of foundies that I'd like to return to their original appearance. default smiley (a)
  • Posted messages: 20,868
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i like the obj change sort of. i actually recommended it to the game through contact us. but i think they should have put limits on it. my suggestion was ONCE a week. or the price should go up every time you use it and reset on monday.
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 12,631
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I don't have it on here or UK, but I can swap out on CA. I have cleared my cache as well.
  • Posted messages: 10,267
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sierrarc wrote:

At the top right of each objective box, there is a small blue circle with two arrows on it. If it's not showing up for you, I would try clearing your catch and cookies and trying again.

no it doesnt seem to be there. default smiley (o)
  • Posted messages: 327
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Lovely update with regards to the daily objective renewal. default smiley (l)

(No need IMO to restrict this one further beyond the once-per-day limit; there is no guarantee one will be able or willing to complete the one new objective either even though the button is used.)
  • Posted messages: 321
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Kiru wrote:

no it doesnt seem to be there.
what are the 2 obj? i wonder if they are to easy you don't get the option. like i only have the option on 1 of my obj which is to cover a female donkey. the other obj which is use an aging point i don't have the option.
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 12,631
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if you don't have the option to change are your obj pretty easy? like anyone can do it. i wonder if you don't get the option on obj that the game deems really easy. i have the option on only one obj which is cover a female donkey. which not everyone has donkeys or the ability to easily get them so being able to skip it would be helpful for some. the other one is use an AP. everyone has APs or the ability to get 1 AP so there's no need to have the option to skip it.
Hiram Farmer
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I have to win a rosette, which isn't what I would call "easy" for the majority.
  • Posted messages: 10,267
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Oathkeeper wrote:

I have to win a rosette, which isn't what I would call "easy" for the majority.
well there goes that theory.
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 12,631
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Someone pointed out its likely because i logged in before the update was added default smiley (o)
  • Posted messages: 327
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That Daily Objective thing is finally a useful one. Miracles do happen, it seems - good job!
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
  • Posted messages: 34,839
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Kiru wrote:

Someone pointed out its likely because i logged in before the update was added default smiley (o)
have you tried clearing cache/cookies. logging in and out.
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 12,631
  • Karma: 10 points
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