[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: October 2024

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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I'm excited they're adding donkey unis, but quite disappointed about Tianma's perk not working, that doesn't seem fairdefault smiley :( Also I'm wondering if we'll be able to add wings to donkeys now? They didn't say anything about that in the dev's corner but if they'll have horns it would only make sense to be able to give them wings as well and have the full spectrum of species
  • Posted messages: 235
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princessash22 wrote:

I'm excited they're adding donkey unis, but quite disappointed about Tianma's perk not working, that doesn't seem fair
From another point of view, it's quite fair to keep everyone at three covers only, instead of allowing some players to get an extra advantage. Breeding Unicorns of any kind is just not the same as breeding ordinary Donkeys.

princessash22 wrote:

Also I'm wondering if we'll be able to add wings to donkeys now? They didn't say anything about that in the dev's corner but if they'll have horns it would only make sense to be able to give them wings as well and have the full spectrum of species
If it doesn't say anything about adding Winged Donkeys and Winged Donkey Unicorns, then they almost certainly aren't added. Frankly, rolling out all three new "species" at once could create issues with the game's programming, which is far more annoying a prospect than that of waiting for them to eventually roll out being able to use Medusa's Blood on Donkeys. I would expect that they'll eventually add that now that they've added horns, but later instead of everything all at once. Trying to do too much at once can upset a number of things on a game.
Becky Barnes
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By Retired breeder, 24th August 2021 22:20:01
Really excited about the donkeys finally getting some deserved love! However, I'm a bit confused at why the flash sales option is in advanced options for sales search filters. Of course players who can make their own custom filters have an advantage here but if I hadn't gone to make a new filter then I doubt I would've noticed the feature at all.
I'm totally missing what's going on with the "Added an option to enable players to follow and find horse sales more easily." What was changed or added?
Glory Days
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Glory Days wrote:

I'm totally missing what's going on with the "Added an option to enable players to follow and find horse sales more easily." What was changed or added?

You can "favorite" or star horses in the sales by clicking the row of that sale. The rows now highlight when you hover over them.

To find any horse sales you have saved, you'll find a "show flash sales" option under more criteria.
Legacy Ann
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Becky Barnes wrote:

From another point of view, it's quite fair to keep everyone at three covers only, instead of allowing some players to get an extra advantage
Except that the whole point of VIP is paying for advantages. Players paid however many passes to get Tianma in the first place, for his perk. Plus many players pay passes every month (or every 6 months) for the increased chance of breeding a uni perk. Both of which are useless with donkeycorns.
Crystal Coven
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Crystal Coven wrote:

Except that the whole point of VIP is paying for advantages. Players paid however many passes to get Tianma in the first place, for his perk. Plus many players pay passes every month (or every 6 months) for the increased chance of breeding a uni perk. Both of which are useless with donkeycorns.
Yes, I have a VIP and understand why I go for that option. However, since I never expected anything like Donkey Unicorns to ever be added to the game, I'm not bothered by those "perks" not applying to them. I never paid for the perks thinking "wow one day we'll have Donkey Unicorns and this will be so cool!". Others' mileage on that may vary and that's fine.

The increased chance of a Unicorn foal doesn't apply to Drafters, either. And Drafters have never had an advantage like Tianma extends to Donkeys. I'm sure some players who are very into Draft breeding probably don't find that fair, and I do see their point.

I have a great fondness for Donkeys on this game, but that doesn't extend to Donkey Unicorns the way some may have expected in my case -- I honestly think they're a bit silly, and making a Unicorn out of everything is (to me) heading for the same kind of idea held by the players who feel we have too many Divines. Too many of something = not all that special anymore. I will collect a couple Donkey Unicorns for Trophies and amusing toys to hang GA coats on, and that will be it. (I already breed pony Unicorns, and they're enough of a rabbit hole.)

TL;DR -- I see what you're saying, and you aren't wrong. I just don't feel very passionately about the things, as it isn't the game I play.
Becky Barnes
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I... am not impressed. I have both Qilin and Tianma, and neither will do me any good with donkey unicorns? Qilin I can kind of sort of understand. draft unis weren't even a thing when he was first released, so I can understand that allowing for extra coverings on limited covering species was never his intention. It's weird that he works for drafts but not donkeys, but I guess Qilin's low GP would actively help donkey breeding where it's normally a hinderance with other breeds, so I kind of understand.

Tianma though... He was specifically created as a +1 booster for the already limited covering donkeys. What's more, you have to both have Tianma and have VIP for the perk to work. Having it conveniently go away when it would become more valuable is REALLY not okay.

Honestly, I'm kind of amazed that Kaktos' perk works here since Howrse is stiffing all the other Divine Perks. (Personally miffed since I have the other two but not him, but that's obviously just a me problem)

I feel like this is going to make me way less likely to buy any divines that don't just give straight passes on a regular schedule in the future. default smiley :@
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I honestly feel that the whole Qilin part could have been fixed by increasing his GP a bit, as it is honestly really outdated and could use it at this point.
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Can the objective of "Give Birth to a Unicorn" please be removed? If it were in the first 100 goals, I wouldn't mind so much, but this is a terrible way of breaking a player's streak.

I've already had to spend around 80 passes to buy pregnant unicorns because I was low on aging points and that seemed like the better solution - since I'd be filling up my collection as well as getting unicorn foals out of it - , (never mind that I already used quite a few aging points of my unicorns to breed them and to have them reach the end of their gestation period). And after five of the unicorns I either bought or bred myself, I didn't get a single unicorn foal. I get the chance is 1 in 5, but those odds are pretty unfair for people trying to actually complete the goals, the cost is higher than what you get from completing the objective and the uni fails do nothing but take up space.
  • Posted messages: 3,356
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GhostlyHaunts wrote:

Can the objective of "Give Birth to a Unicorn" please be removed? If it were in the first 100 goals, I wouldn't mind so much, but this is a terrible way of breaking a player's streak.

This is actually one of the easier objectives. All you need is 1 male and bunch of females of the same breed. As soon as the females are old enough, start breeding them. It doesn't really interfere with the blupping process. They also make a good AP farm. As long as you've got at least 10 pregnant at any given time the chance of completing this objective is pretty high.

The objective I don't really care for is the Remove a uni horn one. But that's what male uni foals are for.

PS: Uni fails sell for 2000e (instead of 400e) in the Safe Haven so these I save for that objective.
Crystal Coven
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I am kind of excited about the donkey unicorns coming out. If I remember correctly, a lot of players have been asking for this for a long time. I think it would be cool if we could breed mules on here. But I have a question. For those of us that have a Midas, will we be able to have an apple turn into a GA on the first of the month on a Donkey Unicorn? Or will that only be for regular donkies?
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@CowboyCrazyGirl midas will work as soon as they're are golden coats for the donkey unicorn available
  • Posted messages: 56
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Howrse - thank you for the Kaktos tweak, so we can get uni donkeys that way, if we want to default smiley (k)
  • Posted messages: 9,705
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How much is the golden key it wont show up on my screen all i get is the green bar when i click on it takes me to buy passes
shelley revell
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Please add a setting to disable popups. I don't need a popup every 5 seconds during the event or every time I get fragments. They're unnecessary and I find them to be a nuisance. Please add a way to disable them. Next thing you know we'll be getting popups every time a horse finds an AP..
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Obscurus wrote:

@CowboyCrazyGirl midas will work as soon as they're are golden coats for the donkey unicorn available

Yay, I can focus on getting those coats for a while.... If I am able to breed a lot of donkey unicorns...
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I would like to tell you about a problem I am currently having with my Quindecim.
I feel a little ridiculous for not noticing it sooner than this.
Five days have gone by since he last updated and collected passes.
I know this because there are 5 days of competitions, 5 drinks of water,
and 5 grooming's on his page. You cannot give the divine, Quindecim,
more than 1 drink per day or 1 grooming per day.

I was wondering if anyone else has noticed having a problem with their
divine, Quindecim, too. I am getting ready to send Contact a message.
If you would please post back here to let the community know that would
be very good. You can also send a message to Contact.

Thank you for your help and advice.
default smiley (h)
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I sent a message to Contact. I received a reply telling me that it was resolved.
I just clicked onto the Quindecim's page and it has not been resolved. His page
still has several days of endless competitions on his page. Apparently nothing has
been resolved.

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A new Devs’ Corner has arrived!

Check out this month's brand-new features on Howrse!

Best wishes,
The Howrse Team
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This is a simple devs update lol
  • Posted messages: 134
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By Retired breeder, 14th September 2021 14:36:16
default smiley (y)default smiley (l)default smiley ^)default smiley ^)
Did we really need a Dev's Corner message for this default smiley (o)
Feels like it could have been just a blanket Inbox message "hey we added a error message for this thing"
  • Posted messages: 3,433
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kachar wrote:

Did we really need a Dev's Corner message for this default smiley (o)
Feels like it could have been just a blanket Inbox message "hey we added a error message for this thing"

I think its probably a case of keeping to the same formula and keeping the logs in the change log so that everything is available for a longer time
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deimos wrote:

I think its probably a case of keeping to the same formula and keeping the logs in the change log so that everything is available for a longer time

Fair point.
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